Charlotte with pears - a very juicy pie! Recipes of different charlottes with pears for soulful tea drinking

Charlotte with pears - a very juicy pie! Recipes of different charlottes with pears for soulful tea drinking

For some reason, with the word charlotte, many imply a pie with apples.

But this is not the case.

Charlottes are cooked with a variety of fruits and berries.

One of the successful fillings is pears. Charlottes with them are juicy and fragrant.

Let's bake?

Charlotte with pears - general principles of preparation

The classic dough for sharlotki with pears is a regular sponge cake on eggs with sugar. Thanks to the juice of the fruit, the crumb becomes wet and tender. Increasingly, fruit pies are made from dough on kefir, butter, sour cream and even in mayonnaise, the recipe is just below. Together with wheat flour can be used semolina, corn flour, oatmeal.

Pears for charlotte cut into pieces or slices. The bit is thrown away. Fruits can be laid immediately in the dough. Sometimes they make a central layer of pears. You can put the pieces on the bottom of the form or on top of the dough. It all depends on the recipe and your own desire. Bake pies in the oven. For most recipes, you can use a slow cooker. But here it is worth considering the amount of dough. Since the big cake in it bake does not work.

Charlotte with biscuit dough pears

The recipe for a simple charlotte with pears, the dough for which is prepared according to the type of classic sponge cake made from eggs with sugar. The cake is easy, soft, relatively quickly baked.


• a glass of flour;

• three eggs;

• four pears;

• 0.3 tsp. salts;

• 0.5 tsp. ripper;

• a glass of sugar;

• nutmeg, cinnamon or vanilla.


1. Immediately turn on the oven, let it warm at 190 degrees, the preparation of this test is quite fast.

2. Cut the pears into slices. Sprinkle with cinnamon or a small amount of nutmeg.

3. Beat the eggs and sand until fluffy, add some salt to the dough for flavor. Weight should increase at least 2.5 times.

4. Add flour with ripper, stir.

5. Now it's the turn of the pears. Put the fruit in the dough, stir, put the mass in a greased mold. 6. Or put the dough in the form, scatter the slices of fruit, cut large.

7. Bake a pear charlotte until dry. If the cake is not high, then it will take no more than half an hour. If the form is small and the charlotte is high, then it is advisable to reduce the temperature to 180 and hold the cake in the oven for 50-60 minutes.

Charlotte with pears from dough on kefir

The recipe is a simple charlotte, which you need to always have on hand. The cake is prepared in a few minutes, you can replace the kefir with any fermented milk product.


• a glass of kefir;

• 0.75 cup of sugar;

• three pears;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• 120 g margarine / butter;

• flour 1.5 cups;

• two eggs.


1. Pour the kefir into the bowl, add the soda, stir, let the reactions go.

2. After a minute, the mass will stop foaming, add eggs with sugar, whisk.

3. Butter or margarine must be melted. Then cool the fat, pour in kefir with the rest of the ingredients.

4. It remains only to fill the flour. For aroma, you can add a bag of vanilla. Dough is ready!

5. Rinse and dry the pears, cut into cubes, bypassing the bits. Pour into the dough, stir.

6. In a greased form, pour the dough with pears.

7. Bake at 180. For a mold with a diameter of 20 cm, it will take 35-40 minutes. But be guided by the abilities of the soy oven.

8. If you plan to bake a cake in a slow cooker, then put a full cycle, on average, it lasts 50 minutes.

Charlotte with mayonnaise dough pears

Option available dough for charlotte with pears. Mayonnaise for him, you can take any. If the sauce is thin, then you may need to add a little more flour. Look for consistency.


• three eggs;

• 1.3 cups of flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• 0.3 kg pears;

• 4 spoons of mayonnaise;

• vanilla;

• 0.5 bag ripper;

• 0.5 tsp. cinnamon;

• 1 spoon with a mountain of powder.


1. Break eggs into a bowl for kneading dough, pour sugar sand to them.

2. Beat with a mixer for three minutes.

3. Add mayonnaise, beat another half a minute.

4. Add flour, add either a ripper, or hydrated soda, stir. Rate the consistency. The mass should turn out not liquid, the dough will slowly drain from the spoon. 5. Cut the pears into long slices.

6. Transfer the dough into the baking dish.

7. Top with a layer of pear slices. If all do not fit, you can drown a piece of the cake.

8. Bake immediately, the oven should already be heated to 180. Before serving, sprinkle with the powder mixed with cinnamon powder.

Charlotte with pears and raisins

A variant of very tasty charlotte with pears, the dough for which is used cupcake. Raisin for the cake in advance to soak, so that the grapes were soft and juicy.


• 100 g of oil;

• 120 g of flour;

• 0.3 kg pears;

• 2 eggs;

• 100 g of sugar;

• 0.3 tsp. ripper;

• 50 g raisins;

• salt.


