Dukan Cake

Dukan Cake

Cake and diet seem to be incompatible concepts, but only if it is not about the diet plan of Dr. Ducane. This French nutritionist has developed a sensational diet, under which there is no need to deprive yourself of small gastronomic joys and give up your favorite dishes. You only need to cook them according to special recipes, without the use of sugar, flour and fatty foods. Cake according to Dyukan is obtained not too high in calories - not more than 150 kcal per 100 g of product, but sweet, appetizing and in no way inferior to the usual desserts. All these sweets can be prepared at home. It is only necessary to take care of the acquisition of the necessary ingredients and the availability of a mixer or blender in the house.

Cooking Features

To make the cake according to Dyukan not interfere with losing weight, it turned out tasty and beautiful, you need to know and take into account a few points.

  • Different recipes are provided for different stages of the diet, but those options of delicacy that can be eaten at the “Attack” stage are also suitable for other stages. Desserts suitable for “Alternation” are not suitable for use only in the “Attack” phase. Some variants of cakes can be used only in the final stages of the diet, when fruits and berries fall into the number of permitted foods. When choosing a cake recipe, you need to check with the list of products allowed at the appropriate stage.
  • Often, the number of ingredients for cake includes dry milk, it is recommended to mix it in a dish with a spoon, without using kitchen equipment.
  • Instead of sugar, low-calorie sweeteners are used for baking. If they are in tablets, they should first be crushed into powder or diluted in a teaspoon of warm water.
  • When it is necessary to beat the products into a dense foam, it is recommended to cool them before that - then the process will go much faster.
  • If the recipe does not involve whipping products, you need to mix them manually, using a spoon or a whisk.
  • Cottage cheese, kefir, milk and other similar products for dishes on the Dukan diet are used only skimmed. If the fat content in the product exceeds the indicator of 1, 5%, it is not suitable for the cake.
  • When baking, it is not recommended to open the oven once again, otherwise the dough will settle. If you are forced to open the door to check if the cake has already been baked, you need to close it smoothly, without knocking, then the risk of “precipitating” the dough will significantly decrease.
  • The readiness of the cakes is checked with a wooden toothpick. If, after dipping into the dough, it remains dry, you can proceed to the next stage of dessert preparation.
  • Vegetable oil is used only to lubricate the form. If you use a non-detachable baking dish, and silicone, you can not lubricate it with oil - all the same, the cakes are removed easily.

The cake according to Dyukan looks appetizing and seductive, but one cannot eat a lot of product even if one observes a loyal Dukan diet. It is better to restrict one piece of dessert per day, for tea, and include it in the menu every day.

Dukan cheese cake for the “Attack” stage


  • oat bran - 60 g;
  • sugar substitutes (in terms of sugar) - 0.3 kg;
  • baking powder for dough - 5 g;
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs .;
  • water - 0, 25 l;
  • soft low-fat cottage cheese - 0, 8 kg;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • berry flavoring - 2 drops;
  • karkade tea - 1 sachet;
  • agar-agar - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil - how much will leave.

Method of preparation:

  • Chop up bran in a coffee grinder or using a blender to a flour state, add it to a bowl.
  • Add baking powder and sweetener to them in an amount equal to three tablespoons of sugar.
  • Smash two eggs, separating the yolks from the proteins, add the yolks to the bran, pound.
  • Add some water, whisk.
  • Whip proteins with a mixer separately. When the foam becomes dense enough to not flow along the walls even when the container is tilted, enter them into the dough, gently stir with a spoon.
  • Grease the split baking dish using the minimum amount of this product.
  • Put the dough in the form, flatten with a spoon.
  • Heat the oven to 200 degrees, put the form in it. Bake for 15 minutes. During this time, prepare the curd filling.
  • Soft cottage cheese, sugar substitute in the amount corresponding to 200 g of sugar, 2 eggs, flavoring and vanillin combine in one container. Beat with a mixer or blender until you get a smooth, creamy consistency.
  • Pour the curd mass on the cake, return the form to the oven. Reduce the temperature in the oven to 160 degrees. Cook the cake for 35 minutes.
  • Turn off and open the oven, leave the cake in it for another 10 minutes, then remove.
  • Boil the remaining water, put a bag of tea in it, take it out of the water in a couple of minutes. Dissolve the remaining sugar substitute in water, add agar-agar to it.
  • Heat, stirring, until the agar-agar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat.
  • When the jelly becomes warm, pour the cake over it and put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

