Coffee with cream and caramel

Coffee with cream and caramel

Coffee is the most popular tonic in the world, but not everyone is able to find pleasure in its particular bitter taste. If you also belong to the category of people who drink coffee for the sake of its invigorating action, but do not enjoy it, you should try coffee drinks with softening additives - milk, cream, caramel, ice cream.

Today we offer the easiest way to make a wonderful brewed coffee with creamy caramel flavor.

For such drinks it is most convenient to use cream from a bottle, but if they are not at hand, you can beat the usual fat cream.


  • finely ground coffee - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1, 5 tsp;
  • whipped cream - 1 bottle .;
  • purified water - 100 ml;
  • caramel topping for decoration.


Coffee with cream and caramel

1. Prepare the necessary ingredients for warming gourmet coffee with cream and caramel. Coffee, select high quality and prepare it necessarily in the Turk. To do this, we put ground coffee in a copper Turk and add sugar (if you drink coffee with sugar).

Coffee with cream and caramel

2. Pour cold fresh filtered water into a Turk.

Coffee with cream and caramel

3. We put the Turku on the slowest fire and gradually warm up the ingredients, stirring them intensely until the formation of a light foam. When it starts to rise and bubbles appear, we immediately remove the Turk from the fire. Such a procedure, if desired, can be done several times. So drink turns thicker, richer and stronger.

Coffee with cream and caramel

4. Pour the brewed coffee into a glass cappuccino mug.

Coffee with cream and caramel

5. On slightly cooled coffee, we blow the cream with a thick layer of balloon.

Coffee with cream and caramel

6. From the top of the whipped cream using caramel topping make any beautiful pattern. Serve warm with a straw.

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