Eggplant appetizers - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked snacks from eggplant.

Eggplant appetizers - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked snacks from eggplant.

Eggplant Appetizers - General Cooking Principles

No wonder in the East eggplants are considered a vegetable of longevity. From countless dishes

Eggplant snacks just need to be allocated in a separate group. Especially in our country, with an abundance of holidays, birthdays, various gatherings “with or without”. And just for the sake of the usual hospitality hostesses love to keep in the fridge ready a large number of snacks.

The undisputed leader is the pickled cucumber. Behind him is, of course, pickled or fresh tomatoes. Well, in the third place, many put eggplants, as they are not only tasty, but also very useful. Some even consider eggplant a true Russian product, although it came to us from India relatively recently - around the 17th century. So - the parade of appetizers from eggplants.

Eggplant Appetizers - Food Preparation

Eggplants are used as a whole, cut, or pasta made from them. In a large number of recipes, they must be pre-baked. Do not forget to chop them with a fork, otherwise you risk getting fireworks ahead of time - they explode, the oven lid barely opens. In the Caucasus, they are boiled more often, and only then they are stuffed, pickled, salted. Boiled small fruits are cut in half and put under pressure - to finally get rid of bitterness and remove excess moisture.

A medium serving of eggplant requires 80 grams of oil per minute. This is a very large number. To reduce it, roll the pieces in flour or breadcrumbs. Well removes this effect beaten egg. You can pre-process them in the microwave for a few minutes - they will also absorb less oil. To keep the pulp juiciness when baking, grease the blue ones with pre-oil and make cuts.

Eggplant Appetizers - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Pita Eggplant Roll

This snack is delicious and satisfying. It is easy to take her hands and you can eat what is called "on the go."

Ingredients: eggplants (2 pcs), tomatoes (2-3 pcs.), Egg, dill, hard cheese, vegetable oil, dill, salt, pepper. Method of preparation:

Cut the eggplants into strips, add the egg, beaten with salt. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add the diced tomatoes. Fold the lavash sheet, spread the mixture, add chopped onion, dill, chopped carbonate finely. We roll a roll and, wrapping it in foil, bake for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipe 2: Spicy Eggplant Snack with Nuts

This snack can be served for breakfast as an addition to scrambled eggs, cheese or olives. Small eggplants filled with delicious spicy nut paste - it is piquant, sharp, tasty. It lightens mood, gives strength, makes blood play, and all this is only due to a “blue” vegetable.

Ingredients: mini eggplants (1 kg), olive oil, salt. Filling: sweet pepper (2 large, red), hot pepper, (2 teaspoons with a hill), garlic (12 peeled slices), walnuts (120 grams), salt.

Method of preparation

Sweet pepper cut into 2 parts, cut into small cubes. Garlic crushed in a mortar or skipped through the garlic. We also grind nuts in a mortar, but not in flour, but in order to leave small pieces. Mix everything with hot pepper, salt, mix. Eggplants boil in boiling water for 7-10 minutes. When they become slightly soft, rinse, drain in a colander and allow to drain well. Cut the eggplant as a book, and lay inside the stuffing. Put the eggplants in jars, sprinkle each layer with a pinch of salt. Leave closed gauze cans until the formation of brine. To make the contents more saline, you can close the jars with lids and turn them over. In any case, after 24 hours, our snack can be tasted by watering eggplant with good vegetable oil.

Recipe 3: Turkish Baba ganush with cilantro and tahini paste

Do not be afraid of an abundance of unfamiliar words in the title of this recipe. In fact, everything is quite simple. Tahini is just ground sesame. Well, Baba Ganush is not a mention of her beloved grandmother. The fact is that the woman in Muslim use is dad. Ganush - something sharp, evil. Maybe an angry dad? Even the Turks do not know. Baba Ganush, that's all! This dish will not leave anyone indifferent. If you like it, then forever. Well, if not - well, let's move on to the next recipe. But you still need to try! Ingredients: eggplants (4 pcs.), Sesame (3-5 tbsp. L), half a lemon, garlic, cilantro, salt, vegetable oil (preferably olive).

Method of preparation

Eggplant bake on the grill. Preferably on an open fire, or in the oven on a hot grill. The smoke resembles a kebab. Tahini paste is prepared using a blender. Grind sesame to a paste. Grind baked eggplant, peeling it from the skin. Add lemon juice, mashed garlic, butter and add tahini. All is ready! Use this snack to make delicious sandwiches with an unusual taste, decorate them with parsley sprigs.

Recipe 4: Parmigiano Eggplant

Hot appetizer of eggplants and cheese from recipes of Italian cuisine. Cute turrets with tomatoes on top. Mozzarella makes these turrets a true Italian snack.

Ingredients: eggplants, Mozzarella cheese, other hard cheese, vegetable oil, tomato sauce, tomatoes (better than baby cherry), flour, basil.

Method of preparation

Cut eggplant circles with a thickness of 1 cm, blot them with a towel and roll in flour. Fry in butter until golden brown. For the formation of snacks it is better to use portions. First comes a spoonful of tomato sauce, then a circle of eggplant, mozzarella cube, grated cheese, and basil. Then the procedure is repeated in the same order. From above we decorate the turret with cherry tomatoes and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Appetizing turrets can be divided into smaller portions.

Eggplant appetizers - tips from experienced chefs

An interesting way to get rid of bitterness, and not to cut the eggplant. We cut off the stalk and add these places. Leave for 1 hour. Then re-salt the field and put it on a dish in a circle, put it on a slope and leave it overnight. All unnecessary moisture, along with bitterness will be released on the dish.

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