Beef jellied - a gentle cold snack for weekdays and a festive meal. How best to cook jellied beef

Beef jellied - a gentle cold snack for weekdays and a festive meal. How best to cook jellied beef

Jellied - a cold snack, which is usually prepared for the holidays. However, it can be prepared not only on the holiday table, but also on weekdays. The dish contains a minimum of calories, so it can be served even for dinner.

Beef jellied - the basic principles of cooking

Jellied cooked from pork, poultry or fish, but the most delicious and healthy is obtained from beef. In addition to meat, gelatin is used for cooking.

First of all, beef brewed broth. To do this, the meat is washed, cleaned of films, placed in a saucepan, poured with water and put on the stove. To make the broth saturated, they add peeled carrots and a whole bulb, salt and spices. Prepare the broth for 1-2 hours on low heat.

While the broth is boiling, prepare the gelatin. It is soaked in cold water for an hour and a half.

Beef broth is filtered, injected into it swollen gelatin and mixed. They again put on fire and tormented, not boiling until the gelatin disperses completely.

Meat is separated from the bones, torn by hands, or cut into small pieces. Beef is laid out on plates. Carrots that have been boiled in broth can be cut into pieces and put into plates as decoration.

The contents of the plates pour broth, cool and put in the refrigerator.

Festive aspic can be prepared in a cake pan. Before serving, it is dipped in hot water for a couple of seconds and spread on a dish.

Recipe 1. Jellied beef


kilogram of fresh beef tenderloin;



two liters of boiled water;


black peppercorns;

40 g of instant gelatin;

Bay leaf.

Method of preparation

1. Using a sharp knife, peel the onion and carrot and rinse the vegetables under the tap.

2. Wash the beef, put on a cutting board. Clean with a sharp knife from fat, films and lived. Place the prepared beef in a deep pan. Put the onion and carrot in here. Fill all with boiled water and put on moderate heat. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, remove the foam, make a small fire and boil the broth for two hours. For a quarter of an hour, put peas and bay leaves in the broth. 3. Remove from the pan meat, vegetables and spices. Strain the broth. Throw away the spices and onion.

4. Put the gelatin in a clean bowl and cover with cold water. Stir and leave for an hour. Swollen gelatin enter in broth and put it on moderate heat. Hold until all the gelatin disperses, and remove from heat.

5. Pour broth into deep form so that it is two centimeters high. Cool and place in the refrigerator for half an hour so that it will freeze. Disassemble the beef into pieces, cut the carrot into circles. Put the meat and carrots on a frozen layer and fill in barely warm broth. Put in the fridge for five hours

Recipe 2. Jellied beef with green peas


two liters of beef broth;

three pods of Bulgarian pepper;

three tablespoons of gelatin;

five eggs;

boiled beef - 400 g;

four carrots;

fresh greens;

cranberries - 50 g;

canned green peas - 200 g

Method of preparation

1. My beef under the tap, we clean the veins and films. Put the meat in a saucepan and pour two liters of boiled water. Boil the broth on low heat for about an hour and a half.

2. Cook eggs hard-boiled and cool under running cold water. Clean and cut into quarters.

3. Carrot clean and boil until soft.

4. My Bulgarian pepper, we clean the seeds, remove the tail and cut into half rings or rings.

5. Rinse greens and leave the branches.

6. Take the beef out of the broth and cut it into slices.

7. Put the gelatin in a bowl and pour a glass of chilled broth. We warm in a water bath until complete dissolution.

8. Put slices of beef on the bottom of the plates. From above we lay out the cut vegetables, green peas, berries of a cranberry and eggs. The last put the twigs of greenery. Fill the contents of the plates with a piece of broth. Put in the fridge. When this layer hardens, pour in the rest of the broth. Again send in the fridge for an hour and a half.

Recipe 3. Jellied beef with mayonnaise


Half a kilo of beef pulp;

three cloves of garlic;

mayonnaise - 80 g;


gelatin 75 g;


broth - liter;

Bay leaf; parsley;

two boiled eggs;

boiled carrot.

Method of preparation

1. Wash the beef pulp and strip it of films and streaks. Place in a deep saucepan, add spices and salt. Boil until the meat begins to decay.

2. Take the beef out of the broth. Cool and tear it with your hands.

3. Gelatin pour cold boiled water and leave to swell. Pour to the swollen gelatin half a liter of warm broth. Place the bowl with gelatin in a water bath and warm until gelatin is dissolved. Divide the mixture in half. Add one half to mayonnaise and mix.

