Okroshka classic with sausage on kvass: with sour cream, kefir, juice. Simple recipes of classic okroshka with sausage on kvass

Okroshka classic with sausage on kvass: with sour cream, kefir, juice. Simple recipes of classic okroshka with sausage on kvass

Easy, tasty okroshka is a true masterpiece of traditional Russian cuisine. It differs from all other summer soups in harmonious taste and ability to freshen on the hottest days.

When you do not want to eat anything from the heat, okroshka classic with sausage on kvass will be a real salvation for the hostess. Her home taste will appeal to both adults and children. It is easy to cook this beautiful dish, and it can be served to both households and guests.

Okroshka classic with sausage on kvass - general principles of cooking

The main component of this version of okroshka is kvass. It can be traditional bread or unusual, for example, beetroot. Okroshka can be poured with kvass or add sour cream, kefir, whey, mayonnaise to taste.

For greater spiciness, mustard or horseradish can be added to the traditional recipe of hash cereal with sausage on kvass (and not only the root of horseradish, but also pounded fragrant leaves).

In the classical okroshka, there are always fresh cucumbers, boiled potatoes and eggs, radish, greens. Potatoes must be boiled in uniform. To prepare all the components you need to finely chop and mix. As for kvass, some hostesses immediately pour the whole drink, while others add kvass directly to the plate. All this is a matter of taste.

Okroshka classic with sausage on Home-made kvass

The traditional recipe for okroshka has the very homely taste that makes this dish the most beloved.


• one and a half liters of homemade bread kvass;

• six potatoes;

• three eggs;

• a pound of doctoral (or any boiled) sausage;

• two hundred grams of radish;

• two cucumbers;

• bunch of green onions;

• a bunch of dill;

• sour cream.

Cooking Method:

  1. Boil and be sure to sue the potatoes and eggs.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a large pan as they are cut.
  3. Peel potatoes, finely chop into cubes.
  4. Peel the eggs, cut them into small cubes or chop them in an egg cutter.
  5. With a cucumber, remove the thick skin (if young cucumbers, with thin skin and do not taste bitter, use whole) and cut into cubes.
  6. Similarly, chop a radish and a piece of boiled sausage into beautiful cubes.
  7. Wash, dry and chop the onion and dill.
  8. Put the greens in a cup, sprinkle with salt and grind. Must stand out juice.
  9. Add the dill-onion dressing to the pan to the main ingredients, mix.
  10. Put sour cream, mix again.
  11. Strike okroshka on plates and serve.

Okroshka classic with sausage on Pink kvass

This dish has a pleasant pink color, which gives beetroot juice to kvass. Yes, and the feed itself is unusual: for those who want culinary experiments. Otherwise, it's all the same okroshka classic with sausage on kvass.


• one small boiled beet;

• half a small fresh beet;

• two eggs;

• three spoons of sour cream;

• two cucumbers;

• five radishes;

• two hundred grams of boiled sausage;

• three potatoes;

• a bunch of fresh greens;

• five feathers of green onions;

• liter of kvass.

Cooking Method:

  1. Grate boiled eggs or chop them so that they have long thin “feathers” of protein.
  2. Grate boiled beets too.
  3. Squeeze juice out of fresh beets. To do this, you can rub it on a fine grater, then squeeze through gauze.
  4. In a saucepan, combine beets, eggs, beet juice, salt everything, add sour cream, mix and put in the fridge for half an hour.
  5. Boiled potatoes cut into cubes.
  6. Fresh cucumbers, depending on the diameter, cut into thin ringlets or half rings.
  7. Cut the sausage piece into neat cubes.
  8. Cut radishes into rings.
  9. Put the potatoes, cucumber slices, sausage and radish in a beet base, mix everything.
  10. Cut the greens and onions.
  11. Put the okroshka on plates, pour kvass.
  12. Decorate with greens on top.

Okroshka classic with sausage on kvass “Freshness”

Traditional Russian appetizer, horseradish has a fresh and spicy taste and recognizable aroma. It gives okroshka classic with sausage on kvass a wonderful refreshing touch. There are no radishes in this recipe (horseradish replaces its sharpness), but in addition to kvass, kefir is used.


• liter of kvass;

• liter of kefir;

• four hundred grams of boiled sausage;

• four medium cucumbers;

• five eggs;

• seven potatoes;

• a bunch of parsley;

• a bunch of dill;

• a large bunch of green onions;

• three teaspoons of grated horseradish;

• sour cream.

Cooking Method:

  1. Refresh with cold water and chop greens.
  2. Cut potatoes, cucumbers and sausage into small cubes.
  3. Horseradish finely rub.
  4. In a saucepan, mix all components of okroshka.
  5. Pour all kefir and kvass.
  6. Add horseradish puree.
  7. Salt to taste and mix.
  8. Pour into plates and serve.

Okroshka classic with sausage on “Mustard” kvass

A pleasant mustard note adds piquancy to this variant of the okroshka classic with sausage on kvass. For more spice you can add black pepper. The company kvass is homemade or fat store sour cream.


