Mulled wine with orange - the most winter, fragrant and warming drink! Cooking all the mulled wine with oranges

Mulled wine with orange - the most winter, fragrant and warming drink! Cooking all the mulled wine with oranges

Mulled wine is now becoming very popular and even in fashion. Just uncorking and drinking a bottle of wine can each person, and only a few turn it into a wonderful drink.

Probably, just few people know how to do it easily. Here are the most successful recipes of mulled wine with orange. Indulge in adult?

Mulled Wine with Orange - General Cooking Principles

Mulled wine is usually made from dry red or semi-dry wine. But there are also non-alcoholic options, one of them can be found just below. Mulled wine is always served hot, for this reason it is important to learn how to heat it properly. The drink reaches deep taste and aroma due to the addition of juices, fruits or berries, very often it is citrus. That is why orange mulled wine is one of the most popular and favorite drinks.

What spices add:

• Cinnamon is a classic;

• badyan;

• vanilla pods;

• peel of various citruses;

• rosemary;

• cloves.

All this is added at the beginning or in the middle of the cooking process. Spices need time to taste. Apart from oranges, apples and other fruits can be added to mulled wine. You can change the taste of honey or white, brown sugar.

Important! The drink requires heating. It is best to use a water bath, but you can just take the dishes with a thick bottom or a good material that contributes to the even distribution of heat. Despite the fact that the drink is consumed hot, it can be given time to infuse, if necessary, mulled wine is reheated. But it is important to keep alcohol under a tight lid so that it does not run out of steam.

Mulled wine with orange and spices

One of the most common recipes of mulled wine with orange and dry red wine. Choose a ripe and juicy citrus. If you plan to decorate a glass with circles of orange, then you can cut off and set aside several neat slices. Ingredients

• orange;

• 2 cinnamon sticks;

• 0.5 liters of wine;

• 1 badyan;

• 1 tbsp. l honey;

• 5 carnations;

• 1 sprig (small) rosemary;

• 0.2 lemon (a couple of slices).

Method of preparation

1. Cut the washed orange into slices, put it into a saucepan, add a couple of lemon slices. Many do not need it, because dry wine itself has a sour taste.

2. Add a star starlet to the pan, enter the remaining spices. We throw cinnamon sticks whole or break it into several parts, but in no case do not grind. Rosemary throw just like cloves.

3. Fill the contents of the saucepan with wine. Its temperature does not matter.

4. Put the mulled wine on the stove, throw a cover. Well, if it is dense, it will keep aromas and alcohol inside.

5. Expose a small fire and begin to slowly heat up. Spices will give off flavor, mulled wine will bloom with new flavors.

6. As soon as the drink is heated to 70-80 degrees, you can prevent it. From the slices of orange and spices will go even greater flavor. The drink is ready!

7. Pour mulled wine in mugs or refractory glasses. Citrus slices can also be decomposed or replaced with fresh oranges, which look more beautiful.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine with orange

Practically at any party there are non-drinking guests, thanks to this recipe, they can also be adequately treated. A wonderful recipe for non-alcoholic mulled wine. It is very important to use high-quality grape juice for cooking. Since the drink will be heated, the chemical components and any unnecessary additives can behave strangely.


• 1 liter of grape juice;

• 1 tsp. lemon peel;

• 3 cloves;

• 2 oranges;

• 2 spoons of lemon juice;

• 1 cinnamon (chopstick);

• star aniseen;

• sugar to taste.

Method of preparation

1. Brush out the oranges, cut into circles, put into a saucepan. Add lemon zest. You do not need to grind it, just remove and add small plates or spirals, as it will. 2. Immediately put all the spices. Sugar can not add, we are guided by the taste of grape juice. Optionally, the sand can be replaced with natural honey or some syrup.

3. At the end pour lemon and grape juice. You don't need to stir anything. Cover the pan and set on a small fire. We start heating.

4. We warm up the drink in a saucepan for about 20 minutes, it should not boil in any way. Then stir with a wooden spoon or chopstick and cover again. As soon as hissing is heard. As if boiling, immediately remove the pan from the heat.

5. We give mulled wine a little stand, just a few minutes, then pour it into circles. By the way, if you wish you can add 1-2 spoons of brandy to non-alcoholic mulled wine.

Mulled wine with orange and apple

Delicious and aromatic recipe of mulled wine with oranges, apples and red dry or semi-dry wine. You can choose the basis to your taste, taking into account the desired strength. If the degrees are not enough, it is not forbidden to add brandy, but in a small amount and directly to your batch.


