Sacher Cake: Preparing a delicious cake in a hurry. Sacher cake: a selection of recipes: classic, Viennese, lean and others

Sacher Cake: Preparing a delicious cake in a hurry. Sacher cake: a selection of recipes: classic, Viennese, lean and others

The recipe for the “Sacher” cake is simple and uncomplicated, however, the dessert is so tasty, airy and chocolate, that even people indifferent to sweets cannot tear themselves away from it. Want to surprise loved ones? Carefully selected recipes will help you to create a tasty masterpiece in your kitchen.

Sacher Cake - General Cooking Principles

At the heart of the “Sacher” cake are ingredients such as flour, eggs, selected butter, jam or marmalade, and natural chocolate.

The very preparation of the cake does not have a radical difference from the preparation of any other similar dessert, the main thing is that all the products used are of high quality. This is the main business card dessert - its taste and appearance.

Regardless of the recipe, a biscuit is baked at the beginning, after it is cut into cakes and soaked with cream, icing, ganache - at will.

1. Cake “Sacher”: a classic recipe

Biscuit Ingredients:

• flour - 1 incomplete glass;

• dark chocolate bar;

• sugar - 180 g;

• eggs - 6 pcs .;

• butter - 120 g;

• vanillin - 20 g;

• apricot jam - 1 cup.


• plain dark chocolate - 100 g;

• butter - 1 tbsp. spoon;

• cream of 20% - 100 ml.

How to cook:

1. Prepare the biscuit dough. To do this, break the chocolate bar into pieces, melt it in a couple, with constant stirring, until a homogeneous tender gruel without lumps. Then remove from heat and cool. Sugar (90 g), beat with soft butter and vanilla. Add to this creamy mass egg yolks, beat everything again. Then pour the cooled chocolate and whisk again to a gentle homogeneous consistency.

2. Separately, beat the proteins to a stable state with the gradual addition of the remaining sugar to them. Remember that all appliances for making such dough (whisk, bowls) must be clean and dry, otherwise the biscuit may not work. To check the readiness of proteins, you can tilt the cup, if they are whipped correctly, they will not spill out of it, but remain motionless. After that, proteins are introduced into the oil-chocolate mixture, with constant stirring with a plastic spatula, in the direction up and down. 3. After the protein is completely combined, pour the sifted flour into 4 pieces in a mass, with constant mixing in the same direction. The main thing is to make the dough homogeneous and not slumped. Since the “airy” mass will be, the easier and more tender the finished sponge cake will turn out.

4. We take a container with a diameter of 22 cm, we cover it with parchment, and we oil the walls. Pour chocolate dough into it and put in a hot oven, bake for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. When baking, the main thing is not to overdry the semi-finished product, it should be slightly damp. After the required time has elapsed, we take a toothpick and pierce the biscuit to check its readiness. If the toothpick is dry, but there are crumbs on it, then the biscuit is ready.

5. When the cake is cool, remove it from the mold and cut it in two pieces, lengthwise. If an uneven crust forms on the surface, slowly cut it off with a knife.

6. Beat jam for 2 minutes. One part of the biscuit is put on a large plate, porous side up. Grease it with one piece of jam. We spread the jam evenly over the whole cake. Cover with the second cake. The second part of the jam grease the sides and top of the cake. We send the cake in the fridge to make jam.

7. At this time, break the chocolate bar and put it on the pan. Combine the cream with butter and heat over low heat with stirring. As soon as the creamy mixture is heated, pour it into chocolate. Often and quickly mix the mixture until it turns soft and glossy. In case of getting too liquid ganache, we give it a little to harden in the refrigerator.

8. We take out the slightly frozen cake from the refrigerator and pour chocolate over it, leveling it with a knife or spatula.

9. Ready cake send in the fridge for impregnation for 8 hours. The taste of “Sacher” cake will be even tastier if served with whipped cream or plain ice cream.