• liter of homemade kvass;

• two eggs;

• five radishes;

• two medium cucumbers;

• green onions feathers;

• three potatoes;

• some parsley and dill (half a bunch);

• a teaspoon of mustard;

• two tablespoons of sour cream for sauce;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

  1. Boil chicken eggs, potatoes, cool.
  2. Cut radishes, cucumbers, cooled potatoes into cubes.
  3. Wash the herbs and chop them very finely.
  4. Pick up chopped greens and mash to make juice stand out (greens should not turn into mush!).
  5. Split eggs into white and yolk.
  6. Cut egg whites into small cubes.
  7. Yolks with a fork, add sour cream, mustard and mix well.
  8. Pour kvass into the yolk-mustard mass, stir until smooth.
  9. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, add salt even if desired.
  10. Pour okroshka with mustard kvass, mix.
  11. When serving, add sour cream to plates.

Okroshka classic with sausage on kvass and whey

Whey goes very well with homemade kvass. This recipe hash classic with sausage on kvass is rich in taste and spiciness, as it contains mustard and horseradish. Harmoniously included in the composition of lemon juice, although it can be waived.


• one and a half liters of kvass;

• five eggs;

• a pound of cucumbers;

• three hundred grams of green onions;

• three hundred grams of boiled potatoes;

• liter of whey;

• three hundred grams of sausage;

• a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice;

• a teaspoon of grated horseradish;

• half a spoonful of finished mustard;

• salt;

• one hundred grams of dill.

Cooking Method:

  1. Put chopped onion feathers in a pot for cooking okroshka.
  2. Eggs divided into whites and yolks.
  3. Put yolks to onions.
  4. Add mustard to it.
  5. Grind everything with a pestle.
  6. Pour onion mass with kvass.
  7. Put the finely chopped components into the pan: cucumbers, potatoes, boiled proteins, greens, sausage.
  8. Add horseradish.
  9. Squeeze juice from lemon, pour into okroshka.
  10. Salt, mix.
  11. Pour okroshka with kvass and whey.

Okroshka classic with sausage and apple

For a change, you can cook an unusual version of the classic okroshka with the addition of apple. It is better to take not sweet, but sour-sweet fruit with a pronounced aroma.


• one and a half liters of homemade kvass;

• three potatoes;

• one large cucumber;

• ten pieces of radish;

• one or two apples;

• one hundred grams of boiled sausage;

• bunch of green onions; • three eggs;

• a bunch of dill;

• salt;

• sour cream.

Cooking Method:

  1. Cut all the main components of okroshka into very small cubes: potato, sausage, radish, cucumber.
  2. Apple grate on the shallow side of the grater.
  3. Fold everything into a large saucepan, mix.
  4. Chop greens and add to okroshka, add salt and mix again. Put okroshka on plates.
  5. Fill with sour cream.
  6. Pour kvass and serve.

Okroshka classic with sausage and meat

To make okroshka more nourishing, you can enhance the protein component of the dish: use meat, ham, sausages together with boiled sausage. Since the dish is cold, it is important to take lean meat without fat. Beef, veal, chicken or turkey will do.


• ready brew;

• two hundred grams of sausage;

• two hundred grams of boiled meat;

• one hundred grams of lean ham;

• five eggs;

• five potatoes;

• ten pieces of radish;

• a bunch of dill and green onions;

• sour cream;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

  1. Grind all the ingredients.
  2. Mix everything in a large saucepan, salt and mix.
  3. Spread out in portions.
  4. Pour a spoonful of sour cream.
  5. Pour ready brew and serve.

Okroshka classic with sausage on beet kvass

Refreshing original beet kvass can successfully replace the usual bread. For the preparation of this version of the classic okroshka with sausage on kvass fermented beets are used. If it is not, you can take the boiled and add a teaspoon of table vinegar. It turns out a sharp winter version of the dish.


• about half a liter of finished beet kvass;

• three hundred grams of sausage;

• five potatoes;

• three cucumbers;

• three eggs;

• small green radish;

• two pickled small beets;

• small bulb onion;

• greens to taste (parsley, onion feathers, dill);

• tablespoon of sugar;

• pepper;

• salt;

• five tablespoons of sour cream.

Cooking Method:

  1. Boil eggs and potatoes.
  2. Chop cucumbers, cooled potatoes, eggs, sausage.
  3. Peel and finely chop the bulb.
  4. On a medium grater, grate sour or boiled beets, radish.
  5. Chop smaller greens.
  6. Fold all ingredients into a large saucepan, salt and mix.
  7. Season okroshka with sugar, mustard, sour cream and pepper.
  8. Mix everything and pour beetroot kvass.

Okroshka classic with sausage on kvass - tricks and useful tips

  • It is better to keep the finished okroshka for about twenty minutes in the refrigerator. The dish should cool, get a homogeneous flavor.
  • It is not necessary to cook okroshka classic with sausage on kvass in the summer. The winter version is also good. You can use ready-made store hell, and instead of radish, add black or green radish.
  • To give okroshka additional flavor and a special charm, you can separate half a cucumber from the main ingredients with a grater.
  • The special taste of okroshka is given by borage grass or borage. If there is an opportunity to get it, a small amount of weed should be pounded into a mush and add to the dish.
  • If you rub the yolks separately along with salt and a small amount of dill, then the okroshka seasoned with kvass will have a surprisingly beautiful, even color and thick rich aroma.
  • Instead of boiled sausage, you can use half-smoked or uncooked smoked. They add spice to the dish, although they may seem overly fat in combination with cold kvass.
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