Salad with liver and carrots - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to prepare a salad with liver and carrots.

Salad with liver and carrots - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to prepare a salad with liver and carrots.

It is in the process of planning the menu of the festive table you begin to understand how much the usual Olivier, Caesar salads and other irreplaceable salads are fed up with. So you want to come up with something extraordinary, which would decorate the celebration and surprise the guests. Exactly in such exceptional situations as cooking a solemn menu, we suggest paying attention to liver salads. Properly prepared liver will keep juiciness, and the dishes will be nourishing very tender.

Salad with liver and carrots. Preparing Products

Salad of liver and carrots can be issued on a quick hand. For everyday meals, it is better to take Korean carrots, the seasoning present here is also endowed with a intoxicating liver. When cooking salad with liver and carrots, carrots are often fried with onions. If the recipe is required to pass, then it is better to cook onions and carrots separately, and not to mix them.

Lettuce and carrot salad recipes

Recipe 1. Salad with liver and roasted carrots

Sometimes you do not want to cook something heavy for dinner, which requires careful preparation of products and a long process of cooking. In such cases, you can cook a simple, but at the same time hearty, salad, which can relieve hunger for several hours.

Ingredients Required:

• 500 g - liver;

• 250 g - pickled cucumbers;

• 3 pcs. - carrot;

• 100 ml - mayonnaise;

• 1 PC. - bow;

• seasonings and greens.


Let's start the salad with roast beef liver. It is better not to let the meat completely defrost, otherwise the liver will lose a lot of liquid. Half-frozen liver cut into plates and fry well in vegetable oil. As soon as the liver is cooked, the fire should be turned off, pour some cold water into the pan and let the meat stand for a while. After 7 minutes, remove the liver and allow excess fluid to drain. Cooking products. It is better to grate carrots on a grater intended for cooking Korean carrots, that is, long straws. Onion is cut into half rings. Next, the vegetables should be fried in a pan, but it is better not to mix them, first onions, and then you can brown carrots. The time has come for pickled cucumbers. Cut them into strips. It remains to combine the liver with carrots, send them onions with cucumbers, refuel with light mayonnaise. Tasty, useful, satisfying, fast - what more could be more important!

Recipe 2. Liver salad with carrots and chicken breast

In this salad, in addition to the liver, there is chicken breast. If it is better to take beef liver for a salad, there are no restrictions on choosing chicken meat. You can boil the breast, if you do not have time to mess around, send it to bake in the oven, and for a piquant taste, buy smoked breast.

Ingredients Required:

• 400 g - breast;

• 400 g - liver;

• 3 pcs. - carrot;

• 1 PC. - bow;

• 3 tooth. - garlic;

• 4 things. - pickles;

• spices.


The liver is boiled in salted water, you can add a few peppercorns to the pan. We will cook with smoked breast. The skin is not needed, and the meat is cut into cubes, and also cut boiled liver.

Carrots, it is necessary to prepare Korean salad from it. If you wish, you can buy a ready-made salad, about 200 grams, or you can arrange it yourself in a hurry. To do this, carrot rubbed on a grater for Korean carrots, salt, pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice. After 20 minutes, send the onion to the carrots and cut them in thin half-rings. What kind of Korean carrot can be without garlic, press garlic, and mix gruel with carrot and onion salad. Mix the meat with the salad, season with olive oil.

Recipe 3. Liver salad with carrots and mushrooms

In the people, this salad has gained popularity under the name “Obzhorka”. True, in the 21st century, you can slightly improve the recipe and add some fresh champignons.

Who does not like fried mushrooms, can replace them with pickled.

Ingredients Required:

• 4 things. - eggs;

• 500 g - liver;

• 300 g - champignons;

• 2 pcs. - bow;

• 8 pcs. - pickled gherkins;

• 3 tbsp. l - mayonnaise;

• 3 pcs. - carrot.


Liver, as in previous cases, fry in a pan, if desired, you can breaded them in flour. We need boiled eggs, so the first thing we put them on fire. After they are cleaned from the shell and cut into half rings. Once the process of cutting vegetables has begun, cut the onion into half rings, rub the carrots on a grater, need long straws, gherkins - thin strips, mushrooms - plates. Fry in the following order: onion, in 2 minutes carrots. It is important to salt the vegetables at this stage, as the carrot must soak the salt well. Then send the mushrooms into the pan. Try, if not enough salted, add more salt.

Combine eggs, liver with roasted vegetables and fill the whole of this “company” with mayonnaise.

Salad with liver and carrot - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

The liver is a universal product. On the basis of it, you can prepare a whole arsenal of delicacies - liver sauce, pies, rolls, it can be added to baked goods, and now we have learned how to cook original salads with this useful product.

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