Delicious lenten pies with apples, jam, cabbage: how to cook them properly on lean dough. The secret of delicious Lenten pies

Delicious lenten pies with apples, jam, cabbage: how to cook them properly on lean dough. The secret of delicious Lenten pies

During the fasting period, Orthodox Christians do not eat meat, eggs, dairy products.

This means that when cooking lean cakes, it is necessary to use only ingredients of plant origin.

In most cases, this is not difficult, and any housewife may well please the home with delicious lean cakes with apples, cabbage and jam.

General principles for making delicious Lenten cakes

Lean dough for the cake, you can take almost any: butter, shortbread, yeast, puff, yeast, etc. For delicious lenten pies with apples, cabbage and jam, you can take other types of dough, such as beer.

Given the restrictions imposed by fasting, you should replace milk and butter, which are usually included in the dough, with water and vegetable oil. It is worth thinking before using margarine instead of butter. It contains many of the harmful additives necessary to make the liquid vegetable oil harden. It would be better to avoid such a product, then your delicious Lenten pies with apples, cabbage and jam will also be useful.

In the yeast dough it is better to pour not water, but rice or potato broth, this will give pies pomp. Only you should not pickle too much rice or potatoes.

The filling in lean cakes can be different: potatoes, cabbage, rice with carrots, just carrots, pumpkin, lentils, apples and other fruits and berries, dried fruits, nuts and much more. You can mix several ingredients. Add mushrooms or onions, salted or pickled cucumbers to potatoes. You can also put chopped greens, chopped sweet peppers, a bit of grated carrots, onions or a bit of garlic in the cabbage filling.

Of course, fasting is a time when a person gives himself more to his spiritual, rather than bodily life. Still, delicious lean cakes with apples, cabbage and jam can be a consolation during fasting days and will decorate a Sunday or a family or church holiday.

Recipe 1. Lean dough for yeast cake

For the preparation of such dough for delicious lean cakes with apples, cabbage and jam, you can take both pressed and dry yeast.


Flour - about 500 g

Dry bag yeast - 1 bag

Water (or rice or potato broth) - 1 cup

Corn oil or sunflower refined - 1/3 cup

Sugar - small spoon

Salt - a third of a teaspoon if rice was not salted

Method of preparation

This lean dough for the cake can be cooked both in a sponge and straight way.

In the first case, you need to knead the batter out of water, half a cup of flour and yeast and put it in a suitable place, without drafts and warm. When it rises, pour in the flour, which is still in the right amount of salt and sugar, pour in the butter and knead the dough. Put it back up, covered with a clean napkin.

In the second method, all the ingredients must be mixed at the same time and knead the dough, which put in some place where it is warm and there will be no drafts.

In both cases, it is better to fill the flour gradually, ensuring that the dough does not turn out too steep or, on the contrary, too liquid. If there is already enough flour, do not fill the rest; if a little, you should add more than indicated in the recipe (flour is different).

In both cases, waiting for the dough to rise, it must be kneaded, again wait for a significant increase in the volume of dough and knead again.

Recipe 2. Lean dough for a cake with a sweet filling

This lean dough for the cake already includes sugar and spices, so that it is suitable for making pie with apple and other fruit fillings.


Flour - 600 - 800 g

Yeast - 2 sachets (or one and a half)

Granulated sugar - half a cup

Corn oil or other refined - 2 tablespoons

Water (or decoction) - 250 ml

Cardamom, cinnamon, very finely chopped lemon peel - to taste

Salt - half a teaspoon

Method of preparation

Mix yeast and a half - two cups of flour in water and place the dough in a place where there is heat and no drafts. When it is ready, grind the sugar with butter and salt, put the pastry in the dough and knead, gradually pouring the rest of the flour (as long as it takes). Carefully and conscientiously knead the dough (no more than 15 minutes) and set to rise. In the process, twice press.

Recipe 3. Sweet dough for the cake

Delicious lenten pies with apples, cabbage and jam are obtained on this quick and easy-to-prepare dough without yeast.


