Mexican tortilla tortillas - tasty and easy! Enchilada, nachos, quesadilla, burrito, chimichanga - recipes with Mexican flatbreads

Mexican tortilla tortillas - tasty and easy! Enchilada, nachos, quesadilla, burrito, chimichanga - recipes with Mexican flatbreads

More recently, Mexican cuisine was far from exotic for us. Today, the national dishes of Mexico can not only be found in various cafes and restaurants, but also easy to prepare at home. And many of them are based on tortilla cakes.

Basic principles of making Mexican tortilla cakes

Such flat cakes are baked from two types of flour: corn or wheat flour, and also from their mixture. The traditional recipe is based on special corn flour. Elastic dough comes out of it. It is difficult to find such flour in our country, and it’s difficult to work with dough from ordinary corn. Therefore, at home, it is easier to bake white flour tortillas or take corn and wheat one by one. Also in the recipe includes water, salt, butter or vegetable oil.

In Mexico, tortilla is the basis of many dishes. Various fillings are wrapped in it, added into pieces in soup, used instead of cutlery, scooping up such flat cake, for example, sauce. Traditional components of the filling are meat or chicken, tomatoes, beans, hot and sweet peppers, cheese, corn.

Mexican tortilla cakes - a basic recipe from corn flour


Glass of corn flour;

half a glass of wheat flour;

a pinch of salt;

a glass of hot water.

Method of preparation

Put corn flour in a bowl, add wheat flour, put salt.

Pour hot water. Knead by adding water or flour as needed - we need to get a dense dough. Cut it into a dozen pieces. Each roll in the ball. Put a bun of dough on a sheet of parchment, the second is covered on top and so roll it with a rolling pin into a thin cake.

We do not grease the pan. Fry quickly until golden. You can not give the tortillas to burn, too dry not worth it. Ready-made corn tortillas can be used for various dishes of Mexican cuisine or just as bread with soups and salads.

Mexican tortilla cakes - a basic recipe from wheat flour


Two glasses of wheat flour;

a teaspoon of salt;

a quarter pack of butter;

half a cup of warm water.

Method of preparation

Flour need to sift. Then we add butter to it and begin to grind it with our hands. The result will be baby.

Next, pour in the water, pour in the salt. Now you need to knead the dough. It will turn out smooth and elastic.

We put it in a bowl, cover it, put it in heat, where it will stand for half an hour.

The dough is divided into eight identical pieces. From each form a ball. Roll out. Billets should be about two millimeters thick.

Pan as we heat. Oil is not required, we fry flat cakes. Just a minute or two on one side, the same on the other.

Burrito from tortilla mexican cakes

A simple and satisfying dish, in fact, a kind of fast food. As a filling, you can take chicken, chopped finely beef or minced meat with the addition of beans, sweet and hot peppers, onions, tomatoes, garlic. Typical for Mexican cuisine, the sharpness can be adjusted to your liking, for example, do not put chili.


300 grams of meat (beef);

two cloves of garlic;

200 grams of canned beans;

one sweet pepper;

two tomatoes;

green chilli pod;


cheese - eight slices;

tortillas - four pieces;

1/2 teaspoon coriander (grind);

fresh cilantro;

50 ml of vegetable oil.

Method of preparation

Finely cut the beef. Also onion should be cut into small pieces, chili, garlic, tomatoes, sweet peppers.

Stew pieces of meat to softness, pre-lightly roasting them in vegetable oil. If necessary, add a little water, salt.

When the beef is ready, take it out on a plate and for the time being set aside.

After the meat in the pan will juice. Fry the onions in it first. Then add the peppers - hot and sweet. Fry a couple more minutes.

Now return the meat to the pan, season with garlic and ground coriander. In a couple of minutes tomatoes are sent there. We get the beans out of the jar, a little bit of it with the help of a fork. We lay out the rest of the stuffing. It remains to add finely chopped cilantro and extinguish the fire.

In a skillet without butter, heat up the flat cakes. You can form a burrito: put two slices of cheese, on top of the stuffing, still hot. Wrap roll, pretty tight. You can serve! The traditional Mexican sauce, salsa, goes well with the burrito.

Enchiladas of Mexican tortilla cakes

For this dish, the meat filling is also wrapped in a tortilla, but then the resulting rolls are also baked under a tasty sauce.


