Cornmeal Cheesecakes

Cornmeal Cheesecakes

Cheesecakes with corn flour will allow to experiment and at the same time enrich the diet. Most housewives obviously underestimate the low-calorie product without gluten and treat it with caution, although their corn flour makes it possible to do without eggs. Quality goods must be tightly packed.

It is convenient to mold thick dough with wet hands. Roasting is carried out on a moderate fire for a short time, only until the formation of a ruddy crust. Cheesecakes should not be made thick, otherwise they will not have time to fry.

Fresh sour cream is the best addition to golden pancakes made from cottage cheese.


  • cottage cheese - 370 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp;
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l .;
  • corn flour - 4 tbsp. l + for breading;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • baking powder - 1 pinch;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.
Cornmeal Cheesecakes


1. In a deep bowl for kneading dough, break one chicken egg and pour out vanilla and plain white sugar, also add salt. Instead of vanilla sugar, you can take some vanilla powder or liquid extract. Mix thoroughly with a fork or whisk until you get a uniform consistency. No need to mix well.

Cornmeal Cheesecakes

2. Add cottage cheese in a deep bowl to the egg mixture. Stir with a spoon to create a uniform consistency. Fork need to be well grind to avoid large lumps. If you do not like cottage cheese lumps in the finished dish, punch the mass with an immersion blender, then the finished dish will be with a uniform center.

Cornmeal Cheesecakes

3. Sift the cornmeal through a sieve and add to the curd and eggs in a bowl. Sprinkle baking powder. Mix well with a spoon or broom so that flour cornballs do not form.

Cornmeal Cheesecakes

4. Take a couple of tablespoons of cornmeal for breading cheesecakes. The dough is quite thick. Spoon take a small portion of the test mass and put in flour, roll on all sides. Then, using a knife, give the blank a round shape with a height of about 7-10 mm and leave it on the board, sprinkled with flour. Do this procedure with the rest of the curd dough.

Cornmeal Cheesecakes

5. Place the pan on the stove and add a little vegetable oil, let it warm up well. Lay out the billet with corn flour and fry on both sides until golden brown. Roast on moderate heat.

Cornmeal Cheesecakes

6. When the cheesecakes are ready, put them on a plate with a napkin or with a disposable kitchen towel so that all the unwanted fat can drain. Then serve to the table with sour cream or jam and fragrant hot tea.

Cornmeal Cheesecakes
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