1. Immediately melt the butter, you can warm up a piece in the microwave. Cool it down.

2. Raise the raisins with warm water. If time is short, you can use hot water, but not boiling water. Allow the dry berries to swell, then drain the water. Put the raisins on a dry cloth, let dry.

3. Peel the pears, cut into small pieces or small slices.

4. Prepare the dough. For this you need to beat the eggs with sand to a very good foam, you can immediately throw a pinch of salt.

5. Add melted butter to the eggs, stir with a spoon.

6. Add flour, throw baking powder, stir gently, try not to settle the foam.

7. Now you can add raisins and pears, sprinkle together to ensure that the filling is evenly distributed.

8. It remains to shift the dough into the form, bake at 180. For such a charlotte will take 40-45 minutes.

Charlotte with pears and apples

By themselves, pears are sweet enough. Charlotte with them will turn out much more tasty if you add a few apples. Choose sour varieties. Another feature of this recipe is the use of corn flour.


• 0.5 cups of wheat flour;

• 0.5 cups of corn flour;

• 1 tsp. without ripper tuber;

• 4 eggs;

• 2 pears;

• 2 apples;

• 180 g of sugar;

• 20 g butter.


1. Both types of flour need to sift. To them, you can immediately pour the ripper.

2. The form must be greased with a thick layer of butter. It will not allow the pie to stick to the pot, it will give the pie a ruddy crust. 3. Prepare the fruit immediately. Cut the apples and pears into any pieces, skin should not be removed. To keep the pieces of apple darker, you can sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice.

4. Heat up the stove 180.

5. When everything is prepared, you can begin to knead the dough.

6. Connect eggs and sand in a bowl. Take the mixer and whip at the maximum rpm of 6-7 minutes.

7. Pour both types of flour with ripper, stir.

8. We shift the fruit in the form, oiled.

9. Fill the yellow dough with cornmeal flour.

10. We bake. Depending on the diameter of the form, the process will take from 30 to 50 minutes.

Charlotte with pears (dough on semolina)

Option manna charlotte or mannica with pears. The recipe is notable for the fact that it does not require eggs. In this case, the cake turns out very tasty.


• a glass of semolina;

• 600 g pears;

• a glass of flour;

• 120 g of oil;

• a glass of sugar;

• 8 g ripper;

• a glass of kefir.


1. Combine kefir with sugar and semolina, leave for half an hour. Periodically, the mass should be stirred to croup swell evenly.

2. During this time, cut into large pieces of pear.

3. The form is lubricated, sprinkled with two spoons of semolina.

4. Add flour and ripper to the swollen mass, throw a pinch of salt and stir. Depending on the density of yogurt, you can not pour the whole cup of flour.

5. Mix the dough with pieces of pears. We shift to the previously lubricated, sprinkled mold.

6. Bake the semolina 45 minutes.

7. If you use a slow cooker, cook for 50 minutes. You can turn at the end so that the upper crust is baked.

Charlotte with pears and curd

Recipe for cottage cheese charlotte with pears. The pie turns out incredibly fragrant, tasty, nourishing. Cottage cheese for him will fit any.


• 0.5 cup of sugar;

• 60 g margarine / butter;

• a glass of flour;

• 3 eggs;

• 4 full spoons of cottage cheese;

• 2 pears;

• 1 tsp. ripper;

• 4 spoons of crackers;

• 20 ml of oil.


1. Cut the pears into slices, set aside for a while.

2. Pound cottage cheese with a fork, add nothing to it. 3. Melt prescription margarine or butter.

4. Eggs combine in the same bowl with sand. Beat as for a biscuit. The foam should turn white, thick.

5. Gently add butter, flour and ripper, stir the dough.

6. Prepare the form. Brush with oil, then sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

7. On the croutons lay out a layer of pears. If desired, sprinkle with cinnamon.

8. Top make a layer of cottage cheese.

9. Now you need to pour the biscuit dough.

10. Bake such a cake for 35-40 minutes, setting the oven at 180 ° C.

Charlotte with pears - tips and tricks

• To clean or not skin in pears? In fact, it all depends on the thickness. If the skin is thin, then you can leave. If the crust is hard, thick and hard to chew, then it will spoil the cake.

• Charlotte will turn out lush and will not settle in the oven, if you add a little baking ripper to the dough.

• If there is no special form for the pie, you can use a frying pan. Inside, the vessel needs to be greased with any fat, you can additionally sprinkle with crackers, semolina or just flour.

• You can add not only flour, but also ground oatmeal to the dough for charlotte. The usual cake will get a different taste and will be more useful.

• Pears themselves are sweet, the cakes with them are cloying. Adding sour apples and berries to the filling is welcome. Tasty with lemon slices. You can sprinkle the fruit slices with the sour juice of citrus before putting it into the mold or into the dough.

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