Meat patties are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook meat pies.

Meat patties are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook meat pies.

Meat patties - general principles and methods of cooking

In our country, even in ancient times, the hostess was evaluated by the ability to start the dough and bake pies. If you learn to cook stunning pies with a divine taste and aroma, honor and respect for your family and guests is guaranteed. Each hostess has her own secrets, but how nice it is to share them in a close circle, treating the fresh company with fresh hot cakes. This is especially true of meat pies, because meat is the product with which, for example, the easiest way is to pave the way to a man’s heart. In the cuisines of the peoples of the world there are different variations of meat pies: kulebyaka, samsa, belyashi, zrazy and so on. All of them have in common the basic principle of cooking: a meat filling is put in the middle of the dough, edges are plucked. The resulting patties are fried in butter or baked in the oven.

Meat Pies - Food Preparation

Any meat is suitable for pies, necessarily boneless: beef, pork, any poultry, as well as offal or remnants of boiled meat. The most important thing is to form the stuffing so that it is not too wet, otherwise when frying or baking, a layer of dough may remain around the filling. But too dry dough will make the patties difficult to digest. So - we get the right consistency when performing all the technologies. And, of course, flour for pies should be the highest grade.

Meat Pies - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pie patties on soda or baking powder

Belyashi are meat patties (beef or lamb), which are fried from yeast dough. But if you want to cook them much faster, try the early dough on soda. On sour cream, it turns out very soft and gentle, and the time spent on its preparation is much less. From this amount of dough should make about 20 whites. Ingredients:

Dough: flour (half a kilogram), sour cream (1 cup), egg (1 piece), soda (one third of a teaspoon), salt.

Stuffing: fat beef or lamb (400 grams), onions (2-3 pieces), salt, ground pepper, zira.

Method of preparation

Finely chopped onion mixed with ground meat, add pepper and salt. Add some water - the filling should not be too dry. Cake dough should be soft and not stick to hands. To carbon dioxide formed by the reaction of soda and acid, did not evaporate, knead the dough quickly. We mix the ingredients and immediately proceed to cutting. We turn half the dough into a bundle and divide the sausage into 10 equal parts. We roll each part into a cake 0.5 cm thick. Put a tablespoon of minced meat in the middle and connect the edges to the center. In the middle we leave a small hole. Belyashi stack on the pan with a hole down. For frying, we take a mixture of vegetable and baked butter. To the table ruddy hot pies served with hot tea or broth.

Recipe 2: Baked patties from yeast pastry

A great recipe for a solid portion of meat pies. We use raw minced meat and the usual technology of making yeast straight dough.

Ingredients: wheat flour (470-780 gr.), Butter (65 gr.), Salt, sugar (2 tablespoons), pressed yeast, black ground pepper, eggs (3 pcs.), Milk 100 grams.

Method of preparation

Prepare rich yeast dough. Dissolve the yeast in warm water with milk, add loose butter, leave for 15 minutes. For mixing eggs, butter, milk, use deep dishes. Mix all products and add flour in parts. Knead for about 15-20 minutes, in a combine for 8 minutes. The dough should be soft, slightly sticky to the hands. We sprinkle it with flour and leave it to rise for an hour and a half, during which time it will double.

Cut circles of the desired diameter from the rolled cake layers and lay out the filling on the surface. On a baking sheet, place the ready-made cakes at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Leave to “part” for 15-20 minutes. Brush each egg with a beaten egg and send it to the oven. Bake at 200 degrees. After 15 minutes, you will find a whole pan of ruddy soft and breathtakingly delicious meat pies.

Recipe 3: Meat Patties

In this recipe absolutely no need to mess with the dough. We use ready-made wafer cakes, and at the same time we will be able to surprise guests with our skill.

Ingredients: ready-made wafer cake (2 pieces), minced meat (half a kilogram), onions (1 piece), eggs (2-3 pieces), pepper, salt, oil for frying.

Method of preparation

Skip the minced meat through a meat grinder, mix it with onion, pepper, a little water and fry in a pan until half cooked. We spread the mince on the wafer cake, close the other. After three minutes, cut into squares with a side of 5 cm. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add some salt. Dip each pie in the egg mixture and fry in butter. Savory snack pies will be a great addition to any table, even a festive one!

Recipe 4: Meat patties from ready-made puff pastry

This is perhaps the easiest dish for lazy or busy ladies. If you are still obliged to feed your family, and you yourself love a great meal, this recipe is for you! Puff pastry is very capricious in cooking, so we use the ready-made shop option. For the filling, meat from the legs is suitable with the addition of various spices (but do not overdo it).

Ingredients: puff pastry (1 kg), chicken legs (2 pieces), onions (1-2 pieces), parsley, sour cream (100-150 gr.), Cumin, salt, pepper, 1 egg .

Method of preparation

Finely cut the meat, parsley and onion, mix, pepper and salt, add a pinch of jeera. Cut the small squares of dough into triangles diagonally, in the middle lay out the filling and a teaspoon of sour cream on top. Fold in half the long side, pinch the edges. Make sure that the juice of the filling does not flow. Finished puffs grease with beaten egg and send to the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Recipe 5: Potato Meat Patties

These pies are made from special dough. In fact, it is potato zrazy with meat. The best combination will be potatoes and beef. Cooking them is not at all difficult, the whole problem is to boil the meat for the filling. Ingredients: veal (100 grams), potatoes (3 pieces), garlic, carrots (1 piece), parsley, vegetable oil for frying, allspice, salt, pepper.

Method of preparation

Filling: put vegetables in the pan - potatoes, onions, carrots, add veal and spices. Boil until done. Meat, onions and carrots are skipped separately through a meat grinder, mix well.

Dough: mash potatoes, salt. We form a plump tortilla from the mass, put a spoonful of minced meat in the middle, close it with the same tortilla on top. Potato patty rolls down in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Soft zrazy are like pies, but softer and have a slightly different, potato flavor. Try it and you will also fall in love with them with the whole family.

Meat Pies - useful tips from experienced chefs

- To lean meat was more saturated, you can enhance its taste with the help of a bouillon cube. Dissolve the cube in a small amount of water and pour in the stuffing, the filling will turn out not only saturated but also more juicy.

- Often boiled beef is used for the filling. To make it soft and delicate, you can wipe the raw piece of meat with dry mustard beforehand (for example, the night before). Wash the meat under the tap before cooking or frying.

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