Grated jam pie: step-by-step recipes for sweets! Cooking the most delicious and simple grated jam pies with step-by-step recipes

This cake was named because of the special assembly technology. Sand dough for it is rubbed on the most ordinary kitchen grater. Due to this, baking is very beautiful, the cake is not hard, textured, it is perfectly combined with any sweet fillings: cottage cheese, jam, fruit. Here you can find step-by-step recipes of grated jam cake. This filling is convenient because it is in almost any refrigerator, it does not require preliminary preparation.

Grated jam pie - general cooking principles

The dough is always shortbread, it is cooked in butter or margarine, sometimes mayonnaise, sour cream or other dairy products are added. The task is to make a mass that can be rubbed. There are two ways to do this: knead the soft dough and chill or knead the dough and add more flour in one part so that it turns out to be dry, rubbed easily.

What else is added to the dough:

• eggs;

• granulated sugar;

• rippers;

• flour.

Jam for grated cake can be taken any, but it is better not to use too liquid product. It is also not very convenient to use if the filling will be large bones, for example, from cherries. We take what we find, lay between the layers of grated pie and bake!

Prepare grated jams in the oven. In some step-by-step recipes, the temperature is 180, in the other 200, but all these parameters are suitable for shortbread dough. The main thing is to heat the stove, in the cold oven the billet should not be put.

Grated jam pie: a step-by-step recipe in butter

One of the most simple and well-known step-by-step recipes of grated jam pie. This option is in a hurry, the dough does not need to stand in the freezer or in the refrigerator, quickly knead, form and send to the oven. The only thing that is desirable to do in advance is to remove the butter in advance from the refrigerator. Ingredients

• 200 grams of oil;

• 250-300 grams of any jam;

• 2/3 Art. sugar sand;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 tsp. baking powder (from the bag);

• 3 1/3 cups flour in dough;

• 0.5 cups flour for dressing;

• on a pinch of salt and vanilla.


1. Put the softened butter in a bowl that is convenient for kneading dough, pour in granulated sugar, which will be used only in dough. Take a fork and rub well. It will take about three minutes.

2. Add raw chicken eggs one by one. We continue to stir. The mass of the consistency will resemble not very thick cream.

3. It's time to add a pinch of salt to enhance the taste, as well as a little vanilla to improve the flavor. Stir.

4. We enter three glasses of flour. And at the same stage, we pour baking baking powder directly into the bowl, one teaspoon is enough. Begin kneading dough.

5. At the end, add two more spoons (0.3 tbsp.) Of flour, knead the mixture until smooth. The dough will turn out thick, but not hard. Separate from him the fourth part. Put aside for now.

6. The remaining large piece to roll out, put in a form or on a baking sheet. If the dough is a little sticky, then you can roll it out through a piece of parchment or simply stretch the shape of your fingers, that is, do not use a rolling pin. Along the edges we make bumpers, half a centimeter is enough so that the filling does not leak out and burn to the baking sheet.

7. We put jam on a layer, stretch it with a spoon. Since the cake is not very big and thin, there is no need to add a lot of filling. We also take into account that the dough is sweet, it is better not to take sugary jam.

8. To the remaining piece of dough, which we have separated, we add half a glass of flour, but not all at once, it may take a little less. Knead the dough. The piece should become dense, but there should not be any inclusions of flour in it.

9. Take a grater, rub the cooked dough right on top of the pie. Grater hold canopy, but move to sprinkle jam with a uniform layer of crumbs.

10. We send the grated pie with jam to the oven heated to 200 degrees. Cooking until golden, but not dark. On average, 20-25 minutes. 11. Remove from the oven. Let stand for ten minutes at room temperature.

12. Cut the warm cake with a sharp knife. If this is not done, the shortbread dough will cool, it will crumble, you will not be able to make neat and even slices.

Grated jam pie: a step-by-step recipe in butter with mayonnaise

Another option is very successful shortbread dough. In a step-by-step recipe of grated preserves with jam, both butter and mayonnaise are used. For the filling, you can use jam with any taste, but do not take too thin. This recipe without baking powder, that is, preparing the classic shortbread dough. If you want to make it softer, you can add a pinch of soda.


• 270 grams of flour;

• egg;

• 50 grams of mayonnaise;

• 100 grams of oil;

• a pinch of salt;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 200 grams of jam.


