A cake made from cottage cheese without baking doesn’t get any easier; you can't think of anything better! Recipes for cottage cheese cakes with cookies, chocolate and gelatin

A cake made from cottage cheese without baking doesn’t get any easier; you can't think of anything better! Recipes for cottage cheese cakes with cookies, chocolate and gelatin

Cakes without baking are quick and original, both in taste and in the process of creation. If you have never seen it, then just imagine that instead of the oven the main tool will be ... a refrigerator!

If your fantasy permits this, then there will be nothing complicated with cooking - neither the curd layers, nor the gelatin creams will scare you. And homework? And you don't tell them at first, they will be surprised!

Cottage cheese cakes without baking - general principles of cooking

• Cheesecake cakes can be made with or without cookies. Dessert is formed in detachable forms or bowls, the bottom and walls of which are covered with necessarily food film. Parchment paper or foil may be required to make a cake with cookies.

• In the preparation of dessert, it is desirable to use fat and not dry cottage cheese. The presence of grains in the product does not matter, since in any case it should be ground through a sieve. To facilitate the process, you can use a blender.

• Diversify the appearance and taste of the dessert by tinting the curd mass with cocoa powder or mixing it with melted chocolate. Sometimes add raisins and nuts.

• For cakes without baking from the curd, square-shaped shortbread is best suited. It is well impregnated with curd cream and crumbles easily. Using whole cookies allows you to give a variety of dessert. The crumb is mixed with butter and used to prepare the base on which the cake is formed.

• Gelatin can be used both simple and instant. The thickener is poured only with cooled liquid: water, milk or diluted fruit syrup and insist until the granules swell. Then melt and chilled mixed with other products.

• Cooking cakes from cottage cheese without baking takes time to freeze. For this dessert for 5-7 hours is placed in the common chamber of the refrigerator.

Cake from cottage cheese and gelatin without baking - “Chocolate rhapsody”


• homemade milk, fat - 100 ml;

• 600 gr. cottage cheese;

• 100 g white chocolate bar;

• six large spoons of sugar;

• dark chocolate, not bitter - 100 g;

• 20 gr. granulated “fast” gelatin;

• 200 ml liquid high-fat cream.


1. Soak gelatin in cold milk, its granules will well swell after about 20 minutes. Immediately put the bowl to warm up in a water bath. Intensively stirring, dissolve the gelatin, carefully watch so as not to boil. Cool it down.

2. Break white and dark chocolate into pieces, then melt separately and leave to cool.

3. Put half the curd in the bowl, pour 100 ml of cream with half of the dissolved gelatin. Add three spoons of sugar and dark chocolate. Beat all ingredients with a blender or at maximum speed with a mixer.

4. Put the prepared curd mass in the form and place in the refrigerator.

5. Whip the remaining cream, cottage cheese, sugar and gelatin as before, but this time add white chocolate to the products.

6. Remove the pancake with a sufficiently stiff curd mass from the refrigerator, place the newly cooked on it and put it back in the cold. Wait for the full set.

7. Free the finished cake from the mold and tuck the cocoa by sifting it through a rare sieve.

Simple recipe for cottage cheese cake and gelatin without baking with nuts and raisins


• a pound of fat elastic cottage cheese;

• butter, “Traditional” - 130 grams;

• yolks of three eggs;

• 160 gr. sugar sand;

• 70 gr. fat, not less than 30%, sour cream;

• 100g milk, dark chocolate bar;

• 15 gr. granulated gelatin;

• peeled peanuts and walnuts (mixture) - 100 gr .;

• four spoons of powdered sugar;

• 8 gr. vanilla crystal sugar;

• pitted unpowered raisins - 50 gr.


1. For 30-35 minutes, pour the gelatin with half a glass of cool water, then dissolve in a water bath and leave to cool. Boil the eggs. 2. Scald the raisins, refill with hot water and leave for ten minutes. Then rinse well, lightly squeeze and spread on a towel to dry.

3. Through a metal, rarely cellular sieve, rub the cottage cheese together with boiled yolks and butter, softened in the heat. Pour in the cooled gelatin and several times go around the mixer, achieving homogeneity.