4. Tear meat into fibers. Peel the garlic cloves and pass it through the press. Add to beef. Stir. Put the beef in a deep bowl in an even layer. Pepper and cover with mayonnaise with gelatin.

5. Peel the boiled eggs and cut them into circles. Put them on top of the beef. Next, lay out the stars cut from boiled carrots and parsley sprigs. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

6. In the broth, enter the second half of the gelatin, mix and fill the contents of the form. Soak in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

Recipe 4. Jellied Beef with Corn, Celery and Eggs


lean beef - 600 g;

table salt;

canned corn - 100 g;

three black peppercorns;

boiled eggs - five pcs .;

Bay leaf;

gelatin - 20 g;



stem of petiole celery.

Method of preparation

1. Clean the onion, celery and carrot, wash and cut into large pieces. We wash the beef, cut the film and cores. Put the meat and vegetables in a saucepan, pour two liters of hot water. Bring to a boil, remove the foam, reduce the heat, salt and cook until the meat is completely soft.

2. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, put pepper and bay leaf in the broth.

3. Remove the meat from the broth, cool and cut into thin slices. Strain the broth. Boiled eggs clean and cut into semicircular slices.

4. Fill the gelatin with warm broth and mix. We put in a water bath and hold until it is completely dissolved. Combine gelatin with the rest of the broth and mix. 5. Put a third of the corn on the bottom of the form, pour in the broth so that it only covers the corn. We put for 20 minutes in the refrigerator. Then put the slices of beef in the center. Along the edges of the place eggs. Fill this layer with broth and re-set for ten minutes in the fridge. On top of the cooled layer lay the remaining corn and pour broth. Leave the form in the refrigerator until the contents solidify completely.

6. Before serving, wrap the form with a hot towel, then turn it over and place the filler on the dish.

Recipe 5. Jellied beef with cranberry layer


half a kilo of lean beef;

black peppercorns;

5 ml of lemon juice;


25 ml of berry sauce;


30 g of gelatin;

three bay leaves;

sea ​​salt.

Method of preparation

1. Rinse the beef. Peel and wash the onion and carrot. Fold the whole meat and vegetables in a saucepan, cover with purified water. Salt, put the bay leaf and cook for 60 minutes.

2. Soak gelatin in a small amount of cold water, mix and leave to swell for an hour.

3. Remove the spices, beef, and vegetables from the pan. Broth strain. Discard the onion and spices. Crumble carrot cubes. Chop the meat the same way as carrots.

4. Add three quarters of the gelatin to the broth and simmer until it disperses completely.

5. Dissolve the berry sauce with a small amount of water to form a thick fruit drink. Add lemon juice and gelatin. Stir.

6. Lay the carrots and beef in cake tins, leaving about half a centimeter to the edge of the tins. Pour broth and send in the refrigerator. As soon as the liquid is set, add berry juice to the rim and send it back to the fridge. Dip the molds for a few seconds in hot water and remove the filler.

Recipe 6. Jellied beef with liver pate


two bay leaves;


pieces of yellow and red pepper;

two carrots;

half a pack of butter;

Half a kilo of beef liver;

bone beef - 500 g;

packing seasonings for jelly with gelatin;

bacon - 125 g; celery root - 50 g;

two onions.

Method of preparation

1. Peel the liver of the film and cut into cubes. Peel the vegetables and chop them in small pieces. Pork chop into cubes.

2. Put the bacon in a heated pan and melt it. Add chopped onion and carrot. Put the bay leaf and roast for seven minutes, stirring. Add liver, pepper, salt and cook over low heat for another six minutes.

3. Remove bay leaf, and roast liver with vegetables twice through a meat grinder. Add melted butter to the liver mixture, mix and refrigerate.

4. Place the beef in the pan, cover with boiled water and bring to the boil. Remove the foam, put the bay leaf, chopped celery bars, carrots and onions. Boil for two hours. Then remove the vegetables and meat and strain the broth.

5. Dissolve condiments with gelatin in broth and simmer for five minutes. Cool it down.

6. Fill the bottom of the dish with a layer of broth in a centimeter. Put in half an hour in the fridge. From the liver pate form a sausage, cut it into circles and place on a frozen layer of broth. Lay out the pieces of meat and garnish with slices of peppers. Pour the remaining broth and re-send for several hours in the refrigerator.

Beef Jellied - Tips and Tricks

To make the broth transparent, remove the foam from the broth in time, and at the end of cooking, strain it twice.

Before adding gelatin, add egg white to the cooled broth, bring to a boil and strain.

The dish will turn out original if to fill it in figured forms.

Remove the filler will be easier if you lower the form for a couple of seconds in hot water.

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