1. Put the softened butter in a bowl. If it was not, then the piece can be placed in the microwave, but not heated. We set the function of defrosting products, scroll a little, take out.

2. Add a pinch of salt and mayonnaise to the oil, it is better not to use cold sauce. Stir until smooth.

3. Break an egg into another dish, add granulated sugar to it, stir with a whisk until light foam.

4. Pour the egg mass to the butter with mayonnaise, but do not add everything at once. It is better to do this in two or even in three steps, stirring until homogeneous.

5. Add flour to the dough. Replace the most ordinary shortbread dough. If it turns out a little soft because of the oil, then do not worry. The fridge will get stronger.

6. Separate a third of the dough, put it in a bag, put it in the freezer.

7. The rest of the dough is also put in the bag or just cover the bowl so that the crust does not dry out on top. But we just remove it in the fridge. Maintain both pieces for half an hour.

8. First we take the dough out of the refrigerator. It froze, it became harder, now it is perfectly rolled. We make a thin layer, put it on a baking sheet or in a suitable form. 9. We make punctures with a fork on the lower part so that bubbles do not inflate, the pie does not turn out to be a curve.

10. Spread a layer of jam. Evenly stretch the filling over the entire seam with a spatula or a regular spoon.

11. Take out a piece of dough, which is removed in the freezer. Immediately take a grater, rub on top of the stuffing. If suddenly it gets somewhere more, then gently use your fingers or fork to lift up the chips, put them on an empty place.

12. This cake is baked in the oven at 80 degrees from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on its thickness, as well as the thickness of the jam. If the filling is liquid, it may take a little longer.

13. After baking, cut the cake into slices while it is warm, then cool a little more.

Grated jam pie: a step-by-step recipe for margarine with sour cream

In fact, the sour cream in this step-by-step recipe of grated jam pie can be replaced even by kefir or yogurt. Choose margarine fat, so that it is not less than 70%, in this case, the dough will be very tender, crumbly. By the way, the same is obtained when using cooking oil. Here, according to the technology, both layers will be rubbed. But at the request of the bottom of the cake, you can simply roll out, as in previous recipes.


• 200 grams of margarine;

• 2 eggs;

• 40 grams of sour cream;

• 3 cups flour;

• 0.5 tsp. soda;

• any jam;

• 180 g of sugar;

• pinch of salt, vanilla if desired.


1. Margarine chopped pieces, leave in a warm place for half an hour, you can simply hold in the kitchen on the table.

2. Add sugar and flour to margarine, grind everything to a state of not very sticky crumb. It is convenient to do it by hand.

3. Add salt to the eggs, shake with a fork, pour the flour crumb into the cooked meat, start kneading dough, add the extinguished soda and sour cream. Or we take a double portion of baking powder. Since it contains acid. It does not need to extinguish.

4. Dough knead hands. If suddenly the eggs are large or the margarine is not fatty enough, the dough turns out weak, then we add some more flour. But do not do a cool lump. 5. We divide the mass into two different parts, one approximately one third, it is for the top. We remove everything for an hour in the refrigerator or for 20-30 minutes in the freezer. Covering up. So that the crust does not dry out in pieces.

6. We take out a large piece, rub it on a baking sheet through a large grater, level it with our hands.

7. Lubricate or pour a small amount of jam, do not add too much stuffing. If it is with pieces, then first lay them out to make it evenly, and then distribute the syrup.

8. Top rub the remaining piece of shortcrust pastry from the freezer.

9. Bake the grated cake at 190 degrees until ready.

Grated jam pie - tips and tricks

• You do not need to grease a baking sheet or a baking pan, shortbread dough will not stick, but you can spread a piece of parchment. If the jam runs out, it will not burn and will not need to be washed.

• Is jam too liquid? You can add a little crumbled cookies, chopped nuts, a very tasty filling is made with coconut chips.

• If the jam is too sweet, then you can add an apple cut into small cubes or any other fruit. Another option is to pour in some lemon juice. By the way, zest can also be added to the filling or to the dough itself, the pastry with it turns out very fragrant.

• Sand dough loves the cold and it is well stored in it. You can cook it in advance in the evening and for breakfast please the household with fresh pastries. Or prepare the dough in the morning, and after work in a quick way to make grated pie with jam according to our step-by-step recipes.

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