Dietary oatmeal cookies, allowing you to keep your body shape and health. Recipe for oatmeal cookies Ducane

Dietary oatmeal cookies, allowing you to keep your body shape and health. Recipe for oatmeal cookies Ducane

Women and men who have changed their diet for the benefit of their health and body shape often suffer from a lack of familiar sweets or various goodies for tea. Everybody is interested in the question: how can one indulge oneself so that this product does not affect weight and does not harm the body? A suitable option is a self-made oatmeal diet cookie.

The benefits of oatmeal. General principles of cooking dietary oatmeal cookies

It is not recommended to buy store oatmeal cookies, because it can be stuffed with harmful substances. To get a safe product, it is best to cook it personally.

What is the difference between an ordinary confectionary product bought from a dietary supermarket? It contains a lot of sugar, flour and unhealthy fats. And in homemade oatmeal cookies, sweetener or honey is used. The basis for baking are chopped or whole flakes containing complex carbohydrates and fiber. Oatmeal is easily digested, it is enriched with magnesium, fluorine, iodine, iron, phosphorus, sulfur. It contains such vitamins as A, PP, K, E, B, niacin with pyroxene and organic acids (malonic, pantothenic, oxalic, nicotinic, erucic).

For the preparation of diet cookies from oatmeal, it is better to use egg whites, because the yolks have a high fat content. It is also advisable to limit the amount of nuts and dried fruits in the product, so as not to increase its caloric content.

For the formation of dough suitable flakes varieties “Extra” or “Hercules”, with a dense structure. The mixture does not disintegrate when cooking and will keep the shape. If desired, the flakes are ground into flour. From the crushed mixture obtained softer and crumbly products. In the dough, you can add soda, slaked with vinegar or baking powder. Sweets are baked for about 20 minutes.

Baking saves from craving for harmful sweets and contributes to long-term saturation. It is used for snacking, after a hard day of work, enhanced training. We recommend using easy and quick baking recipes from oatmeal.

Recipe number 1. Oatmeal diet cookies with honey

Low-calorie sweetness contains a minimum of simple carbohydrates, so it is impossible to gain excess weight. Easy recipe that will master even a novice in cooking.


• faceted glass of cereal;

• 150 ml of boiled water;

• 2 tablespoons of honey.

Method of preparation

1. Oatmeal is poured with water and allowed to infuse for 10 minutes.

2. Honey is melted to a liquid consistency using a water bath, and then added to oatmeal.

3. The ingredients are mixed and form balls of them. To facilitate the process of sculpting hands better wetted with cold water.

4. Bake the mixture for 25 minutes, warming the oven to 150º.

Important to know!

The consumption of oatmeal allows you to remove toxins and slags from the body, helps to increase immunity.

Recipe No. 2 Oatmeal diet cookies from nutritionist Pierre Ducane

Baking from oatmeal perfectly satisfies hunger. To sweeten the dough, you can use fructose. This dietary dish is suitable for diabetics.


• 30 g of oatmeal;

• 3 large spoons of yogurt;

• egg;

• sweetener tablet;

• half a small spoon of baking powder.


1. A sugar substitute is dissolved in a teaspoon of water.

2. In the tank mix the above components.

3. They make small balls, flatten them and put them on a baking sheet onto which the baking paper is pre-lined.

4. Bake 15 minutes at 180º.

Interesting fact!

Products made from oatmeal contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. Krupa is full of useful elements that help to fight indigestion, colitis, constipation, bloating.

Recipe number 3. Oatmeal diet cookies on yogurt

A few confectionery stuffs replace a portion of oatmeal porridge and supply the body with nutrients.

Basic ingredients:

• 2 glasses of low-fat kefir (1 - 2.5% fat content is allowed); • 50g of dried fruits;

• 400 g of oatmeal flakes and flour;

• 60 ml of honey (1/4 cup);

• cinnamon and vanilla.


1. The recommended ratio of cereal to flour is equal. But for soft baking, it is better to take more oatmeal, and for crispy pastry - more.

2. Pour the dry mixture with kefir and let it brew for half an hour.

3. Dried fruits steamed.

4. Next, softened dried fruits are ground and added to the slurry. Enrich the dough with vanilla, cinnamon, honey.

5. Knead dough with hands moistened with cold water.

6. Sculpt balls and flatten them.

7. Cover a baking sheet with special paper, lay out the items and place in an oven heated to 190º. Baking is prepared for half an hour.

In the recipe, you can do without dried fruit. The structure of the product resembles muesli.

