Tortilla tortilla is an appetizing dish for every day. Variants of cooking tortillas with cheese, nuts, honey and spices

Tortilla tortilla is an appetizing dish for every day. Variants of cooking tortillas with cheese, nuts, honey and spices

Part of the national Mexican cuisine is tortillas or tortillas. It is made from simple dough on water and corn flour with salt. Traditionally - without yeast or any other baking powder. However, the recipe can be varied to your liking. And this will be the kitchen of another country: Georgian khachapuri, Indian chapati, or khychyn of Karachai. All this tortilla tortillas, but with cheese, spices, nuts or cereal flour. They are used instead of bread or to create fast food dishes - quesadillas (pieces of chicken fried with vegetables in a flat cake). Other variations of quesadillas are burritos or tacos.

Tortilla cakes - the general principles of cooking

Classic tortilla is made from corn flour, but with the obligatory addition of wheat. This improves the quality of the dough, since the corn flour has weak sticky qualities and it is hardly possible to make a dough out of it.

In the dough for the cake you can add stuffing: ground walnuts, cheese, boiled chopped eggs, spices, dried or fresh chopped spicy greens. Or you can choose the stuffing at your discretion.

To make the filling in an even layer right in the middle of the cake, first prepare the dough. And then roll in additional products.

Prepare the dish in a pan (plain or pancake) or in the oven. Well, the classic cooking involves the use of special wood-burning stoves, where the cakes are roasted evenly and become tender-crisp.

Tortilla cakes - classic Mexican (on wheat flour)


· 260 g of wheat flour (highest grade);

· 120 ml of boiled water;

· Two art. l butter;

· A spoonful of salt;

· 60 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking Method:

1. Melt the butter butter (do not boil it) and combine with warm water. Add salt and flour. Knead the unleavened dough. 2. Put it in a bag and leave for a quarter of an hour to “ripen”.

3. Then, from the dough, shape the sausage with your hands and cut it into pieces weighing approximately 20-30 g. It is possible even more, but then the diameter of the cake will be wider.

4. Roll each piece with a rolling pin to a thin cake. It should almost shine through the table, but not tear to pieces.

5. Heat a little butter in a pan and place the first cake. Fry it from both sides - it will take about 4 minutes.

6. Put the finished cakes on a plate with paper napkins to remove excess fat.

7. Add some more oil to the pan and fry the following layers of dough.

8. Before serving, clean the paper napkins. While the cakes are soft, they can wrap a snack salad. Roll the baked dough into a bag and put in a mixture of sliced ​​cucumber, hard cheese, eggs, greens and sour cream. Salad can be fruit.

Tortilla cake on kefir


· One article kefir (acidophilus or ryazhenka);

· Five art. l vegetable oil;

· 310 g of wheat flour;

· One tsp. any salt;

· Some spices;

· Spoon tip baking soda.

Cooking Method:

1. In a bowl, combine kefir and three tablespoons. l vegetable oil. Add spices and salt. Then soda and flour. Knead the dough until smooth.

2. Spread the table with the remaining butter and divide the dough into small pieces. Roll each into a thin layer.

3. Heat two pans on the adjacent burners and place two thin layers in them. Fry at the same time and spend half the time on all cooking. And due to the fact that the dough is rolled out with butter, it is not necessary to add it to the pan.

4. Hot tortillas served to hot dishes, including pilaf. Crispy dough is used instead of cutlery, capturing rice.

Cornmeal tortilla tortilla


· 260 g of corn flour;

· A couple of spoons of wheat flour (or potato starch);

· 110 ml of water; · 2 tbsp. spoons of milk;

· A couple of pinches of salt;

· Three Art. l lean oil;

· One yolk.

Cooking Method:

1. Stir warm water and milk. Enter the salt and wheat flour. Knead the dough and at the same time pour cornmeal with your free hand. Stir until a smooth ball of soft dough comes out.

2. Grease the work surface with butter and cut the dough into pieces. Roll each out with a rolling pin.

3. Turn on the oven at 200 ° C and take a wide pan with low sides. Put the dough layers on it, how much will fit. Top surfaces smeared with yolk. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

4. Serve hot tortillas to the table instead of bread with green “Pesto” sauce or tea with jam or jam.

Tortilla cake with suluguni cheese


· 320 g of wheat flour;

· One small egg (C2);

Garlic clove;

· 60 g of Suluguni cheese;

· 120 ml of milk;

· Five art. l vegetable oil.

