Beef in wine in a multicooker

Beef in wine in a multicooker

A good cook in the kitchen should have bottles not only with butter and sauces, but also with alcohol - the tradition of adding it to dishes has been tested by many years of culinary practice throughout the world.

In particular, wine is used for marinating meat and fish, because it has acid, as well as during the heat treatment of products. From the high temperature, the alcohol contained in the wine evaporates quickly, and the dish is only saturated with wine flavor and aroma.

If you do not know what kind of wine to pick up to the recipe, follow one of two tips - either take the same principle that wine is served with (red meat - red, fish and white - white), or take that wine you like to drink more.


  • beef tenderloin - 1, 4 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs .;
  • garlic - 1 pc;
  • white wine - 1 glass;
  • 200 g beef broth;
  • a blend of herbs from Provence.

Cooking time - 2.5 hours; the number of servings - 4.


Beef in wine in a multicooker

1. For such a dish we will need a piece of high-quality tenderloin. Beef must first be washed and cleaned. And then cut it with oblong pieces.

Beef in wine in a multicooker

2. We rub meat with seasonings. In addition to the usual pepper and salt, you must add spicy herbs - for example, a mixture of herbs from Provence. Spices will make the meat softer and give the cooked dish a flavor.

Beef in wine in a multicooker

3. After adding the spices, we pour wine over the meat, in our case, white. Mono wine to use any white, but it would be better to stop at the table dry wine.

Beef in wine in a multicooker

4. Wash the bulbs, clean and then cut them with semi-whelk. In order to cry less, slicing the onions, periodically you need to doused the knife with ice water.

Beef in wine in a multicooker

5. Add the onion rings to the beef in the wine, and put everything in the slow cooker. Fill there beef broth. We put the mode of "quenching" for 2 hours and leave the dish so that it stays good.

Beef in wine in a multicooker

6. Having prepared it, serve it to the table, before it, sprinkle it with greens.

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