Recipe # 4 Oatmeal diet cookies for a strict diet

Easy dietary cookies from oat flakes - rescue for people sitting on a strict diet. You no longer need to limit yourself to the sweet, the main thing is to know when to stop!


• 200 g of flakes;

• pinch of vanilla, salt, cinnamon;

• 3 tablets of sweetener;

• 50 g of dried fruit;

• 2 egg whites.


1. To proteins add salt and vanilla, beat.

2. In a teaspoon of water dissolve the sugar substitute.

3. Place the dissolved sweetener, cinnamon, flakes, steamed and chopped dried fruits in a bowl.

4. Combine the resulting mixture with whipped proteins.

5. On a baking sheet covered with parchment, place the preformed flat cakes.

6. If the dough came out too thin, then it is poured into silicone molds.

7. The oven is heated to 200º and baked for 20 minutes.

Hercules biscuits quickly fill up, you feel a surge of strength, mood rises. They can snack between meals, so as not to feel hunger.

Recipe №5. Dietary oatmeal cookies with curd

Baking from oatmeal improves the circulatory system: helps to eliminate harmful cholesterol and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. Oatmeal cookies are recommended for people with cardiovascular problems. Components:

• 100 g non-fat cottage cheese;

• 100 g of flakes;

• 30 grams of dried fruit;

• 2 egg whites;

• vanilla and cinnamon;

• tablespoon honey.


1. Cottage cheese must be crushed with a fork.

2. Protein whip with salt.

3. Mix flakes, proteins, cottage cheese, honey, steamed and shredded dried fruits.

4. Make balls from dough and flatten them.

5. Cover a baking sheet with special paper, lay out products and bake for 20 minutes, setting the temperature to 200º

6. For a crispy oatmeal biscuit with a crispy crust, let it cool in the oven.

The minerals contained in baking support the healthy state of the musculoskeletal system and contribute to the normal functioning of the muscles. Oat fibers contain antioxidants that reduce the harmful effects of free radicals on the body.

Recipe №6 Lazy diet cookies made from oatmeal in a slow cooker

The consumption of cereal foods helps to normalize the functioning of the liver, kidneys and thyroid gland. Baking is good for people with allergies and dermatitis. One of the useful recipes.


• 100 g oatmeal;

• 100 g of oat bran cereal;

• apple and carrot;

• 30 ml of honey;

• A handful of raisins, nuts;

• spoon baking powder;

• vanilla.


1. Wash the washed apple from the skin, cut and get rid of the seeds. Grind with a fine grater the pulp.

2. Wash the carrot and scrape off the skin, rub with small chips;

3. Place crushed apple and carrot, honey, and flakes into the container. Add half a cup of hot water and mix. Let it brew for half an hour.

4. Rinse the raisins and steam in hot water.

5. Chop the nuts in a food processor or with a blender.

6. Add raisins, dried fruits, bran and baking powder to the mixture. Mix.

7. Grease the capacity of the multicooker with butter.

8. Shape round biscuits with hands moistened with water and place on the bottom of the pan.

9. In the multicooker menu, select the “Baking” program and bake for 40 minutes.

10. After 20 minutes, turn the product over and continue to bake for another 20 minutes. Cool it down. Break into pieces. Caloric content of the finished product will be 178 kcal.

Recipe No. 7 Oatmeal dietary biscuits with fiber and bran

Oatmeal cookies cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, replenishes the reserves of calcium in the body.


• 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;

• 3 tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil;

• a pinch of sea salt and vanilla sugar;

• 2 tablespoons of sorbitol (fructose);

• 14 tablespoons of oat bran;

• 3 tablespoons of fiber;

• flakes “Hercules” to make the dough thick.


1. Grind the curd with a grater. Mix it with oil, bran, dissolved sugar substitute, fiber, salt and vanilla.

2. Knead the dough, gradually adding flakes.

3. Form the balls of the finished mixture, put them on a baking sheet with parchment.

4. Baking lasts 25 minutes at 200º.

Dietary dish is ready.

Dietary oatmeal cookies: tips and tricks

For cooking oatmeal flour using a blender. From flakes, crushed into powder, more delicate confectionery.

Baking will be much more nutritious if you add more nuts and dried fruits. We advise not to disturb the proportions of the recipes.

Prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits are best pre-cut.

It is not recommended to roll out the dough and try to mold the culinary products of ideal shape. Spread the mixture using a spoon or use the baking molds.

In the diet of dieters, it is recommended to introduce diet cookies made of oatmeal, which has a pleasant taste and is useful!

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