Cake "Count ruins"


There is no single recipe for the “Count ruins” cake. Even about what recipe to consider classic - from meringue or sponge cake - the cooks did not have a common opinion. In addition, supporters of the biscuit primacy hypothesis have disagreement about whether to make the top layer chocolate or light. Cream cake is most often used sour cream, but sometimes it is made from condensed milk. Supporters of meringue supremacy are often used to make custard or butter cream for making the “Grafskoye ruins” cake. Despite such serious disagreements, the cake “Count ruins”, made from both sponge cake and meringue, has a similar look, resembling a ruined manor. It is laid out from medium-sized pieces of the base, fastened with cream, and must be poured over with chocolate icing. Biscuit cake is often sprinkled with nuts, pieces of dried fruit are added to the filling for it.

Cooking Features

Despite the fact that the recipes of the cake “Grafskie ruins” differ, it is possible to highlight a few general points, the knowledge of which will allow you to prepare a delicious and beautiful dessert.

  • The products that you use to make a cake must be fresh, otherwise your efforts to prepare a dessert will be in vain - no one will want to eat it.
  • Beat the cake dough with a mixer at medium speed. If you want to beat the whites, they begin to beat at low speed, but gradually increase it, bringing to the maximum.
  • The oven is preheated before placing the base for biscuit or meringue in it. Meringue is baked at a low temperature, but for quite some time. Biscuit dough is baked at a temperature of about 180 degrees for 15-25 minutes. Baking time depends on the thickness of the cake. When baking a biscuit, the oven cannot be opened, otherwise it will fall.
  • To make the cake look like a count of ruins, one of the cakes is cut or broken into pieces (the first option is preferable), placed in a slide, while pouring cream. To pieces not scattered, they should be slightly pressed. Strong pressure is not worth it, especially if the “lock” is constructed from meringues.
  • To make a glaze, it is advisable to melt the chocolate in a water bath or on a very slow fire. It is important not to let the glaze boil, otherwise it will acquire a not too pleasant texture.

Before serving, “Grafskoye ruins” cake to the table should be allowed to soak in cream. Also, the cream must harden, otherwise it will be inconvenient to cut and eat the cake.

Classic recipe of the cake “Count ruins” from sponge cake


  • chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • wheat flour - 0, 25 kg;
  • sugar - 0, 5 kg, including 0, 2 kg for the test, 0, 2 kg for cream, 100 g for glaze;
  • cocoa powder - 150 g, including 50 g for the dough, 100 g for the glaze;
  • sour cream with fat content of 20% - 0, 8 l, including 0, 2 l for the test, 0, 5 l for cream, 100 ml for glaze;
  • butter - 120 g, including 100 g for the glaze, 20 g for lubricating the form;
  • soda, quenched with vinegar - 5 g;
  • vanillin (optional) - 1 g;
  • walnuts (optional) - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Break eggs into a bowl, add 200 g of sugar to them. Beat them with a whisk or mixer, turning it on at low or medium speed.
  • Add 200 g sour cream, whisk it all together.
  • Sift flour. Add it to the rest of the ingredients. Stir the dough with a spoon and spatula.
  • Add soda to the dough, having previously quenched it with vinegar.
  • Stir the dough thoroughly. You can use a mixer by installing special nozzles (resembling a corkscrew). Beat the dough only in one direction, otherwise it will settle.
  • Divide the dough into two unequal parts - one part should be 1, 5-2 times smaller than the other.
  • Lubricate the round baking dish with butter, pour a smaller part of the dough into it.
  • Put the form in the oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake the cake for 15-20 minutes.
  • Allow the cake to cool slightly, remove it from the mold, leave to cool on a wire rack.
  • In the remaining dough, add 50 g of cocoa, mix it well. Pour the chocolate dough into a clean shape or on a pan with sides. Put in the oven and bake at 180 degrees until cooked. Readiness test can be determined by piercing it with a wooden toothpick. If the stick is dry, the cake is ready. If you are afraid that the cake will burn before it is baked, you can divide the chocolate dough into two parts and bake two cake from it.
  • Cool the chocolate cake and cut it into cubes of about 2 cm.
  • Pour half a liter of sour cream into the mixing bowl, add a glass of sugar to it. Beat with a mixer (with whisk-like nozzles) until sour cream has a creamy consistency.
  • On the dish where you are going to serve the cake, put a spoonful of sour cream, spread it in the center. Put the light cake on the dish. Thanks to the cream layer, the cake will not budge during assembly.
  • Lubricate the cake with sour cream.
  • Spread chocolate biscuit cubes on the cake, pouring cream over them and squeezing them together. The top of the cake should resemble a mountain. Pour the remaining cream on its top, let it spread on the “slopes”.
  • In a small scoop, combine the remaining sour cream with cocoa powder, butter and sugar, which were not used in the first stages of dessert preparation.
  • Stir well, put on slow fire. Heat by stirring until the butter melts and the glaze acquires a smooth texture.
  • Pour chocolate icing on the cake. If you decide to add nuts, they can be crumbled and poured over the glaze or sprinkle the cake with them before applying.

