Choosing the dough for making an open pie with jam - tips from professionals. Open pie with jam - according to your own recipe

Choosing the dough for making an open pie with jam - tips from professionals. Open pie with jam - according to your own recipe

Pies - a symbol of Russian cuisine. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, each young housewife, before leaving the parental home, had to learn to “make dough” and bake cakes — this was considered to be a kind of examination for maturity and readiness for independent living. Baking was prepared for birthday and funeral feasts, for weddings and christenings, she celebrated the harvest festivals, the end of winter. The pies were judged about the housewife of the hostess, her ability to run the household, about the wealth in the house. The man who had the most skillful wife was trusted to do business, to be the eldest in the community.

The modern blessings of civilization have freed many women from having to put dough for bread, cakes, kulebyak, pies and other types of traditional Russian pastries every morning, without which holidays and Slavic days were unthinkable, when every housewife could demonstrate her skills. In the nearest pastry shop or bakery you can buy everything your heart desires. But purchased products, baked with his own hand pies, never compare. There will always be a huge difference between the mass production of muffins and the almost ritual preparation of homemade pie.

Open jam pie - basic technological principles

Making an open pie is pretty easy. Roll out a layer of dough of the required shape and size so that the edges of the dough lay on the side, and the shape of the baked cake resembles a plate, in which you can then put the stuffing. The technology of cooking open sweet cakes contributed to the appearance of cakes. Therefore, an open cake can be baked by sending the dough along with the filling (jam) into the oven, but you can use the technology used in baking cakes: first bake the dough, and then decorate the surface of the semi-finished jam.

The main secret of a tasty cake is to choose the type of dough and its preparation, since the second component of the cake is jam, and it does not require any special preparation. But the consistency of jam still need to pay attention. Too thick jam when baking quickly caramelized, will get a dry texture, which will adversely affect the taste of the finished baking. Liquid filling is difficult when forming a pie. The “golden mean” is needed. For an open pie, you need to choose a medium consistency filling, so that the jam does not have time to lose all the moisture while the dough is baked. If the jam is too thick consistency, it must be boiled by adding a little water or juice. If the dough is baked separately, and then a layer of jam is applied to the surface of the cake, then the consistency of the jam should be thick. In order to get a thicker jam it is also boiled, but pectin is added together with water.

Selecting any type of dough for an open pie, from the options below, make your recipe. Of course, not all types of dough are presented here, but we'll talk about them next time. But these recipes are compiled by a professional technologist and are notable for their particular accuracy, a detailed description of the dough preparation process, indicating the output, temperature conditions for baking, and possible options for adding additives.

1. Shortbread dough for open pie with jam


Salt 5 g

Flour, wheat 500 g

Butter 300 g

Egg 1 pc.

Water 150 ml

Sugar 50 g

Dough weight: 1.0 kg

Cooking Technology:

Sift wheat flour. Pour into a bowl in a slide, along with salt and powder, mix, make a well. Beat in the egg. Enter the softened butter piece by piece. Knead the dough. To form a cake, you need to take the required amount of dough, keeping the rest in the refrigerator. Sand dough should remain cool, so that it was convenient to work with it, rolling it on the working surface.

To make shortbread dough, some of the water can be replaced with a low-fat sour cream. Increasing the number of eggs, do not forget to proportionally reduce the amount of liquid ingredients. You can also use flavors, leavening agents (when adding sour cream). Cocoa powder, ground nuts are added to flour, reducing its amount.

Baking time of shortbread, weighing 250-300 g - 25-35 minutes at a temperature of 210 ° C.

2. Dough for brioches and cakes


Dry yeast 12 g

Flour (v / s) 0.5 kg Warm milk 100 g

250 g oil

Eggs 6 pcs.

Salt 10 g

Sugar 25g

Yield: 1000 g

Working order:

200 g of wheat flour sift on the board. After making a dimple, add warm milk with yeast dissolved in it, knead the dough. Cover the cooked brew with a bowl and wait for the volume to increase 2 times. Sift the rest of the flour, add the eggs, and then the softened butter. Roll the first part of the dough into a layer and put the second part on it. Roll out the dough and roll to a homogeneous consistency.

Put the finished dough in a bowl, cover and leave to warm for 12 hours. Crush if necessary. To this recipe, if desired, you can add raisins, vanilla or other flavors. After proofing, the dough is cut into semi-finished products. Dividing it into pieces of 250 - 300 g, roll the layer to the size of the baking dish. Forms must be pre-greased.

Place a bag filled with salt or peas in the center of each layer, retreating from the edge of 1.5 cm. When the edges of the dough begin to rise, a side is formed through which no filling from the jam will flow. Bake the cake mix at 180-220 ° C for 15-20 minutes until the dough in the oven is browned.

Then take the form and grease the surface with a syrup or a beaten egg, remove the bag, and in the middle of the circle put jam or other sweet stuffing. If desired, the cake can be decorated with dough figures, put a pattern on top of the tulip dough filling (see recipe below). Put the cake in the oven again and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Put the mold on a damp napkin so that the cake is easy to get out of the mold and put on the dish.