2. Cake “Sacher”: a simple recipe


• sugar - 250 g;

• flour - 250 g;

• chocolate - 150 g;

• eggs - 6 pieces;

• butter - 150 g;

Method of preparation

1. We melt chocolate and butter separately. At the same time, beat the yolks with sugar with a mixer for 4 minutes. Then, without turning off the mixer, pour out the butter, and then chocolate, beat 2 minutes. Stop whipping and pour the flour, stir thoroughly, to a thick delicate texture. 2. We beat the whites from the eggs for a few minutes, and then slowly pour sugar to them. Beat before sugar dissolves. Lush proteins are added to the dough, mix everything well with smooth movements.

3. Pour the dough into the prepared form lined with parchment, bake for 35 minutes at a low temperature. Baked sponge cake divided into 2 cakes. We saturate the cakes with cream (anyone can make custard, creamy chocolate, or even soak it with ordinary jam), pour the whole cake with melted chocolate and send to the fridge.

3. Sacher Cake: Viennese Recipe



• bitter chocolate - tile floor;

• butter - 1 package;

• sugar - 250 g;

• flour - 1 cup;

• eggs - 6 pcs .;

• cognac - 30 ml;

• soda - 15 g;

• vanilla - 30 g;

• Almond - half glass;

• cocoa powder - 30 g;

• apricot jam - 1 cup.


• dark chocolate - 150 g;

• milk - 6 tbsp. spoons;

• butter - a small piece.


1. Soft butter, beat with 50 grams of sugar. Squirrels are separated from the yolks and put in the fridge. Chocolate melt steamed and cooled. Pour chocolate into butter. Add cognac to the finished butter-chocolate mass, continue to beat. Without stopping to beat, we enter into the mass of yolks and again beat up to a thick consistency.

2. Soak the almonds in hot water for 1 minute. Then we peel it off, dry it and grind it in a blender.

3. Beat the whites, the first 2 -3 minutes at low speed, and then at high, slowly pouring out the remaining sugar. Beat until dense foam. Put one part of the proteins into the chocolate-butter mixture, pour the flour with soda and cocoa into it, and chop the almonds slowly from bottom to top. Next, pour out the second part of the proteins and again stir in the same direction.

4. The dough is transferred to the container on the parchment, put in the oven for 45 minutes, at a moderate temperature. Remove the baked biscuit cake from the container and let cool, and then cut into 2 cake.

5. Slightly heat the jam, coat it with one cake. We cover with the second and we grease with jam sides and surface of the cake. 6. We melt chocolate. Pour the milk into it and mix thoroughly. Put a small piece of butter in the glaze, mix well again.

7. Pour the whole cake with the cooled icing.

4. Sacher Cake: Austrian Recipe


• butter - 220 g;

• sugar -420 g;

• 6 eggs - pcs .;

• dark bitter chocolate - 2 tiles;

• bread crumbs - 2 tbsp. spoons;

• flour for dressing forms - 30 g;

• apricot jam or jam - 1 cup;

• rum - 3 tbsp. spoons;

• water - 125 g;

• sunflower oil -1 tsp.

Method of preparation

1. Beat the butter with 3 \ 4 parts of sugar to a white air mass and add to it the separated yolks. Then enter 1 bar of melted chocolate. Beat again until smooth.

2. In the resulting mixture pour crumbs from bread (just crumbs, not breadcrumbs). We make them in this way - cut the bread into pieces, dry it in the oven, grind it in the processor. They should not be very small.

3. Remove the proteins from the fridge and beat with 1/4 of the sugar into resistant foam. Shift them into the dough, gently stir.

4. Slowly pour the dough into the prepared form and set it in the oven at a low temperature. Bake 60 minutes.

5. Cut the baked biscuit cake lengthwise into 2 equal cake layers, soak it in jam. For impregnation: add rum in apricot jam, mix thoroughly. We also coat the sides and surface of the cake with jam.

