Biscuit on kefir get exactly! The most successful recipes for biscuits on kefir: we bake in the oven and in the multicooker

Biscuit on kefir get exactly! The most successful recipes for biscuits on kefir: we bake in the oven and in the multicooker

Biscuits on kefir can be attributed to economical baking. Sour milk drink greatly increases the output of the cake, while virtually no effect on the taste. If everything is done correctly, no one will distinguish the kefir biscuit from butter, egg or any other. From it you can make a delicious cake or sprinkle with powder and serve for tea.

Sponge cake on kefir - general principles of cooking

Kefir for the test, you can use any: fresh, peroxide, does not matter the percentage of fat. In the dough sour milk drink is poured in a warm form. It should be heated gently and quite a bit so as not to curd the curd.

What else is added:

• eggs;

• sugar;

• flour;

• butter;

• baking powder.

For aroma and taste put vanilla, cocoa, zest, cinnamon. Prepared pastry is used either, or used for cakes. In this case, the cakes are soaked with syrups, smeared with creams, jam, chocolate spreads and other sweet masses.

Baking biscuits

Biscuits can be baked in any form and simply on trays covered with paper, silicone mats. It is convenient to use detachable forms with removable sides. After smearing the pot, you can sprinkle the surface with flour. Silicone forms can not be lubricated, they are quite convenient, but you can not leave pastries in them for a long time. Otherwise, the bottom will dry.

Biscuits are baked at an average temperature of 180 to 200. The thicker the dough layer, the lower the temperature should be. Willingness is checked with a dry stick. It is necessary to stick a match or a toothpick into the central part of the biscuit, then touch it. Baking is ready if the stick is dry and does not stick.

Recipe 1: Vanilla sponge cake on kefir

Recipe ordinary biscuit on yogurt with vegetable oil. It is combined with any fillings and creams. Baking soda is used as a baking powder. Ingredients

• 0.25 liters of kefir;

• 0.17 kg of flour;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 3 eggs;

• 3coat oil;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• 1 bag of vanilla.


1. We break eggs. If they are large, then you can take two. Turn on the mixer, beat about a minute.

2. Pour prescription sugar and beat for another five minutes. All grains should dissolve, the mass will become white and fluffy.

3. In kefir quench soda. We do this in a large bowl, as the reaction goes, the milk mixture starts to foam and slightly increases.

4. Pour kefir into the dough, you can stir with a mixer, slowing down.

5. Next pour the vegetable oil.

6. It remains to add flour with vanilla. It is very important not to stir the dough for a long time, just a few movements.

7. Pour the dough into the form.

8. Bake until tender. Remove from the mold after cooling.

Recipe 2: Biscuit on kefir in the oven with butter

Another simple recipe for biscuit on kefir in the oven. The dough is prepared with butter, which must be obtained in advance and kept warm. Some housewives in order to save add the usual margarine and everything also turns out perfectly.


• oil 100 grams (softened);

• three eggs;

• a glass of sugar;

• a glass of kefir;

• 2 cups of flour;

• one tsp. soda ordinary;

• vanilla.


1. Immediately set the oven to heat up. The dough for this recipe is prepared very quickly.

2. Throw soda in kefir, mix and leave aside for now.

3. Beat butter with sugar for a few seconds, add eggs to it.

4. Carefully, in small portions enter kefir. It is important that the mass does not exfoliate. Beat dough for a couple of minutes.

5. Add sifted flour. Now it's better to arm yourself with a big spoon and stir the dough with light movements from the bottom to the top.

6. Pour the biscuit mass into a previously prepared mold and immediately send it to the oven.

Recipe 3: Biscuit on kefir in the “Soft” multicooker

Biscuit variant on kefir in a slow cooker, which turns out very soft and gentle. It is not necessary to coat it with cream, it is enough just to powder it with powder or chocolate crumb. A 250 ml beaker is used.


• two eggs;

• one glass of sugar;

• one bag of ripper;

• one glass of kefir;

• 2 cups of flour;

• 150 g of oil.


1. Sift together the flour with a standard bag of ripper (10 grams).

2. Whip butter with sugar.

3. Add a spoonful of kefir. As soon as the mass becomes thinner, you can simply pour the remains.

4. Continue to beat and gradually introduce the eggs.

5. It remains to knead the flour, which should already lie next in the sifted form.

6. Stir the dough.

7. Lubricate the capacity of the multicooker with a piece of oil.

8. Pour out the biscuit mass, level the top with a spoon so that the layer thickness is the same. We are closing.

9. Set the baking program for an hour, then add another 20 minutes. You can put the kettle!

Recipe 4: Chocolate sponge cake on cake for yogurt

Variant of very successful and easy to prepare cake layers for chocolate cake. At the same time, the biscuit is also quite economical. Used black cocoa powder without added sugar.


• 300 ml of kefir;

• 250 grams of flour;

• 300 grams of sugar;

• four eggs;

• three spoons of cocoa;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• 0.2 tsp. vanilla.


1. Beat sugar together with eggs.

2. Add kefir with soda slaked in it, stir the mass with a spoon. The mixer is no longer useful, remove.

3. Combine flour with vanilla and cocoa powder. Be sure to sift, otherwise the lumps will not disperse in the sponge mass.

