Paella with chicken - the secrets of a gourmet dish. We supplement chicken paella with seafood, beans, vegetables

Paella with chicken - the secrets of a gourmet dish. We supplement chicken paella with seafood, beans, vegetables

Paella is another rice dish, which is as difficult as a rice in cooking. Only ingredients - do not count: seafood of several species, vegetables, a couple of meats. Yes, and what kind of rice does not fit, you have to choose with special care.

If you intend to still cook this wonderful dish, have patience and take it as a rule - all stages of preparation, which are described as very fast, should be. Otherwise, you risk getting a mixture of ready-made products instead of a luxurious Spanish paella, a very doubtful taste and look.

Chicken Paella - General Cooking Principles

• This paella is cooked only in a wide pan, its sides should not be high, and the bottom narrowed. Ideal if the height of the bump will not exceed a few centimeters.

• There is no single recipe; everyone prepares it in their own way. In the paella with chicken add vegetables, other meats, fish, sausages, seafood. The constant basis of the dish is rice and chicken.

• What should be the rice in order to make the paella with chicken “correct”? You should not use long-grain grits, it absorbs moisture poorly. Habitual varieties Jasmine or Basmati, of which pilau is usually prepared, are unsuitable. The most suitable varieties of rice for paella are round-grain, Spanish. An alternative option may be Arbario or Carnaroli, in the extreme case, well-known Krasnodar rice varieties will do.

• Chicken - any pieces of carcass, but it is better to give preference to the breast or thighs. The fillets are cut into oblong pieces of small size, the thighs are cut into pieces and the skin is removed.

• Meat is first fried or boiled. The broth is not poured, and used in the future - poured into the pan, after it laid rice. Liquid foundation of paella can be not only chicken broth. Instead, it is permissible to use water or vegetable decoction. In any case, white wine is often added to them. • Traditionally, paella is served at lunchtime. Real gourmets will never use metal utensils - only wooden spoons.

Chicken and seafood paella recipe


• round grain rice - 150 gr .;

• three large and juicy tomatoes;

• large onion;

• 50 ml of high-quality olive oil;

• 200 ml of tart white wine;

• chicken broth or water - 300 ml;

• garlic;

• hot chili pepper - a piece of pod, 2 cm long;

• 200 gr. saveloyat;

• chicken fillet - 300 gr .;

• 300 grams of squid;

• peeled shrimps - 200 gr .;

• 300 gr. sea ​​fish meat;

• mussels - 250 gr .;

• paprika, turmeric.


1. Cut 3 pieces of garlic and onion in small pieces. Scald tomatoes with boiling water, carefully remove the skin, and cut the flesh into medium-sized slices.

2. Heat the oil in a wide and shallow pan. We do not allow the glowing, we maintain on average fire no more than 30 seconds. Then put the garlic and, stirring, fry for a few seconds. Put and pass on the bow to transparency. Then put the tomatoes in the pan, and after them the chili pepper.

3. As soon as the tomatoes begin to give out the juice, add chicken cut into cubes. Simmer it all together for six minutes, and put it into a roasting, diced sausage, thin squid rings, portioned fish and shrimp. Add mussels and continue cooking for another seven minutes. Be sure to stir three times during this time so that all components are steamed evenly.

4. Pour rice into the pan, add the paprika and turmeric. Well stirred, pour the wine and, waiting for the cereals to absorb it, pour in the broth. We wait for boiling and lower the heating to the minimum value. Cooking, waiting for the evaporation of moisture.

Tomato paella with chicken and shrimp


• eight large chicken thighs;

• one and a half liters of liquid - broth, vegetable broth or water;

• 40 ml of olive oil;

• four sweet peppers;

• 800 gr. canned tomatoes;

• rice for paella - 450 gr .; • 700 gr. peeled shrimp;

• a small pinch of cayenne pepper;

• 400 gr. frozen green beans;

• paprika, saffron;

• Spoon chopped dill.


1. Wash the chicken and remove the skin. Then put the pieces in the pan, pour two liters of water and put on maximum heat. Bringing to a boil, slightly reduce the heat and leave for 20 minutes under the lid. Remove the meat from the broth, put it in a bowl and cover with a lid.

