Puffs with condensed milk

Puffs with condensed milk

There is nothing difficult in preparing puff pastry, but the time that needs to be spent on it, and the number of different operations often discourage the taste of homemade puffs even from those people who, in principle, like to cook.

In this case, the only way out is to do stuffing and send someone to the store for ready-made dough. Even if the dough is not homemade, the pies will still have the freshest, hot, and with the filling that you love. In addition, they can be baked out of the dough package a lot, and in the total it will be much cheaper than buying the same number of ready-made puffs.


  • Ready
  • thick boiled condensed milk - 1 tin;
  • wheat flour - a couple spoons for roll-out;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • butter for lubricating the surface.


Puffs with condensed milk

1. Remove dough from freezer and defrost (about 1 hour).

Puffs with condensed milk

2. Triturate the work surface with flour and roll out a layer about 1 cm thick with a rolling pin. Cut out the same squares from the dough and put 1 teaspoon with a hill of boiled condensed milk in the middle of each one.

Puffs with condensed milk

3. Each square should be folded diagonally one time and pinned with forks.

Puffs with condensed milk

4. Heat the oven to 180 ° C. Smear the baking tray with butter and put it on top of the puff. Beat the egg until smooth and with a special brush, apply the resulting mass to the surface of the dough. Then the puffs are sent to bake for about 30 minutes until golden brown.

Puffs with condensed milk

5. Remove the ready-made ruddy puffs from the oven, cool slightly and can be served warm to the table.

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