Baked apples with sugar in the oven

Baked apples with sugar in the oven

Apples are one of the main sources of pectins in our diet, and pectins are very effective enterosorbents, which bind and remove toxins, fermentation products, part of cholesterol and reduce the absorption of fats. Pectins are in both fresh and baked apples, but baked apples are a sparing product for people with diseases of the digestive system, in addition, it is also a particularly tasty, original dessert.

In order to bake apples well, in no case do not peel them off and choose only good fruits, on which you do not need to cut out the damaged places. Peel keeps the temperature and juice, so that the apples in the oven does not wilt, and baked.


  • apples are fresh sweet varieties - 2 large pieces;
  • sugar - 1, 5 tbsp. l


Baked apples with sugar in the oven

1. For roasting fresh apples in the oven, prepare the necessary ingredients. Apples are thoroughly washed.

Baked apples with sugar in the oven

2. Cut a stalk in clean apples and make a small crater 1/5 of an apple depth.

Baked apples with sugar in the oven

3. Fill the dimples with sugar.

Baked apples with sugar in the oven

4. Carefully level the sugar in the recess and place the apples in a vertical position in the baking dish (the bottom can be greased with butter). Preheat oven to 180 ° C and bake apples. Baking time about 15 minutes.

Baked apples with sugar in the oven

5. Ready-made apples look slightly dried, make juice, and the cap of sugar turns into thick caramel with foam. When the apples are ready, we get them out of the oven and cool slightly.

Baked apples with sugar in the oven

6. Finished apples are served necessarily hot until the caramel has hardened. Enjoy your meal.

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