Coffee: cooking recipes

Coffee: cooking recipes

Coffee is a drink that is made from roasted coffee tree grains. Due to the caffeine content and due to its stimulating effect, the name “exciting drink” was fixed to coffee. For centuries, coffee has been one of the most popular hot drinks in the world. And at the same time one of the most controversial. There are still open questions: Is coffee harmful to human health? And is there a dependence on it? So far, no scientific research has provided accurate answers. But whatever they are, coffee will not lose its popularity. After all, what could be better than a fragrant cup of coffee in the morning or in the evening?

To get real pleasure from this drink, you need to know some recipes and be able to properly prepare it. In this article, we will present some recipes for those who want to enjoy the exquisite aroma of real coffee and discover its new tastes.

1. Arabic Coffee

Take a small pot of coffee (100 ml) and put a piece of sugar in it. Then pour almost to the top of the water and boil. Add 2 teaspoons of ground coffee to a removed coffee pot. Stir well, put on the fire again and bring to the boil again. After this, it is necessary to once again remove the pot from the fire, add the missing amount of water and boil one more time. Arabic coffee is ready. 2. Coffee with milk.

This coffee recipe is quite simple. To do this, pour the required amount of milk into the coffee pot and bring it to a boil. After removing boiling milk from the heat, add a few spoons of ground coffee to it and put it on the stove again. Boil again. In the finished coffee drink, you can add sugar to taste and cinnamon for flavor.

3. European coffee.

First make coffee cream. To do this, beat the protein of one egg, mixing it with a small amount of vanilla extract. You should get a thick cream. Pour it into a cup and then dilute it with ready coffee. Stir well, pour some milk or cream into a cup.

4. Irish coffee.

First you need to brew ordinary black coffee. And then add 3 teaspoons of sugar and the same spoon of vodka. When everything is thoroughly mixed, you can add a little sour cream or cream to give a special exquisite taste to the coffee drink.

These are just a few, few recipes from a thousand coffee. You can come up with your own, adding ingredients to taste and thus creating a real ceremony from coffee preparation that is in no way inferior to tea.

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