Half bell pepper;

one fresh tomato;

100 grams of canned tomatoes (in own juice);

two cloves of garlic;


five tortillas;

250 grams of chicken breast;

chili pepper - optional;

70 grams of cheese.

Method of preparation

Chicken meat cook until tender.

For now let's do the sauce. Cut the tomato, onion, garlic, pepper, lightly fry them in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, send canned tomatoes to the same place.

Cover with a lid. Stew for about seven minutes. Now you can salt. If you use chili, now is the time to add it. With the help of a blender we turn our vegetables into a thick sauce.

Boiled chicken fillet into cubes. Mix it with a portion of the sauce. We distribute this stuffing on cakes, we twist each roll. We shift in a suitable form, on top - sauce and grated cheese. It's time to put in the oven - 180 degrees, until a beautiful golden brown. Eating this dish is better hot.

Quesadilla from Mexican tortilla cakes

This appetizer is also prepared very simply - a meat or vegetable filling is laid between two flat cakes, always with cheese. Then the dish is roasted until rudiness, cut into pieces and served with sauce.


Ten tortilla cakes;

two bell peppers;

a few cloves of garlic (to taste);

one chicken breast;

canned corn - can;

200 grams of cheese (solid varieties); salt;


Method of preparation

Chicken fillet marinated. To do this, cut the meat very finely, add salt and paprika, crumbled garlic. Let us stand for an hour, so that the chicken is soaked in spices. After fry in olive oil.

Also, finely chop the pepper, add it to the chicken. There we will send corn, drain from it all liquid previously. Stew for about ten minutes. Turn off, cool slightly. Mix with grated cheese.

We take the second frying pan, add a little oil. Put the tortilla. We distribute the filling across its surface. From above - the second flat cake. Fry on both sides. The cheese will melt and connect both tortillas together. We cut the finished dish into four parts, served with sour cream.

Mexican tortilla nachos

For nachos, which are triangular chips with various spicy and spicy additives, we will need corn tortillas. You can bake them, following the recipe, or buy ready-made. And to turn the tortillas into nachos is not a big deal.


Six to seven tortillas;

50 grams of cheese;

3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

dried onions and garlic - one teaspoon;

ground coriander, hot pepper - to taste;


a dozen olives or olives;

two teaspoons of paprika;


Method of preparation

Combine butter with spices: ground dried onion and garlic, coriander, paprika. With this fragrant oil, we coat the cakes well on each side. Cut into triangular pieces.

Put them on a baking sheet, salt and put in the oven. 200 degrees, we hold for a short time, just a few minutes, when we are browned - we get it.

We made corn chips. While they are still warm, sprinkle with grated cheese on top, you can also add small pieces of olives, chili pepper, as well as fresh greens. You can serve nachos with different sauces to your taste.

Chimichanga from Mexican tortilla cakes

This appetizer resembles a burrito, here is the same spicy and spicy filling stuffed in a flat cake. The difference is that the resulting rolls are further fried in vegetable oil. Ingredients

Three chicken fillets;

six tortilla cakes;

chili sauce - two tablespoons;

red and black pepper (ground);

one red and green bell pepper;


vegetable oil;

one onion.

Method of preparation

Meat cut into fairly small pieces. Fry it until ready. In the process of seasoning with salt, pepper and chili sauce.

Onions cut into semi-hems, peppers - thin straws. Add them to the chicken. Fry all together for several minutes and another five or seven minutes, hold on low heat. Then let the filling cool slightly.

Put a portion of the filling on each cake, we turn off the envelopes. Now it remains only to fry them in hot vegetable oil, we need a beautiful ruddy crust. You can serve with spicy tomato sauce.

Mexican tortilla tortillas - secrets and tricks

• Ready-made tortillas are best eaten immediately, hot, but they can also be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, they need to wrap food wrap and place in the freezer. Then, before using, simply heat the cakes in the oven. You can also fry them again in a skillet.

• Do not fry the tortillas for too long - no more than a minute on one side. Otherwise they will be too dry, and can also quickly burn.

• Spicy - compulsory quality dishes using Mexican tortilla. To make them especially hot, spices are added not only to the filling, the cake itself can also be sprinkled with ground red pepper.

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