2. From the peppers we cut off the stalks, remove the seeds, wash off their remnants with water. Then cut Percini in half and cut into thin strips, but not straw! We spread in oil heated in a pan and fry for 2 minutes on low heat.

3. Add the shrimp, season with ground pepper, add some salt and cook everything together for another minute and a half. Put the fried ingredients in a bowl.

4. In a frying pan, lay out the flesh of tomatoes cut into large slices, fill them with rice and pour 3 cups of broth left over during cooking.

5. When it is completely absorbed into the grits, pour two more glasses of hot broth, add chicken, salt and mix well. Tomim over low heat KOLO half an hour. Closely monitor the rice, if necessary, add broth.

6. Approximately a quarter of an hour before readiness, we put thawed beans into the pan. Add saffron, paprika and cayenne pepper. We also place shrimps fried with pepper here. At the end, sprinkle paella with chopped dill.

Paella with chicken and canned beans “In Filipino”


• fresh or chilled chicken breast fillet - 700 gr .;

• large onion;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• one and a half glasses of rice grain;

• 230 gr. fresh tomato;

• one Bulgarian pepper;

• canned beans (red) - 175 gr .;

• large orange;

• 100 ml unsweetened white wine;

• five 250-gram glasses of liquid;

• high-quality olive oil;

• fresh parsley - 2 sprigs;

• half a teaspoon stigma of saffron.


1. Fill saffron stigmas with boiling water (40 ml) and leave for 7 minutes. Cut into medium-sized, oblong pieces of fillet, spread in a bowl and pepper. Add a little salt, mix thoroughly and let the meat stand for a while. 2. Scald with orange boiling water. With a small trowel we remove some zest from it (1 tbsp. L.). Squeeze the juice out of citrus, filter it through a sieve.

3. Warming up butter, dip chicken fillet in it. Fry the pieces to ruddy on an intense fire, and to browned evenly - periodically stir.

4. We shift the chicken into a clean bowl, and in the pan lower the finely chopped onion and pass until softened. Then add minced garlic, season with paprika and transfer saffron stigmas to the pan. Pour over the saffron water and pour it here. We warm up a minute, mixing.

5. Add sliced ​​tomatoes, canned beans, along with the sauce and thin strips of Bulgarian pepper. Stew, stirring, no more than two minutes.

6. Cover the rice, stew the cereal in vegetable juice for about a minute and add orange zest. Add two spoons of freshly squeezed orange juice, wine and a little more than half of chicken broth (water or vegetable broth).

7. On intensive heating, bring the contents of the frying pan to a boil, then reduce the temperature to a minimum and boil for 10 minutes without covering it. Do not interfere - you can only slightly shake the pan a couple of times.

8. We shift fried fillet to rice. Season with paella with ground pepper, add salt to your taste and, after stirring carefully, leave to simmer. After a quarter of an hour, check the rice for readiness.

9. Cover the finished paella with foil, firmly fasten its edges and leave for 10 minutes. When serving, decorate with orange slices and chopped parsley.

Tasty paella with chicken and vegetables (zucchini and eggplants)


• one small zucchini or young zucchini;

• 300 gr. chicken fillet (breast);

• small eggplant;

• two glasses of rice for paella (round grain);

• 200 gr. fresh medium sized mushrooms;

• garlic;

• two onions;

• 300 gr. tomato (fresh);

• Bay leaf;

• saffron;

• fresh basil;

• ground pepper - red and black;

• olive or high-quality vegetable oil;

• three and a half cups of chicken broth. Preparation:

1. Clean the vegetables. Cut eggplant into small cubes, zucchini into thin cubes, and tomatoes into small slices.

2. We wash mushrooms, clearing the remains of dirt. Dry it with a towel and cut it - small in half, and larger ones into 3-4 parts.

3. Dry fillet well. Cut the chicken into small cubes or stripes and quickly bring it to reddened in olive oil. We shift in a bowl.

4. Pour a little oil into a clean pan and set on moderate heat to warm it.

5. Take three cloves of garlic, remove thin husks from them - leave a thick peel. Slightly crush the garlic and dip it into the heated oil. We warm up the minute and remove, we need only a light garlic flavor.

