Curd cheesecakes with raisins

Curd cheesecakes with raisins

Of all types of fritters, cheesecakes are the most difficult to prepare. Capricious cottage cheese loves to play bad jokes - it will either melt, stick to the pan, burn and make flat rubber cakes out of your cheesecakes (however, even in this form, cheesecakes are edible and more or less tasty), or it will turn sour with a strong milky smell, or you will overdo it with flour and pancakes will be hard and tasteless.

If you have suffered a failure in the first experience, do not worry - like a pancake, the first cheesecake is usually a lump. But the situation can always be rectified: if the pancakes melt and burn, there is little flour, you need to add. If there is no cheese flavor in them, add cottage cheese. You can sweeten the dough during the process by dissolving the sugar with a small amount of kefir.

However, the photorecept should help you get around all the pitfalls and we hope that you will get soft and airy cheese cakes with raisins from the first attempt.


  • curd fine-grained sour - 300 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • semolina - 2 table. lodges .;
  • brown raisins - 2 table. lodges .;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • salt - pinch;
  • wheat flour for powder;
  • vegetable oil;
  • icing sugar for decoration.

Servings Per Container: 4

Cooking time: 40 minutes


Curd cheesecakes with raisins

1. To prepare lush homemade curd cakes with raisins, we prepare all the necessary ingredients. Fine-grained curd (can be ground through a sieve), combine with the egg and knead to a smooth consistency.

Curd cheesecakes with raisins

2. Add the semolina, salt and sugar to the curd and continue to knead the dough thoroughly.

Curd cheesecakes with raisins

3. We pre-steam the raisins in boiling water, and then add them to the curd.

Curd cheesecakes with raisins

4. We form sausages from curd dough, apply a large amount of flour on the work surface. Thoroughly knead sausages in flour to a tight consistency, giving the shape of cheesecakes.

Curd cheesecakes with raisins

5. Heat the griddle well with vegetable oil and fry each cheese cake on both sides until golden brown. Sprinkle ready cheese cakes with raisins with powdered sugar and serve hot with sour cream or jam.

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