Chicken, Cheese and Corn Salad

Chicken, Cheese and Corn Salad

Have you noticed how new products and new recipes crowd out old favorite dishes from our tables? Every time we compose a festive menu, we try to include something fresh, original, sometimes even exotic, and then after a few years we suddenly remember that we completely forgot and stopped making the dish that everyone used to love.

Salad with chicken and corn - one of these once favorite, and almost forgotten dishes. Like an old cozy sweater, which you will no longer wear every day, but it's so nice to get it from time to time from the closet and enjoy pleasant memories.


  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pieces;
  • canned corn - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 150 g;
  • salt, spices, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 40 min; number of servings: 2.


Chicken, Cheese and Corn Salad

1. Chicken fillet, if it is frozen, must be thawed, strips and film removed from it, rinsed well under running water, and then boiled until cooked. After cooling the fillet, cut it into small squares and pour it into a deep bowl.

Chicken, Cheese and Corn Salad

2. Open a can of canned corn, take the required amount of it and, if desired, rinse once under cold running water. Pour into the same bowl that contains the chopped chicken fillet.

Chicken, Cheese and Corn Salad

3. Wash fresh cucumbers thoroughly, as they will need to be cut into a salad without peeling. For the salad you need to choose cucumbers so that they are not lethargic and, thus, do not spoil the whole taste.

Chicken, Cheese and Corn Salad

4. Hard cheese for salad is allowed to take any, based on their preferences. It needs to be cut into small squares.

Chicken, Cheese and Corn Salad

5. Season the salad with mayonnaise or sour cream, add your favorite spices, salt and pepper.

Chicken, Cheese and Corn Salad

6. Mix everything well and garnish with greens, serve to the table.

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