Salad with pickled mushrooms

Salad with pickled mushrooms

Young, strong, appetizingly brilliantly boned marinated mushrooms and ask for a salad. With meat, vegetables, pickles, cheese or just with onions - they will always be tasty, appetizing and beautiful.

It is a pity that these wonderful mushrooms are not grown industrially, but maybe it is for the best - if you are a mushroom picker or you are lucky to get a jar of pickled mushrooms, you have the opportunity to pamper your guests (used to champignons) with an original salad.

Korean carrot will be a good addition to pickled mushrooms, and the chicken will turn the appetizer into a full-fledged salad.


Salad with pickled mushrooms
  • pickled mushrooms - 300 g;
  • Korean-style carrots (finished) - 200 g;
  • boiled chicken breast - 250 g;
  • mayonnaise - to your taste.


Salad with pickled mushrooms

1. Boil chicken breast in advance. It is very convenient to do this in a slow cooker. Put on the night in the mode of "meat" in the morning chicken is ready. No worries, no hassle. If there is no multicooker, cook on the stove. We omit it entirely in boiling water and boil for 40-50 minutes. Chicken salt is not necessary, because the carrot and honey mushrooms are already salty. We remove the skin, cartilage and bones (if you bought no fillets) from boiled meat. Cool, excess liquid decant.

Cut the breast into small cubes. Fold in the bowl, in which we will prepare the salad.

Salad with pickled mushrooms

2. We get the mushrooms from the jar, filter from the marinade. If the mushrooms are slippery or too salty, they can be washed in cold water. Small mushrooms put in the salad entirely, too long legs cut in half. Large mushrooms cut.

Salad with pickled mushrooms

3. Put the mushrooms in the salad bowl.

Pour extra juice to the Korean carrot, if the carrot is long, then chop the carrot finely.

Salad with pickled mushrooms

4. Add mayonnaise, mix.

Salad with pickled mushrooms

5. Before serving, cool.

Salad with pickled mushrooms

6. As you can see, everything is very simple and fast in the presence of finished products.

Decorate the salad with mushrooms and herbs.

Salad with pickled mushrooms

7. If for some reason you could not buy Korean carrots or you have a lot of time, it is very easy to make them. Rub the cleaned raw carrot grated or cut into thin cubes, sprinkle with salt, sugar (very little). We rub hands. Add a little vinegar, sprinkle with red pepper, mix, kneading. Leave the carrot soak marinade for 15 minutes, stir. Next, heat up some vegetable oil, pour it into the carrot, quickly stirring it with a spoon. Add to taste garlic, you can still ground coriander. Insist (ideally 8 hours, but less possible), cool in the refrigerator. It's all!

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