Cooking Method:

1. In a small bowl, beat the egg, add the milk and a couple of spoons of vegetable oil. Pour the flour and cook the dough. Put it aside for now. Cover it so that it does not deflate.

2. Pass a garlic clove through a press and rub cheese on a fine grater. Stir the mass. Please note that you can take any cheese, if desired, either hard or pickled.

3. Take the dough and cut it into 6-8 pieces.

4. Roll the first piece into the reservoir. In the center, put the garlic and garlic filling and collect the edges on top. It turned out a closed bag. Pin the edges together tightly so that the cheese does not fall out. Put the tuck in the center of the cake and roll out the dough with a rolling pin. There should be a thin dough, inside which is cheese and garlic. Do the same with all the pieces of dough.

5. Heat the pan and fry the pancakes in butter until tender on both sides. Cheese will melt at high temperature, and during cooling it will give its flavor and taste to dough.

6. Serve the dish for lunch in addition to the first or second course.

Tortilla with nuts

Ingredients: · 120 ml of water;

· A couple of baking powder;

· 260 g of flour (wheat);

· A handful of walnuts (or “pecan”);

· Salt;

· 50 ml of oil liquid.

Cooking Method:

1. Walnuts are best for this dish, they are soft. But it is better to remove the bitter skin. To do this, fry the nuts in a frying pan and cool. Use your hands to remove them from the peeling skin. Then chop the white nuts into a crumb. At the request of the crumb do small or large. If you take "Pecan", you can not peel it - it is soft and sweet.

2. Mix water with salt, 10 ml of oil and nuts. Pour the baking powder and flour. Knead your hands until soft. Roll out the dough into a large thin layer to the size of a baking tray.

3. Set the oven to a temperature of 180-200 ° C. Grease a wide baking sheet. Lay out a layer of dough for butter. Top also promacite liquid fat. Immediately cut into squares or triangles with a special dough knife. Put in the heat for cooking. After 15 minutes everything is ready.

4. Lay the tortillas on a plate. If desired, pour liquid bee honey.

Sweet Tortilla Tortilla


· 1 tbsp. sour cream (or cream);

· A couple of pinches of salt;

· 1.5 Art. flour;

· 1/3 tsp of soda;

· 3 tbsp. l honey

· A bunch of green basil;

· 3 tbsp. l raisins (seedless);

· 2 tsp. butter;

· 50 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking Method:

1. Combine soft butter with sour cream, honey, soda and salt. Pour in half the flour and mix thoroughly. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough into a ball.

2. Rinse the raisins and cover with hot water for a couple of minutes. Sort out the basil greens, for the recipe only fresh young leaves are needed. Wash and dry. In a blender, chop the raisins (without water) with basil into a smooth, pureed mass.

3. Practice molding the dough. Blind the sausage and cut it into small pieces. Each thin roll. Put a little stuffing in the middle and collect the edges so that the greens with the raisins turn out inside. The casserole will be double layered. Roll it and all the rest one by one. In the same way, any stuffing can be rolled into the dough - chopped finely bacon or sweet pepper, grated baby carrots or apple and plum salad. 4. In vegetable oil, fry each cake to a ruddy color on both sides.

5. Serve the cakes to the table according to the number of guests. If you have baked one large tortilla with a filling, it can be cut like a pizza.

Dietary cheese tortilla tortilla


· A couple of eggs;

· Three spoons of oat bran flour;

· Two spoons of milk;

· Salt and soda on a pinch;

· 60 grams of cheese (any solid).

Cooking Method:

1. In a bowl, break the eggs. Mix with them salt, soda and milk.

2. Then gradually add flour and knead the dough.

3. Through a small grater, rub the cheese and add it to the prepared dough.

4. Mix everything thoroughly and divide into several balls.

5. Roll each ball into a tortilla.

6. Heat the non-stick frying pan and for two minutes under the lid closed bake each cake on both sides.

7. Flapjacks should take on a golden hue. Serve immediately after cooking.

Tortilla cakes - tips and useful tips

The bread is made not only fresh, but also sweet and from dough.

For the basis of the test take water, kefir, milk, cream, sour cream or even beer. Do not be afraid to get drunk after drinking beer, only the aroma from alcohol remains.

Do not use more flour for the dough than indicated in the recipe. Otherwise, it will burn during frying and absorb a lot of oil.

Serve such flat cakes to the table immediately. Otherwise they may dry out and harden.

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