6. Frosting: Pour 1 glass of sugar into the pan and pour the required amount of water. We heat up a little, to dissolve sugar, not bringing to a boil. We also introduce a bar of chocolate there, with constant stirring, remove from the stove, without ceasing to interfere, add sunflower oil without a smell, to give the glaze a glossy color.

7. Put cooled icing on the cake, smooth it with a knife. Ready cake cool in the fridge.

5. Cake “Zaher”: a recipe in a multicooker


For the test:

• dark chocolate -1 tile;

• butter - half a pack;

• sugar - 250 g;

• vanillin - 20 g;

• eggs - 4 pcs .;

• soda vinegar slaked - 30 g; • black currant jam - 5 tbsp. spoons.


• plain plain chocolate without additives - 1 tile;

• fatty cream - 100 ml.

Method of preparation

1. Melt chocolate steamed. Meanwhile, rub the butter with sugar (can be whipped with a mixer until white). Pour chocolate in butter. Then add the eggs (after each egg, beat the eggs 40 seconds, and after the last 1 minute).

2. Pour the sifted flour mixed with soda, cocoa into the whipped mass and gently mix with a wooden spoon for 2 minutes. Put the slow cooker at a temperature of 180 degrees in the “baking” mode. The capacity of the multicooker is coated with butter, sprinkled with flour, we spread the dough. We bake 65 minutes.

3. Cut the cooled biscuit into 2 cakes. Biscuit in this way always turns juicy, so you do not need to soak it. But, if you still cooked it, and it turned out to be dryish, then you can soak it in a syrup with rum, brandy or liqueur.

4. Lightly preheat the jam, lubricate the first cake and cover with the second. Lubricate the top of the cake and sides with icing.

5. Heat the cream a little, add chocolate to them and stir until soft and smooth.

6. The finished product is cooled in the refrigerator.

6. Sacher cake: lean recipe


• any nuts - 250 g;

• water 250 g;

• dark chocolate - 150 g;

• cocoa -200 g;

• sunflower oil - 100 ml;

• sugar - 170 g;

• soda - half a teaspoon;

• salt - half a teaspoon;

• flour - 400 g


• strong tea - 1 mug;

• bitter chocolate - 200 g.


• apple povilo.

Method of preparation

1. Cooking nut milk: Nuts (it is best to take almonds, but if there are none, walnuts or hazelnuts will do) grind with a blender.

2. Pour heated water to them and whip again. Leave to insist.

3. Strain the milk.

4. Nutty liquid is heated to 50 degrees.

5. Broken chocolate put into a deep container and pour it with nut milk, stir until chocolate dissolves.

6. In the chocolate-nut mass add sunflower oil. Add the same cocoa, sugar, soda, slaked with vinegar and well, we mix. Pour flour, stir until smooth. 7. Divide the dough into 2 parts, bake separately for 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

8. For ganache take 2 forms: one deep, the second flat. In a deep bowl pour brewed strong tea (well suited with bergamot). Put the chopped chocolate in the tea. Put ice in a flat form and place a deep container of chocolate and tea on it. First dissolve the chocolate. The mix turns out liquid, and in time of beating strongly is sprayed. But after a few minutes from the cold cream thickens.

9. After half an hour from the beginning of beating with small breaks, the cream gains volume 2 times more and thickens, like homemade sour cream. This indicates its readiness. The cream will turn out so thick that even smearing it will be very difficult.

10. Baked, cooled cakes cut into 2 parts. Middle coat with apple jam. Fold cakes. Soak the gap between two shortcakes with chocolate cream.

11. The remaining cream grease the top and sides of the cake. As a decoration, nuts and sliced ​​fruit can be placed on top of the cake. Ready cake put in the fridge all night.

Cake “Sacher” - secrets and tricks

• Dessert must necessarily soak in order to get really tasty, so it is better to bake the cake at least 5-6 hours before the celebration.

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