Put the dish with the cake in the fridge for 2-3 hours, after which you can invite everyone to the table - enjoy a unique delicacy.

The classic recipe of the cake “Count ruins” with meringue


  • chicken egg - 3 pcs .;
  • icing sugar - 0, 25 kg;
  • butter - 0, 2 kg;
  • wheat flour - 40 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • milk - 0, 2 l;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • nuts (any, for decoration) - to taste;
  • dark chocolate - 100 g;
  • fatty cream - 50 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Proteins will be needed to make meringue, yolks will go to cream.
  • Proteins whisk until firm peaks. If the dishes will be wet or greasy, this will not be possible, so before cooking, wash the beater and the nozzle of the mixer well, wipe dry.
  • Continuing to whip proteins, enter in small portions of powdered sugar.
  • Place the protein mass in the culinary bag. Set it on the parchment covering the baking sheet. Maintain the distance between the small towers of protein mass, as they increase during baking. The diameter of the “turrets” should be 2-3 cm.
  • Preheat the oven to 130-150 degrees, place a pan with protein mass in it. Reduce the temperature and dry the meringues at 100 degrees until cooked.
  • Pound the yolks with sugar, pour 50 ml of milk into them, whisk with a whisk. Add flour, stir until smooth.
  • Beating the mass with a whisk or a mixer (at low speed), pour in a thin stream of milk heated to 60-70 degrees.
  • Place the cream container on a slow fire and heat it up, stirring it until it thickens.
  • Remove the cream from the heat, add vanillin and softened creamy place to it, mix well.
  • Put some of the cakes on a dish, holding them together with cream and forming a cake in the shape of a hill.
  • Break chocolate, pour cream into it. Heat gently, stirring occasionally.
  • Once the chocolate has melted, remove the mixture from the heat.
  • Pour chocolate icing on the cake, sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Before serving the cake to the table, it must be cooled in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Modern version of the cake “Count ruins” with cherry


  • chicken egg - 4 pcs .;
  • fresh or frozen cherries (pitted) - 0, 2 kg;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sour cream - 0, 4 l;
  • flour - 130 g;
  • sugar - 0, 2 kg, including 100 g for the dough, 100 g for the cream;
  • cocoa powder - 50 g;
  • chocolate - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.
  • Spread the yolks with sugar and salt. Add cocoa, mix well.
  • Beat the dough tips.
  • Add flour, stir until smooth. Beat again.
  • Separately, whisk whites using whisk nozzles. They should double in volume.
  • Gently insert the proteins into the dough, place it in the baking dish.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the form in it with the dough. Bake the biscuit for 30-40 minutes, until the dry toothpick.
  • Remove the cake from the mold, cut off the top of it. Cut it into small pieces. The thickness of the bottom cake should be only 1 cm.
  • Whip sour cream with the remaining sugar.
  • Place the lower part of the cake on a dish, grease with cream, spread the cherry on top (you must first remove it from the stone or defrost it). It is necessary to spread the berries tightly, but in one layer.
  • In the remaining cream, put the biscuit cut into pieces and the remaining berry, mix.
  • Spread the mixture as a slide on the bottom bucket.
  • In a water bath or in the microwave, melt the chocolate, pour the cake with it.
  • Cool the cake in the fridge.

Cake “Count ruins”, prepared according to this recipe, can be decorated with a cocktail cherry.

The cake was loved by many thanks to its extraordinary appearance and unique taste. It can be made from both biscuit and meringue - both are considered correct.

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