3. Layered dough for open jam pies

Product name for test:

Chilled butter 500 g

Flour 500 g

Water 200 ml (+/- 50 ml)

Salt 4 g

Yield: 1 kg

Working order:

Sift the flour on a cutting board or desktop. Make a recess, pour water into it. Salt it. Knead the dough and cover with a damp towel; leave for 20 minutes to swell gluten. Grease the work surface with oil and begin to roll the dough in a square with a side of 20-25 cm, as thin as possible. Also make sure that the rolled bed has a uniform thickness. Place small pieces of butter in the center of the dough (it must be cut in advance before cooling). Roll the dough in an envelope, covering the butter. Roll the square again and put another piece of butter. Repeat the operation at least 8-10 times, periodically cooling the dough. Ideal puff pastry is obtained by rolling it at least 20 times. All products for puff pastry must be cooled.

Sometimes in recipes puff pastry found, as an addition baking powder: soda and vinegar (citric acid), ammonium powder or baking powder. In this case, the water can be replaced with liquid sour cream, but it should be borne in mind that when adding baking powder, the ready-made puff semi-finished product will have a more dense, stretching texture resembling rubber. Grease jam better cooked, baked dough.

Baking time from 100 g to 300 g - 20 minutes at 220-240 ° C.

4. Choux dough for open jam pies

Product Name:

Sugar 15 g

Flour 250 g

Butter (margarine) 200 g

Water (or milk) 500 ml

Salt 7-8 g

Eggs 8 pcs.

Yield: 1.0 kg

Cooking Technology:

Boil water (or milk), dissolve salt and sugar, add fat. Stir until dissolved, then sift the flour into a hot liquid in small portions, mixing it thoroughly with a whisk. Watch out for lumps. Boil the dough with continuous stirring for five minutes.

If you do not have sufficient skills in the preparation of choux pastry, cook in a water bath so that it does not burn. After cooling it to 40 ° C and beat the eggs, one at a time, also vigorously mixing them until a homogeneous dough.

Choux dough is prepared most often in order to fill it with filling, and therefore, it is unlikely that this method of cooking the cake can be called open. But you can make a pie with a closed and open filling. To do this, inside prepare the cream or cottage cheese cream, and on the top, decorate the product with a suitable jam, instead of sugar or chocolate glaze.

There is a second option for using choux pastry for baking an open pie. Cover the bottom of the mold with foil, put the jam on it, and pour the dough on top. Get a pie-shifter. Baking time of custard dough at a temperature of 180-200 ° C - 25 minutes.

5. Tulip dough for decorating open jam pies

Dough Products:

Flour 180 g

Butter 100 g

Egg whites 5 pcs.

Icing Sugar 150g

Yield: 500 g


Surely many will be interested to learn how to decorate pies. To do this, prepare a special dough, which is initially cooled, and then it is applied from the pastry bag to the surface of the cake, or fill stencils, bake figures and, giving them the desired shape, volume, while the figures are hot, spread on the pies. Such products have a very appetizing look, and perhaps someone will want to make a festive cake using tulip dough.

Beat the chilled proteins into the foam, adding icing sugar. Gradually add flour, stirring the dough with a spatula. Add the softened butter, mix and refrigerate for half an hour. Fill the pastry bag and squeeze the pattern from it onto the almost finished cake.

Bake for 5-7 minutes at 180 ° C, until rosy color. For the manufacture of figures ready dough fill the stencil, soak it in the refrigerator and immediately bake. If you need to give the figures a volumetric shape, then bend them immediately, hot, from the oven. Finished products, after cooling, become very fragile and will break, so it is important to work with them very quickly.

6. Fillet dough for open jam pies


Refined oil 80 g

Flour 600 g

Water 300 ml

Salt 5 g

Butter 120g

Yield: 1 kg

Cooking Technology:

This is the finest dough, not at all sweet. It is also called exhaust. Sift flour and combine with salt. Combine water with vegetable oil and add to flour. Knead the dough. Cover it with a damp cloth for a few minutes so that the gluten swells and the dough becomes plastic.

Melt butter to lubricate the rolled seams. After proofing, divide the dough into small balls. When working with one part of the dough, keep the rest under a damp cloth so that the dough does not dry out. Pull the ball, forming a round cake. Next, start rolling it on the desktop, brushing the surface with oil (it is undesirable to add flour). Roll from the center to the edge of the reservoir. Ideally, if the layer of dough will be rolled out to transparency, but at the same time, maintain integrity. Grease it with melted butter and proceed to rolling the next ball of dough.

Lay the layers on top of each other. To make an open pie from the dough, you can put cottage cheese between the dough layers, and coat the upper layer with jam.

Decorate the surface of the cake with ribbons or braided pigtails made from the same dough.

Bake at 200-220 ° C for 30-35 minutes.

Open jam pie - tips and tricks

The ratio of the dough base and the filling of the cake, of course, you can choose to taste, but the main thing - do not overdo it with the filling. The normal proportion for the cake: 60% - dough basics; 40% of the filling, including all its components, if the filling is complex.

When shaping the cake, the jam should have the same temperature as the dough. Too cold filling can precipitate the dough, slow its rise during baking.

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