This low-calorie and healthy dessert can be prepared even for those who do not follow the diet. On the Dukan diet this delicacy is allowed from the first day.

Dukan Honey Cake


  • oat bran - 40 g;
  • wheat bran - 20 g;
  • dry milk - 60 g;
  • corn starch - 40 g;
  • chicken egg - 7 pcs .;
  • skimmed kefir - 150 ml;
  • skimmed milk - 0, 4 l;
  • baking powder for dough - 7 g;
  • citric acid - a pinch;
  • salt - 2 shchipi;
  • honey flavor - 3 drops;
  • caramel flavor - 3 drops;
  • sweetener - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - how much will leave.

Method of preparation:

  • Pour the powdered milk onto a dry frying pan. Fry it over low heat, stirring until caramelized. Put in a bowl blender, break formed during frying lumps.
  • Add the previously crushed bran flour, a spoonful of starch and baking powder, mix.
  • Beat 4 eggs, separating yolks from proteins. To yolks pour kefir. They also need to add honey flavor and sweetener, if it is liquid. Pound carefully.
  • Add salt and citric acid to proteins. They also add sugar substitute, if it has the form of a powder.
  • Beat whites to form a dense foam.
  • Combine the dry mixture with yolk-kefir, stir until smooth.
  • Spoon in the spoon.
  • Spread over oiled or silicone molds with a diameter of 18-20 cm. You should have two such cakes.
  • At the same time or in turn, place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the molds from the oven. When the cakes have cooled down a little, take them out of the mold and cut them in half so that instead of two cakes you get four.
  • To the yolks of the remaining eggs, add a spoonful of starch and 60-80 ml of liquid milk. Whisk with a whisk to make the mixture uniform.
  • Add the sweetener and a pinch of salt to the remaining milk. Put on low heat, heat to 60-70 degrees.
  • In small portions pour hot milk to the yolks, whipping them at this time with a mixer.
  • Put the mass on a slow fire and heat, stirring slowly, until it thickens.
  • Spread the cakes with the resulting cream, stacking them on top of each other. Cover the top of the cake with cream too.

It remains to decorate the cake or sprinkle with bran, crumb, cool in the refrigerator. The cake is not suitable for the “Attack” stage. In the remaining stages, it can be consumed without fear, but breaking up for at least 2 days.

Napoleon cake according to Dyukan


  • chicken egg - 3 pcs .;
  • corn starch - 50 g;
  • skimmed milk powder - 50 g;
  • Fitpard sweetener - 10 g;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • liquid skimmed milk - 0, 25 l;
  • vegetable oil - how much will leave.

Method of preparation:

  • In the bowl, break the eggs, beat with a whisk.
  • Add 30 g of starch, a little vanillin and half of the sweetener. Mix thoroughly.
  • Preheat pan with non-stick coating. Lubricating it with butter, from cooked dough, fry cakes made of thin pancakes.
  • Mix the remaining ingredients, place in a frying pan with a non-stick coating and, stirring, heat over low heat until the cream thickens.
  • Assemble the cake by spreading the cakes with a thin layer of cream and spreading it over each other.
  • Grind the last cake with a blender, sprinkle the cake with the resulting crumb.

This is a variant of the cake suitable for feeding on the Ducane system, starting from the “Alternating” stage.

Dyukan's diet was loved by many for allowing sweets. Ducanne cakes do not have a high calorie content, they can be included in the menu by people who are not on a diet, but who want to reduce the overall caloric content of their diet.

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