4. Pour out all the dough. Do not mix for a long time.

5. Pour into the smeared form, level the layer with a spoon.

6. We send to bake.

Recipe 5: Lemon sponge cake in kefir in the oven (with vegetable oil)

A fragrant version of biscuit on kefir in the oven, which does not even need lemons. It is enough to have a little peel - a thin yellow citrus crust. It contains all the flavor of lemon. Similarly, you can use orange zest.


• 1 cup of sugar;

• 1 tsp. grated zest;

• 3 eggs;

• 2 cup flour;

• 1 cup of kefir;

• 90 ml of oil;

• 0.5 tsp. ripper and soda.


1. Beat eggs with sugar until foam.

2. Mix kefir with soda and ripper, send to the eggs. Just stir.

3. Pour in the oil. It is advisable to use an odorless product.

4. Mix the chopped zest with flour, you can add a little vanilla. The aroma will be more interesting.

5. Combine the flour mixture with kefir mass, stir the dough.

6. Pour into cooked mold, without delay, put in the oven.

Recipe 6: Chocolate sponge cake on a kefir in a slow cooker

Another simple biscuit on kefir for multicooker. No need for chocolate, regular cocoa powder is used. The fat content of cream from 15% and above.


• 2.5 cups of flour;

• 100 ml of cream;

• 4 eggs;

• 25 grams of cocoa;

• 1 pinch of soda;

• 400 ml of kefir;

• 1.5 cups of sugar.


1. Beat until a sturdy egg foam with sugar.

2. Pour kefir, stir with several movements. Beat at this stage is no longer necessary.

3. Add the cream, and gently mix.

4. Pour flour, cocoa and a pinch of soda into a sieve. You can use half a teaspoon of baking powder. Sift.

5. Combine chocolate flour with kefir mixture.

6. Pour the dough into a greased bowl of the slow cooker.

7. Set the baking mode for an hour.

8. Immediately do not remove the biscuit, give a little more to stand under the lid. Open gradually, otherwise the baking may fall.

Recipe 7: Sponge cake on kefir without eggs

For making such a biscuit on kefir do not even need eggs. A very good recipe for baking, which is prepared of only five ingredients. Suitable for vegetarian menus. Ingredients

• 2 cups of flour;

• 1 cup of kefir;

• a glass of sugar;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• 7 spoons of butter.


1. Slightly heat the kefir. It is important not to overdo it so that the whey does not separate, the curd does not turn out.

2. Add soda, stir.

3. As soon as the reaction has passed, the mass will stop bubbling, introducing granulated sugar. Stir until dissolved.

4. Pour in prescription oil.

5. We enter two glasses of the sifted flour.

6. It remains to pour the dough into a mold and bake until tender. The taste of this biscuit is neutral, it requires the addition of cream, jam, jam or soaking with syrup.

Recipe 8: Poppy seed cake on kefir in the oven

An amazing variant of sponge cake with extraordinary flavor. Poppy need to pre-rinse and dry. Recipe for dough without eggs.


• a glass of kefir;

• 0.3 glass of poppy;

• 0.15 kg butter;

• one cup of powder;

• 2 cups of flour;

• 1.5 tsp. ripper;

• vanilla, cinnamon, zest to taste.


1. Mix the kefir with the washed poppy. Leave for a while, while the rest of the ingredients are prepared.

2. The oil must be softened warm in advance. Combine it with powder and whip until fluffy.

3. We introduce gradually poppy kefir, continue to beat. Stratification should not occur. We take products of the same temperature.

4. Combine flour with baking powder. To taste we throw cinnamon, vanilla, grated zest. But you can cook without additives, it also turns out decently.

5. Mix the dough with flour.

6. We shift in the form and bake.

Recipe 9: Biscuit on yogurt with berries

A variant of a very simple sponge cake with berries added to the dough. You can take currants, raspberries, cherries and any other, you need quite a bit.


• 0.3 kg of sugar;

• 0.5 cups of berries;

• 3 eggs;

• 0.3 liters of kefir;

• 0.35 kg of flour;

• 1 bag ripper.


1. Beat eggs and sugar until fluffiness is at least six minutes. We set the maximum speed of the mixer. 2. Pour kefir.

3. Add flour and baking powder. Stir.

4. We send biscuit dough in the mold. Spoon level the top.

5. It remains to add berries. Be sure to wash and dry. We lay out the top in any order. Deepen is not necessary. When baking, the dough will absorb them.

6. Put the future masterpiece in the oven, bake.

Sponge cake on kefir - tips and tricks

• Kefir in biscuits can be replaced with yogurt, ryazhenka and other dairy products. But they should not contain chemical dyes, preservatives, sugar substitutes. Many do not tolerate heating and behave unpredictably under the influence of high temperatures.

• Adding butter to sponge dough is a delicate matter. Very often, it exfoliates from the total mass and is taken lumps. To prevent this from happening, the liquid ingredient is gradually introduced into the oil, first in small portions. The temperature of the products should be the same.

• Any sponge cake will be more delicious if you add vanilla, cinnamon, raisins, berries, coconut chips, and fruits to it. There is a huge amount of options and they can be found in any kitchen.

• Soda is often used in kefir biscuits, but it is very important not to overdo it and put it strictly according to the recipe. Otherwise, baking will have an unpleasant taste and peculiar smell.

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