• 0.75 ml of wine (bottle);

• a pair of apples;

• two oranges (one for decoration);

• 2 badyana;

• 100 ml of water;

• pinch of nutmeg;

• 5 allspice peppers;

• 1-2 cloves;

• honey (sugar) to taste.

Method of preparation

1. With one orange, remove the zest, but do not chop, do not chop, throw strips into the pan. We cut the citrus itself into small cubes and shift it as well. Juice, which will remain on the board, gently pour into a saucepan.

2. Wash the apples, cut into small cubes and add to the orange slices and zest.

3. Now lay all the spices. If you don't like something, you can exclude it. We also act if something is not at home. Pepper is used only fragrant.

4. Now we fill all this with wine, add 100 ml of purified water. Close the saucepan and set to simmer on a small fire.

5. While mulled wine with oranges heats up, let's do the decor. The remaining citrus is cut into large triangular slices. We put on each glass piece by piece. 6. Remove hot, but not boiled mulled wine from the stove. Through a strainer poured into glasses. Inside you can add orange slices, if they remain.

Invigorating mulled wine with orange and ginger

This drink is a cure for all colds. It is advisable to cook it with real ginger, as well as use high-quality honey. In this embodiment, he will drive away all the ailment.


• a bottle of wine;

• 15 g of ginger;

• 2 oranges;

• 1 clove;

• 1 vanilla pod;

• 1 cinnamon;

• 2 spoons of honey;

• 0.2 liters of water;

• 0.3 lemon.

Method of preparation

1. Cut the ginger finely, add cinnamon, cloves to it, throw in the vanilla pod and pour in water. We put on the stove. Boil spices for at least five minutes after boiling. They must give away the fragrance. Strain out. If not a strainer is used, but a cloth, then you can still squeeze it out well. Mix the cooked flavored broth with wine, send in a saucepan.

2. Cut the washed oranges into small cubes, do not remove the peel. Crumble lemon Pour citruses in the pan to the wine and fragrant water.

3. Put mulled wine on the stove, weary almost to boiling. Carefully watch, spy, as soon as the mixture becomes very hot, remove from heat.

Mulled wine with orange and tea

Tea for mulled wine is used already brewed, but only fresh cooking. We make strong and saturated drink.


• 350 ml of tea;

• 2 spoons of honey;

• 0.75 ml of wine;

• 2 cinnamon (chopsticks);

• a pair of carnations;

• a pair of badian;

• 6-10 almond stuff;

• A pair of oranges.

Method of preparation

1. In wine, add cinnamon, star anise, cut in half almonds. You can additionally enter a few small pieces of ginger. We put it all on the stove.

2. Dice the orange, put it in the saucepan in the wine, continue to heat it together.

3. As soon as the first bubbles appear in the mulled wine, pour in the tea. Heat a few more minutes together.

4. Remove the drink from the heat. Add honey, stir until it dissolves. Pour in cups. For decoration use orange slices, cinnamon sticks.

Mulled wine with orange and dried apples

It turns out that mulled wine can be cooked not only with fresh apples, but also with dried fruits. Citruses combine with them just fine.


• a bottle of wine;

• a handful of dry apples;

• 1 large orange;

• glass of water;

• cinnamon stick;

• 2 spoons of sugar;

• 2 cloves.

Method of preparation

1. Soak the dried apples in warm water to a soft state, then squeeze, transfer to the saucepan. We add all the spices, we introduce a prescription glass of water, put it on the stove and cook for a quarter of an hour under the lid. Then insist to cool completely, filter.

2. Cut oranges, mix with wine, add apple broth with spices.

3. Introduce sugar, for piquancy, you can add a little lemon juice. Heat mulled wine to 80 degrees, pour into cups together with pieces of oranges, immediately served to the table.

Mulled Wine with Orange - Tips and Tricks

• It is undesirable to chop spices for mulled wine, it is better to lay them whole, placing them in a gauze bag or just strain the drink after the main warming.

• It is advisable to immediately remove the bones from citruses and not add them to the wine, they will spoil its taste, will give unpleasant bitterness.

• It is important not to neglect the thorough washing of oranges and other fruits. The rind of the fruit is often not only dirty, but also treated with chemicals. For washing it is best to use a brush, warm water and laundry soap.

• Often water is added to mulled wine. If the prescription fluid really goes, then you need to boil it separately, cool it a little and then add to the wine.

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