Flour - approximately 400 g

Vegetable oil - three tablespoons

Water - about a glass

Salt - 1/3 tsp

Granulated sugar - a teaspoon

Method of preparation

Pour the vegetable oil into a glass and top it up with boiled water. Pour salt and sugar into it. After that, make a well in the flour, pour liquid into it and knead. The correct dough should be rather thick.

If you make this dough even steeper, then you can use it to make lean pasties with cabbage or potatoes.

Recipe 4. Lean dough for beer pie

This dough is perfect for any delicious lean cakes with apples, cabbage and jam, because the filling of it creeps out very rarely.


Flour - about 500 g

Beer - 250 ml

Vegetable oil - about half a cup

Salt - half a teaspoon

Soda (extinguish lemon juice) - about a quarter of a teaspoon

Method of preparation

Mix in a bowl, oil, beer, salt and soda, slaked lemon (vinegar can be, if there is no lemon). Add a little flour to a dense dough. It reminds sandy (partly as such). Put the dough in the fridge for an hour (and more, at least for the night), knead again and use to make a large cake. If you want to bake small cakes, then from this dough is better to cook them in the forms, otherwise they can be deformed.

Recipe 5. Fresh cabbage stuffing with vegetables for delicious lean cakes

A delicious lenten pie with cabbage is obtained by adding other ingredients to the filling. He is especially good at beer dough.


White cabbage - 600 g

Bulgarian pepper - 1-2 pieces, it is better to take red fruit

Sorrel - a small bunch (can be replaced with spinach)

Parsley - medium bunch

Vegetable oil to extinguish


Cherry tomatoes, corn and canned peas, Brussels sprout frozen - optional, for lovers of original fillings Method of preparation

White cabbage finely chop or chop. Chop the pepper with the finest straw, chop the sorrel, chop the parsley.

All but sorrel, stew under the lid (or without the lid) with a little oil and salt until half cooked. Then add sorrel (spinach) and stew a little more.

Cool to room temperature.

If you want something unusual, at the same time with the cabbage you can put halves of Brussels sprouts cabbage or simultaneously with sorrel - canned corn or peas and cherry halves.

Recipe 6. Stuffing for Delicious Lenten Apple Pies


Apples of firm grades (for example, Grenni Smith or Semerenko)

Vegetable oil

Nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or cashews)

Granulated sugar

Method of preparation

Wash the apples well and cut them into small pieces.

Warm up the butter in a skillet and put apples there, immediately fill them with sugar and fry them quickly and partially caramelize over high heat.

Take out a slotted spoon on a napkin (not paper, otherwise it will stick).

If there are many apples, it is necessary to sleep them in parts.

Finely chop the nuts and add to the apple filling.

Recipe 7. Lazy Delicious Lean Pie with Cabbage


Yeast dough

White cabbage

Refined corn or sunflower oil

Cooking method

Cabbage is very finely chopped or cut. Extinguish it for 5 minutes with vegetable oil and cool.

Ready yeast dough slightly roll out with a rolling pin just into a cake, put cabbage stuffing on it, wrap in an envelope and literally knead the cabbage into the dough.

Bake the cabbage bread as usual.

Recipe 8. Old-Russian Tasty Lenten Apple Pie

For this lean apple pie, any non-yeast dough, for example, from recipe 3, will do. But it is better to use the original recipe below.


For the test:

Flour - 300 g

Mineral water, preferably with gas - 30 ml

Rum - 1 glass

Sugar - 2 tablespoons

Vegetable oil - 3 teaspoons

For the filling: Apples large - 5-6 pieces

Raisins, nuts - half a glass

Berry syrup, can of jam - 2 tablespoons

Sugar - 1/2 cup

White wine - 40 - 50 ml

Single Orange Peel

Method of preparation

From flour, butter, water, rum, sugar, knead the stiff dough.

Fruits peeled and chopped. Grind the zest and nuts in any way. Mix all the ingredients for the filling.