6. Put the onion in the pan, and, frying until transparent, add the mushrooms. Keeping on low heat, we wait for the evaporation of all the moisture, after which we immediately lay the eggplants and zucchini, continue to cook for three minutes. Do not forget to stir, but not too often, otherwise the vegetables will lose their shape. Putting roast in a separate bowl.

7. In a frying pan with the remaining butter, pour rice into the pan, and fry it over low heat for about two minutes. Then pour the hot broth, add salt, season to taste with a mixture of peppers. Mix and, laying a bay leaf, cook under the lid for 20 minutes. We do not mix, but in order to exclude burning, we simmer at low boiling.

8. Put fried rice and meat pieces to rice. Add tomatoes cut into small pieces and mix. Cover with lid, cook the paella on moderate heat for a quarter of an hour. You can at this time put the dish in a hot (180 degrees) oven, where it will slowly stew.

9. When serving in plates with paella, place a sprig of fresh basil on a sprig.

Paella with chicken, ventricles and liver


• chicken meat, bone-in or breast - 700 gr .;

• 200 gr. chicken liver;

• fresh bacon - 100 gr .;

• 150 gr. chicken gizzards;

• round grain rice - one and a half glasses;

• smoked sausage - 150 gr .; • two bulbs;

• one Bulgarian pepper, red kolera;

• 2.5 cups of tomato juice;

• frozen peas - 150 gr .;

• 50 gr. raisins;

• fresh rosemary - 1 sprig;

• refined oil;

• green bananas - 2 pcs.


1. Well wash the ventricles in warm water. Cut into strips and boil without salt for 20 minutes. Then cool well and dip into the heated oil, fry for five minutes.

2. Cut the bacon into thin strips and send the slices to the pan to the chicken ventricles. Add chopped chicken into large pieces, stirring all together, fry it all together for 6 minutes. Put the peeled, chopped garlic and onion into the pan.

3. Cut chicken livers into large chunks and add them to the pan when the onion slices redden well. Cook with strong heat, stirring often, until the liver changes color.

4. Pour in tomato juice and immediately add the raisins, followed by falling asleep rice and peas. Add the chopped sausage and simmer under the lid until the rice is cooked. Be sure to put a sprig of rosemary on top of the rice.

5. In a separate pan in the oil, fry the banana rings a little and serve them on a paella plate.

Paella with chicken and rabbit “Valencia”


• a pound of rice cereal (round grain);

• 500 gr. chicken thighs;

• rabbit meat - 700 gr .;

• three large tomatoes;

• 200 gr. large canned or boiled white beans;

• frozen green beans - 200 g;

• half a cup of olive oil;

• saffron and ground paprika - half a teaspoon.


1. We thoroughly wash the rabbit meat and chicken, then wipe dry and chop it into pieces.

2. We keep tomatoes for two minutes in boiling water, then we substitute it under a stream of cold water and then, carefully removing the peel, cut it.

3. Spread frozen beans in a bowl and leave to warm to thaw.

4. Put the pan on intense fire. Pour some spoons of oil into it. When it warms up, we lower both types of meat into it and fry it until golden. The fire does not diminish, it is necessary that the pieces quickly become covered with a light crust. For the uniformity of the result, turn over often. 5. In the center of the pan, on the meat, lay out the tomatoes, reduce heat to medium. Sprinkle tomatoes with paprika mixed with saffron. Spread the string beans on top and pour water so that it only slightly covers the contents of the pan. We wait for a boiling point and fill up the rice, level its surface. Cooking at the lowest heat, until all moisture is absorbed in the coarse. Do not forget about the beans - it must be added to the other components 10 minutes after laying the rice.

6. Protom paella under the lid about half an hour, check the readiness. If dense rice grains do not leave a crunching feeling when biting, then that's it.

Chicken Paella - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If seafood is added to chicken paella, they are not recommended to be cleaned. The oldest recipe of the dish involves the use of mussels in the shells, and shrimp in the shell.

• The real culinary art is the ability to cook paella with soccarat - a delicate crispy crust from below. To achieve its formation, the finished dish is kept for about a minute on an intense fire. But do not risk with a lack of experience - and so it turns out no less tasty.

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