4. Peeled peanuts and nut kernels chopped with a knife and together with the dried raisins add to the curd mass, mix.

5. Transfer the resulting mixture to a round, detachable design. Smooth gently and refrigerate for about an hour.

6. Melt, using heat in a water bath or in a microwave oven, pieces of chocolate and immediately mix it with powdered sugar.

7. Lightly cool the chocolate icing to cover the surface of the cottage cheese cake, again place it in the cold.

8. When the icing hardens, or rather thickens, remove the cake and decorate with finely chopped nuts.

Cake without baking cookies and cottage cheese - “Chocolate house”


• one and a half glasses of sugar;

• pack of butter, natural oil;

• fat cottage cheese - 300 gr .;

• three spoons of dark cocoa powder;

• bag of vanillin, crystalline;

• shortbread (square) - 36 pieces.


1. Cut 200 grams of butter into small pieces, transfer to a bowl and bring to room temperature, leaving on the table. Add 2/3 of the sugar specified in the recipe with vanilla powder, whisk.

2. Transfer the cottage cheese frayed through a sieve to the butter and mix. If the curd is non-granular, you can not fray, rather well knead it with a fork or tolkushkoy.

3. Divide the resulting mass in two. In one part, add a little more spoons of cocoa, mix.

4. Pour half of the cooked milk into a small, but rather wide pan.

5. Spread a large sheet of foil. Quickly dipping cookies into the milk, put a rectangle on the foil. In width, place three cookies, and a length of six.

6. Put on top of all the white curd mass, smooth and place on top of it the remaining cookies. Apply a layer of chocolate cottage cheese. 7. Raising the foil by the edges, wrap the side cookies towards the center and do not remove the foil for about 10 minutes.

8. In a small saucepan, mix the remaining cocoa and sugar (1/2 tbsp.). Add two tablespoons of the oil and start gently heating. Stirring continuously to completely dissolve the sugar grains, boil down the glaze until it thickens noticeably, then remove from the stove and cool slightly.

9. Spread the edges of the foil to open the cake. When pouring from the spoon, apply a thin layer of lightly warm glaze on its surface and leave it for ten minutes.

10. When the chocolate icing grabs well, put the edges of the foil again, covering the cake with it, and put it into the “warm” chamber of the refrigerator for twelve hours to soak.

11. Before serving, release the dessert from the foil and decorate it at your discretion.

Cake without baking cookies and cottage cheese with gelatin - “Zebra”


• dark milk chocolate - 100 gr .;

• 400 gr. sour cream, fat content not lower than 30%;

• beet sugar - 150 gr .;

• two small packs of gelatin of 20 gr .;

• 75 ml of 22% cream;

• elastic cottage cheese - 400 gr .;

• 150 gr. frozen cream or butter;

• crumbly shortbread - 200 gr.


1. Prepare the base for the cake. Crush cookies in crumb, mix it with melted and cooled butter.

2. Cut a circle, strictly according to the diameter of the form, from parchment paper and place it on the bottom. Transfer the oily crumb and, tightly crushing your hands, evenly distribute it throughout the bottom. Put in the fridge.

3. Soak gelatin in water, dissolve it with the help of a water bath, then cool it.

4. Blender the cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream. Pour in the cooled gelatin, once again go over the curd mass with a blender and divide it in two approximately equal parts.

5. Mix melted chocolate with warm cream, pour to one of the curd mass, mix.

6. Remove the frozen cake base from the refrigerator and place both curd mass in its center, alternately putting five spoons each on top of each other. 7. When the whole curd base is gone, take a toothpick and hold it with the tip from the center to the edges of the long lines, at a distance of one and a half centimeters, from each other.

8. To freeze, place the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

9. Before removing the cake, place the mold in hot water for a couple of minutes.

Cake without baking cookies and cottage cheese with peaches in jelly


• one kilogram of cottage cheese;

• five large spoons of instant gelatin;

• half a liter of yogurt without additives;

• 150 gr. shortbread biscuits;

• one and a half glasses of sugar;

• creamy, 72%, butter - 100 g;

• 200 ml of milk;

• canned peaches in weak syrup.


