Fried eggs with cheese - a wonderful start to the day! Recipes for quick fried eggs with cheese for breakfast and not only

Fried eggs with cheese - a wonderful start to the day! Recipes for quick fried eggs with cheese for breakfast and not only

Fried eggs are not only a quick dish, but also very tasty!

It can combine a variety of products.

One of the popular choices is cheese, which perfectly complements eggs, which allows you to quickly and easily get a chic dish.

Scrambled Eggs with Cheese - General Cooking Principles

Good and tasty scrambled eggs are obtained from high-quality eggs. They must be fresh. Before use, the shells must be washed, even if the egg visually looks clean.

Cheese for eggs are usually rubbed or cut. Then the product is used to sprinkle food on top, but sometimes it is added to the eggs immediately, stirred. In addition to cheese, tomatoes, onions, sausages and other meat products are often present in the dish. Greens are a useful and fragrant addition to the dish. Often put in the eggs different spices that improve the final taste of the dish.

Simple Scrambled Eggs with Cheese

For simple and quick scrambled eggs with cheese, which is cooked no more than five minutes. Cheese can take any, but better than one that melts. Ingredients for one serving are indicated.


• 2 eggs;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• 10 g of any oil;

• salt pepper;

• 2 sprigs of dill.


1. Throw a piece or pour some oil into the pan. Put on the stove.

2. Smash two eggs into preheated butter.

3. Pepper fried eggs, salt. Hold over medium heat for a minute for the protein to clutch.

4. During this time, you need to cut the cheese into small cubes. You can grate large.

5. Sprinkle the cheese cubes on top of the dish.

6. Close the pan, cook for another three minutes. If you like liquid yolk, you can remove the pan from the heat earlier.

7. Put the cheese scrambled eggs on a plate, decorate with dill.

Mixed Fried Eggs

Option stirred eggs. For her, you can take any cheese, even processed. We also select spices for your taste.


• 3 eggs;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• 2 spoons of butter;

• spices;

• greenery.


1. Eggs need to be broken into a bowl. 2. You can immediately put the pan to warm up, pour the oil.

3. Add three spoons of water to the eggs, you can use milk.

4. Pour salt, various spices. Stir with a whisk or a simple fork.

5. We rub cheese, we send at once to egg mix. Melted cheese, you can just knead or cut not cubes, break into pieces. We look at the consistency of the added product.

6. We stir, we pour out on the heated surface of the griddle. We add fire.

7. Take the scoop and begin to interfere with the fried eggs.

8. As soon as the mass gets stronger, it will not see the liquid in it, remove it from the fire.

9. Shift the dish, do not hold it in a hot pan. Decorate with greens.

Scrambled Eggs with Cheese and Onions

A variant of very fragrant fried eggs with fried onions and melted cheese. The recipe is only one head, but onion lovers can use more.


• three eggs;

• onion head;

• garlic clove;

• greenery;

• some oil;

• 3 tablespoons of grated cheese.


1. Send the fat to the pan. It is better to throw a piece of melted butter or butter, with them the onion is well browned, it will turn out fragrant and beautiful.

2. Cut the head into half rings or in any other way. We send onions to the heated oil, fry until rosy color, stirring regularly, so that the vegetable is cooked evenly.

3. Smash the eggs, but not in the pan. Use a bowl.

4. Add spices, chopped garlic (you can take dry), stir.

5. Put three spoons of grated cheese, stir again.

6. Fill the onion with egg mixture.

7. Cover the pan, the fire can be reduced.

8. Tomim fragrant scrambled eggs under the lid for about five minutes. Sprinkle with greens.

Scrambled Eggs with Cheese and Sausage

The recipe is very interesting scrambled eggs, which can be not only breakfast, but also a full meal. The dish is nourishing, easy to prepare, but very tasty. Take any cheese. Yield 2 servings.


• 4 eggs;

• 70 grams of cheese;

• 100 g sausage;

• 4 spoons of butter;

• 4 sprigs of parsley;

• spices;

• 30 ml of water, milk.


1. Send the oil to the frying pan, start heating. 2. Break eggs into a bowl, add spices, milk or water. Lightly whisk.

3. Add grated cheese, stir.

4. Cut the sausage simply into strips or small slices, but do not add it yet.

5. Chop the greens.

6. Pour the egg and cheese mixture into the pan, let the pancake grab a little.

7. Spread sausage on half of the egg cakes, sprinkle with herbs. You can add chopped paprika, a small tomato, garlic.

8. Cover the sausage with the free half of the egg pancake.

9. Cook the resulting cheburek under the lid for another two minutes. When serving, cut in half.

Scrambled Eggs with Cheese, Tomatoes and Onions

Option summer scrambled eggs, which many do and love very much. Tomatoes are used mature, it is desirable to take not very soft. Onions are onions, if the heads are small, then you can take two things.


