Cake Count ruins - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook the cake Earl ruins.

Cake Count ruins - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook the cake Earl ruins.

Cake Count ruins - general principles and methods of cooking

The combination of tender meringue, light protein and tender butter cream, a characteristic uneven surface - all this is a cake called “Earl ruins”. And also the Royal Castle, Pincher, the Castle of Love, the Caprice of the actress, the Curly Boy, the Count's Castle - all are the same cake under different names. It will not be difficult to buy a once-scarce exotic cake in the store, but every housewife will at least once in life want to try cooking it with his own hands. It's so interesting - to experiment with fillings, cream, design. You can come up with and try your brand basis. And the taste of home baking does not compare with the finest product from the confectionery. Variants of recipes include cooking with biscuit and meringue, meringue and butter cream, a layer of meringue. In general, you need to invoke all your imagination and compose your personal masterpiece, having understood the main characteristic points.

Cake count ruins - food preparation

Undoubtedly, you should stock up with a large number of eggs. All recipes, anyway, contain this component. It is important for the preparation of meringue to separate the yolks and proteins. Butter, sour cream, a little flour and baking powder, and certainly a bar of chocolate, preferably bitter - that is the basic composition. In minor variations raisins, nuts, cream or prunes are added.

Cake Count ruins - best recipes

Recipe 1: Cake “Earl Ruins” (with meringue and condensed milk)

In this cake, we use two creams at once: protein and condensed milk. Meringue - an insidious product for those who first try to cook it. In the technology of cooking meringue, the norms of products are very clearly defined - we take 50 grams for one egg weighing 65-75 grams. Sahara. Icing sugar will turn our cake into a melted substance, so we take just fine-grained sugar. Squirrels are very carefully separated from the yolks so that not a single droplet will fall. The dishes should also be dry so that the moisture does not change the consistency of the protein cream.

Ingredients: sugar (2 cups), flour (1 cup), soda (1 tsp), eggs (5 pcs), egg whites (5 pcs), butter (200 grams), powdered sugar ( 1/2 cup). Condensed milk, concentrated milk, walnuts (half a cup), dark chocolate (50 grams), salt. Method of preparation


A glass of sugar, eggs, slaked soda and vinegar are mixed with flour and whipped with a mixer.

Cover the bottom of the form with parchment paper and pour out the dough. Bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.


Beat the three egg whites with sugar (1 cup) and beat until a thick foam is formed. Spread parchment paper without fat on a dry baking sheet and spoon round meringues with a spoon. We bake in the oven at 100 degrees for an hour.

Protein cream

Two chilled proteins whipped in foam, add icing sugar and chopped nuts. Gently mix again.

Cream of condensed milk.

Beat the softened butter with a can of boiled condensed milk to a homogeneous oil mass. Pour in the concentrated milk and whisk.

And now the most crucial moment is the formation of the cake. Cut the cakes into two flat pieces and put one cake in the dish. Coat with condensed milk cream and cover with a second cake plate. Cream again. Next, each meringue dipped in protein cream and spread on the surface of the cake. Continue to spread the meringue, giving the cake a cone look. Pour melted chocolate on top. Ready cake decorate with nuts. The cake should freeze, and here is the real Count ruins - diverse, rich, appetizing!

Recipe 2: “Count ruins” sponge cake with chocolate and nuts

Amazing cake. Airy, melts in the mouth, with an additional nut-chocolate taste. Nuance only - it is very nutritious. You can't eat him much, and often you won't be able to regale yourself. But for once you can!

Ingredients: flour, eggs, (2 pcs), sour cream (half a glass), starch (1 spoon), vanillin, sugar (1 glass), soda (half a teaspoon), chocolate (100 grams), vinegar (6-7%).


This is a fairly simple action. Separate the yolks and whites, beat the whites in a dense foam. We rub yolks with sugar and add flour and starch. Add the quenched soda, and a few spoons of protein foam. Mix mass and add the rest of the foam. We bake cakes, cool slightly and cut into pieces.

Cream: beat sugar, vanillin and sour cream.

Cake collect piece by piece. Each small biscuit dip in the cream and spread in a slide. Top with melted chocolate. This is the most very interesting cake, and most importantly, simple. Let infuse a little and be cut.

Recipe 3. Cake “Count ruins” with prunes and chocolate sponge cake

Cake for lovers of prunes. Lay each layer of prunes with nuts - we get a new taste.

Ingredients: eggs (2pcs), flour (2 cups), sugar, sour cream (1 cup each), cocoa (1 spoon), baking powder for the dough.

Meringue: proteins (4 pieces), sugar (1 cup),

Cream: condensed milk with butter (incomplete jar plus 1 pack respectively).

Stuffing: prunes, chocolate, walnuts.

Method of preparation

Beat eggs with sugar until smooth. Add flour and baking powder, knead well. Divide the dough into two parts and add cocoa to one of them. Separately bake light and dark cakes.

Meringue: whip squirrels to fluffy foam mass, so that they stand. We bake small meringue cakes in the oven - the smaller the better.

The butter cream is prepared traditionally - whipped butter with condensed milk.

Collect county ruins. Cream daub cake, then meringue, prunes on top (pre-soak in hot water, and cut into even pieces). The layers are repeated, the tip is watered with cream and meringue. On top of a lot of prunes with nuts, and broken meringues. Pour melted chocolate. Beautiful and delicious!

Cake “Count ruins” - tips from experienced chefs

- It is advisable to bake a cake for the cake in advance so that it can dry, and not soften with cream soaking.

- To learn that whites are enough whipped, you can turn the cup with the contents. A well-whipped protein mixture glitters and keeps its shape, the contents remain in place when turned over. Properly baked meringue has a characteristic rustling, at the bottom it holds even if it is pressed. Drying-baking can last a long time, up to 2 hours. After the start of baking, reduce the temperature to 100 degrees and tightly cover the oven door.

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