Using a rolling pin, roll the dough thinly (up to 3 mm) and then cut two cakes corresponding in diameter to the bottom of the form, as well as a strip along its height. Grease the form with oil, lay out a circle of dough, put a strip on the edge. Put the apple filling inside. Cover with a second circle, chop it with a fork, brush with tea and bake for one and a half hours in an oven heated to 180 degrees.

Recipe 9. Delicious lean chocolate cake with apple in a slow cooker

This lean cake in a slow cooker resembles a few charlottes, but differs to a large extent from it, because it is cooked without eggs.


Flour - 500 g

Granulated sugar - 120-150 g

Cocoa powder - 5-6 tablespoons

Vegetable oil - 3/4 or a glass

Apples - 2-3 large pieces

Baking Powder - 3 tsp.

Water - 2 glasses

Tea - 1 tsp

Cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom - to taste

Method of preparation

Brew a teaspoon of tea in one glass of boiling water and let it brew properly and cool.

Mix sifted flour, sugar, spices, baking powder and cocoa in a deep bowl, then pour over the cooled tea (without tea leaves!), Beat well with a mixer.

After that, peel all apples and grate them on the largest grater or (better) finely chop them. Stir in the dough and let it brew for at least 15 minutes. Then add oil, mix everything well again (now without a mixer) and pour the dough into a buttered multicooker bowl.

Cooking in accordance with the technical features of a specific multicooker using the “Baking” function is usually about an hour and a little longer.

Recipe 10. Delicious Lenten Apple Pie “My Baby”

This is a variant of the famous grated cake, only lean and with an apple. It is prepared very quickly and usually enjoys success in any situation, only it is necessary to follow the rules for placing the pie on the sheet, otherwise the result will be worse. Ingredients

Vegetable oil - 1 cup

Granulated sugar - 3/4 cup

Flour - as needed

Apples - 3-4 large fruits

Thick jam or only berries from it - about half a liter jar, you can a little more

Soda (quenched with lemon juice) - 1/2 tsp

Method of preparation

Mix well with a whisk (even slightly knock) butter and sugar. Add hydrated soda. Add the sifted flour until the dough is completely steep. Put it in the fridge for at least half an hour.

Peel apples, cut and sprinkle with lemon so that they do not darken.

The dough is divided into two parts of different volume: 2/3 and 1/3. A piece of 2/3 is very densely grated on a baking sheet (no need to lubricate!), Trying to get an even and dense layer without “bald spots”. Bounce pieces of dough with a spatula to move it to the pie.

It is better to rub directly on the baking sheet, otherwise the crumbs will stick together.

Cover the layer of dough with a dense layer of apples, if possible, also leaving no gaps. Put jam or berries out of it. Apricot or peach is very well suited, but any other will do, if only it is not liquid.

Now rub the remaining third of the dough onto the top of the cake, starting at the edges and moving towards the center. In the worst case, there will be a “window” in the center, not covered with crumbs - the main thing is that it does not remain on the edge!

This time the layer should not be dense - it is better if it remains “laced”.

Bake the cake should be in the oven, heated to about 180 degrees, until it is browned - about 10 minutes.

Recipe 11. Delicious Lenten Apple Pie “Romantic Roses”

The famous cake is very elegant look. Any yeast dough is suitable for it, preferably from recipe 2 or similar.


Yeast dough

Apples - 5-6 pieces, it is better to take large ones

Thick jam, preferably apple, but another one will do.


Powdered sugar

Method of preparation

Apples wash, core and gently cut the fruit into thin circles.

Roll out the dough, cut into strips a little bit already apple slices, put “tracks” of jam along the strips along their middle. On top of the jam put the path of apples, making sure that they almost reached one edge and slightly protruded behind the other. Sprinkle them lightly with cinnamon. Grease the baking dish. Roll up the rolls and set into shape so that the apples are sticking out from above. Putting rolls should be very close to each other.