1. Blender mix the cottage cheese with sugar, then add the yogurt and mix.

2. Pour milk over four tablespoons of gelatin. When well swell, put in a water bath. Warming up on medium heat and stirring occasionally, dissolve the gelatin, then cool slightly. Make sure not to boil.

3. Pour the gelatin dissolved in the milk to the curd mass, mix with a spoon or once again walk the blender.

4. Prepare a crumb from cookies, for which you twist it in a meat grinder or crush it with a rolling pin. You can use a blender for this purpose.

5. Mix the prepared crumb with melted cooled butter. Then put in the form, covered with parchment, and smooth, pressing down firmly with your hands.

6. Place the cottage cheese on an even layer over the cookies and put the cake in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

7. Drain syrup from a can of peaches, dilute with a small amount of water and pour over the remaining gelatin. In total, you should get about a glass of liquid. After the gelatin swells, dissolve it, as last time, in a water bath.

8. Slice the peaches, dried from the syrup, into thin slices. Place the pieces on the surface of frozen cottage cheese with a fan and cover with cooled gelatin syrup. To freeze again, place the cake in the cold for another five hours.

Trio tricolor cottage cheese cake without baking with cookies and chocolate


• bitter high-grade and white chocolate - 150 gr each. each;

• 100 gr. milk chocolate;

• a pound of cottage cheese;

• 120 gr. any crumbly cookies;

• fat, preferably 35%, cream - 300 ml.

• two spoons of sour cream;

• instant gelatin - 4 tsp;

• 10 gr. crystalline vanillin;

• natural butter - 80 gr .;

• 100 gr. sugar.


1. Put the sliced ​​butter in a bowl, put it closer to heat. When the butter is soft, add the broken cookies to it and crush everything thoroughly with a fork.

2. Take a small rectangular shape, cover its inner surface with cling film and place a sheet of parchment of appropriate size on the bottom. It is desirable that the length of the form was not more than 25 cm, and the width not less than 10 cm.

3. Put on the parchment mixed oily mass of biscuits and level it. Place the base for the cake in the refrigerator for at least 40 minutes.

4. Pour all gelatin with four tablespoons of drinking water and wait until it is sufficiently swollen. Then heat the mass with the help of a water bath, so that all seals are dissolved, put to cool.

5. Mix cottage cheese with regular sugar, grind through a sieve. If the curd product is not grained, this is not necessary. Add vanilla sugar to the mass and, whipping with a mixer, gradually add all the sour cream.

6. Add to the slightly warm gelatin three spoons of the prepared curd mass, mix well and pour the mixture into the main mass, mix. You can walk the mixer.

7. Half white (50 gr.) And the same amount of black chocolate leave for decoration. Smash the remaining white, bitter and dark milk chocolate into pieces and place in three different bowls. In a water bath or using a microwave oven, melt all three types of chocolate.

8. Divide the curd mass into three equal parts and mix one kind of cooled chocolate into each.

9. To steady peaks, whip cold cream and, divided into three parts, mix them with each chocolate and curd mass. 10. Remove from the refrigerator a mold with a frozen base. Transfer to it a darker mass, smooth and clean in the freezer for five minutes. Then, in the same way, fill the container with white mass and again place the cake in the freezer. After five minutes, put the mixture with dark milk chocolate on a white layer. Put the cottage cheese cake for eight hours in a common chamber.

11. After that, carefully lifting the edges of the film, remove the frozen dessert from the mold, and put it on the dish. Remove the tape.

12. Melt separately deferred white and bitter chocolate. Mix in each a tablespoon of milk and half a teaspoon of butter.

13. Pouring from a spoon, decorate the surface of the curd cake with melted, slightly cooled, chocolate. To make the decoration frozen, the dessert should be put back in the refrigerator for no more than 10 minutes.

Curd cakes without baking - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Cookies can be crushed on a large grater, twisted in a meat grinder or put into a bag to crush with a rolling pin. But the easiest way to kill him with a blender.

• If you decide to use low-fat cottage cheese, add a little butter and sour cream to it. Rub the butter with the curd on a sieve, and then enter the sour cream.

• The taste of the cake from whole biscuits and cottage cheese depends on the chosen cookie. Try experimenting, prepare a dessert of chocolate, vanilla cookies or with the addition of nuts.

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