Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions can be cooked for any reason and without it - for an ordinary family dinner. You can cook several servings of salad in small bowls or make it in one large salad bowl, saving time. For the salad to soak in time, you need to cook it for a couple of hours to serve and to give “rest” in a cool place.

List of ingredients:

  • 3 chicken eggs,
  • 100 g of hard cheese,
  • 150 g chicken breast,
  • 2 tbsp. l sour cream,
  • 5-6 feathers of green onions,
  • 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil,
  • 1/5 tsp. salt,
  • 1/5 tsp. spices,
  • a sprig of fresh herbs before serving.

Yield - 3 servings of salad.


1. Boil eggs in salted “hard-boiled” water, then cool in cold water and clean, grate on a coarse grater. Add sour cream or mayonnaise to the eggs, mix.

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions

2. Grind hard cheese of any kind on a fine or coarse grater. You can take salted cheese, fresh or with spices, nuts.

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions

3. Chicken meat should be cut into pieces and fry in vegetable oil. Do not forget to salt and sprinkle it with spices. Then chop the fried chicken even smaller.

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions

4. Put eggs with sour cream in the salad bowl in the first layer. If you want the salad to turn out spicy, you can add crushed garlic to the eggs. Lightly tamp and smooth the layer of eggs.

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions

5. Wash the green onions and dry them, then finely chop them and place them on top of a layer of eggs.

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions

6. Put chicken pieces on top of the onions. If desired, you can grease with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions

7. Sprinkle the salad on top with cheese. Lubrication is not necessary - let the salad turn out “lush”.

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions

8. Layered salad ready. Now let it stand for some time and serve. Before serving, decorate with a sprig of fresh greens.

Layered salad with chicken, egg and green onions
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