Give the cake a distance. The dough will rise, and the rolls will connect, and the “petals” of the apples will open slightly. Sprinkle the cake with butter and strong sweet tea and put in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Check the readiness of the cake, because the "roses" can be of different sizes, depending on the size of the apples, and therefore the time to full readiness can be very different.

Cool the finished cake a little, covering it with a thick cloth. Then, powder it over with powdered sugar.

Recipe 12. Delicious fast pie with jam (like a cake)


Flour - about 200 g

Hercules - 100 g

Semolina - 100 g

Vegetable oil -1 glass

Jam with medium-sized pieces of fruit or berries (you can even without them, one syrup) - about a glass, if it is thin; if thick, take 3/4 cup and fill up the rest with water

Water - 1 cup

Single Orange or Lemon Peel

Raisins - 200 g (if you took not the jam, but only the syrup, then you can 300 g)

Walnuts or cashews - 100 - 150 g

Cognac or liqueur - 2 tablespoons

Spices: cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, etc. - taste

Soda (it should be quenched with lemon juice) - no more than half a tablespoon

Method of preparation

Wash the raisins, pour over brandy or liqueur and let stand for about half an hour.

Dry the nuts in a pan or in the oven, peel (if walnuts) from the skin and chop with a knife almost into crumb.

Mix all dry ingredients separately and liquid ingredients separately, then carefully combine them. The dough in its consistency should resemble a good sour cream. If the desired thickness is not obtained, add liquid or flour. Put nuts and raisins along with alcohol. Mix all ingredients well again.

The grease prepared for baking should be oiled and sprinkled with semolina or breadcrumbs. Put the dough in there and send to the oven at 190 degrees for about an hour. Willingness to check the torch.

Recipe 13. Delicious Lenten Apple Pie “Once a crust is two a crust”

The name of this cake is explained by its appearance, and you can cook it from any dough, including from purchased puff, from which it is simply delicious.


Purchased puff pastry - 2 packs

Small apples - pieces 6-8

Raisins; instead, you can use natural marmalade, purchased or homemade.

Granulated sugar - if desired; if the apples are sweet, you can without it

Cinnamon - optional

Method of preparation

Commercially defrost the dough. If you decide to cook your dough, then cook it, yeast - let it rise.

Roll out a layer of dough rather thickly (if you took a puff, then take 2 layers and put them end-to-end).

Peel apples, free them from the core, cut them in halves and put raisins or marmalade in the resulting hole.

Quickly turn the halves on the dough layer with a cut down and correct the filling if it popped out.

If desired, sprinkle with sugar or cinnamon (or both).

The remaining layers of puff pastry or ordinary layer roll out much thinner and cover them with apples, lightly pressing the dough around the "humps". Grease the top of the cake with butter or sweet strong tea (do not lubricate the puff pastry) and put in the oven. Bake the layer cake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, the other options will require more time.

Allow the cake to cool slightly, and then sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Delicious Lenten Pies: Tricks and Tips & Tricks

  • To make delicious Lenten pies with apples, cabbage and jam, try not to over-salt the yeast dough: it does not like salt.
  • To quickly cut the sauerkraut for the filling, use kitchen scissors: immerse the blades vertically in a bowl of cabbage and cut, moving the scissors in different directions.
  • In order for the cabbage filling to remain a crunch, simmer it on a small fire without a lid and not for long.
  • To make sauerkraut stuffing not too sharp, mix sauerkraut and fresh cabbage in an arbitrary ratio.
  • To keep the jam from flowing, mix starch or ground croutons (nuts) into it.
  • If you want to get lush and delicious lean cakes with apples, cabbage and jam, be sure to sift the flour, you can even twice. It nourishes it with air, and not only relieves lumps.
  • Almond petals poured on top before putting the cake in the oven will decorate the open sweet cake: they will roast and look beautiful, and also give a refined taste. If you have not bought almond petals, make them yourself, removing the chips from the almonds using a potato peeler or a special tool for nuts.
  • To make delicious lenten pies with apples, cabbage and jam turned out to be more rosy, they should be smeared with sweet strong tea.
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