• 4 eggs;

• onion;

• a tomato;

• spices and oil;

• greenery;

• 3-4 tablespoons of grated cheese.


1. Cut onion into rings, put in butter, fry for a couple of minutes.

2. Rinse the tomato, cut into circles. Spread to the onion and fry too.

3. Salt and pepper the vegetables.

4. Break eggs over vegetables, no need to stir. Also sprinkle with spices. Cover, cook two minutes.

5. Open the scrambled eggs, add cheese.

6. Now you need to close the pan again.

7. Cook the dish for about three minutes, the cheese should melt, the eggs should be cooked. It is not necessary to make a big fire, so that the vegetables from below are not burnt.

Fried eggs with cheese and tomatoes stirred

Variant of scrambled eggs with cheese and tomatoes. You can also add onions, but this is optional.


• 20 ml of oil;

• 3 eggs;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• 1 tomato;

• greens, spices.


1. Cut the tomato into small pieces, you can into small cubes.

2. Heat the oil. Put the tomato in the pan. Fry the pieces until soft.

3. Alternately break the eggs, season with spices, stir with a spatula.

4. After half a minute, stir again, sprinkle with cheese, grated or chopped. 5. Cook the eggs under the lid to the desired state. Some people like a ruddy crust from below, and someone loves a slightly underdone dish, tender and barely grasped.

Scrambled eggs with cheese and vegetables in the microwave

The microwave oven recipe will help out if there is no possibility to use the stove or there is no frying pan. For cooking you will need dishes that can be put in the oven of this type.


• 2 eggs;

• a piece of butter;

• 1 spoon of green peas;

• 2 slices of cheese;

• 1 tomato.


1. Rub a piece of butter into a container in which the fried eggs will be cooked.

2. Cut a tomato into cubes, put it in a prepared pot.

3. Add green peas and cheese, you can throw a little sausage. Season with spices.

4. On top of the vegetable cushion break two eggs.

5. Now you need to take a toothpick and puncture the yolks. If this is not done, they will start shooting when cooking in the microwave.

6. On top of the eggs you need to slightly add salt, nothing needs to be stirred.

7. Put the scrambled eggs baked. Prepare the dish will be at maximum power for three minutes. But you can increase the time to five minutes, if you want to get a cooler egg.

Fried eggs with cheese and crab sticks

Crab sticks are most often used for cold dishes and snacks. But hot they are no less tasty, fragrant. Cook scrambled eggs with crab sticks, and you will surely be surprised. A recipe without a tomato, but you can add it here.


• onion head;

• 4 sticks;

• 3 eggs;

• 40 g grated cheese;

• 20 g of oil;

• greens, spices.


1. Chop the onion, send it to the pan with oil, fry until transparent.

2. Peel thawed sticks. You can also use meat, their composition is basically the same, only the shape is different. Cut into large pieces.

3. Add the crab sticks to the onions.

4. Next, break the eggs into the pan.

5. It's time to sprinkle them with spices. Close the lid.

6. After a minute the pan can be opened. Sprinkle with cheese, grated in advance. 7. Cook an amazing scrambled eggs for about three minutes. Decorate with greens.

Scrambled Eggs with Cheese and Bacon

For such a cheese scrambled eggs will need any bacon, you can take just salted or smoked.


• 4 eggs;

• 70 g bacon;

• 1 onion;

• 3 tablespoons of grated cheese;

• garlic, spices, greens.


1. Cut the bacon into cubes, put it in the pan, start to fry.

2. As soon as the melted fat appears, stir it.

3. Add the onion cut into small cubes, fry with the bacon until transparent.

4. Break eggs into the pan, try to place them at the same distance from each other.

5. Chop greens, mix with chopped garlic. You can add to them a piece of sweet pepper, cut into small cubes.

6. Sprinkle the eggs with salt, but it is important not to overdo it. See to taste the bacon.

7. After a minute, pour the eggs with herbs and garlic, on top of the cheese chips.

8. Close the pan, cook on moderate heat for about three minutes.

Scrambled Eggs with Cheese - Tips and Tricks

• If you need to prepare a diet version of scrambled eggs, then do not use the yolks. Proteins less calories, quickly absorbed by the body, contain less fat and cholesterol.

• To prepare the perfect scrambled eggs need a suitable pan. It should have a flat, thick bottom.

• So that the egg is covered with a white foil on top, and the yolk remains moist inside, the griddle is covered with a tight lid, the dish is cooked over high heat.

• To preserve all the vitamins and flavor in greens, you do not need to add it to the pan immediately. It is better to sprinkle the scrambled eggs after cooking, you can already in the plates.

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