Ryzhik cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook cake Ginger.

Ryzhik cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook cake Ginger.

Ginger cake - general principles and methods of cooking

What is a cake? First of all, it is a holiday, a good mood, a warm evening at the family table. A cake is the king of any celebration. And why must a celebration? Isn't it nice to sit down for a cup of tea on a weekday and enjoy a piece of delicious dessert? And it is not necessary to cook something grand to arrange a small celebration for the soul. After all, there are many recipes for cakes that are very easy to prepare and do not take too much precious time. This category can be safely attributed to all the famous cake "Ryzhik". It is prepared in minutes, but the result is amazing.

Despite the simple recipe, the cake “Ryzhik” deserves the highest praise. Crumbs, which necessarily include honey, soaked in a delicate cream, are the basis of the traditional “Ryzhik”. Although the recipe of the cream can be somewhat changed at your discretion (add, for example, condensed milk or fruit puree to sour cream), the basis for it will always be sour cream. Some women use custard made from condensed milk and soft butter, however, as practice shows, such a mass does not allow such cake to soak sufficiently.

Small cake - food preparation

So, the main "highlight" of the cake is, of course, a cream made from sour cream. Therefore, it simply must be fresh, thick, oily (at least 35% fat) and non-acidic. When purchasing this dairy product, first make sure of its quality. Otherwise, you risk fundamentally spoiling the taste of the future “Ryzhika”.

In addition to sour cream, we will definitely need honey, good sifted flour, eggs, sugar and butter. Many decorate the cake with crushed nuts, and between the crust smeared with fruit jam or jam, so take care to purchase these ingredients. Cake Ginger - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Classic Ginger Cake

Ryzhik cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook cake Ginger.

“Ryzhik” is one of the favorite desserts of children and adults. The classic recipe of this cake is passed from generation to generation. But each housewife, adding something new to it, tries to leave its imprint of individuality and create its own culinary masterpiece. However, the “zest” of the cake is unchanged - thin honey cakes soaked in lush cream.


- two glasses of sugar (small)

- 3-4 Art. spoons of honey

- two eggs

- one hour lodges. butter

- a spoon of soda (without a slide)

- four stack. flour

- 500 ml of fat sour cream

Cooking method:

1. Beat with a mixer a fat sour cream with sugar (preferably with powder or sand) to a dense foam. Put in the cold for 30-60 minutes.

2. Cooking cakes. Rub the eggs with sugar (1 cup), butter, honey and soda. Mix the ingredients and put the mixture in a water bath, simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Attention! For this purpose it is necessary to take a deep bowl, because the mixture increases several times during the heating process. Remove the mass from the heat, cool slightly and pour about 4 cups of flour in portions (the dough should not be liquid). Next, divide the dough into 10 parts, of which we roll the balls and roll them into flour. After that, gently roll out the parts of the round thin layers. Bake them in the oven (at 200 degrees) until cooked. Then trim the edges, but do not throw away the trim - they will be useful to us.

3. We take sour cream from the refrigerator and coat them with cakes, putting them on top of each other. Do not forget to retouch the folded cake from the sides so that there are no gaps. In the end we sprinkle our cake with crushed scraps of cake layers. We remove the dessert in the cold for twelve hours. As you can see, everything is simple! Eat on health!

Recipe 2: Cake Ginger with nuts and fruit

Ryzhik cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook cake Ginger.

The basis of such “Ryzhik” is whipped cream, fruit, walnuts and, of course, honey. Dough is made easily and quickly, rolls out very well, and biscuits are baked in a few minutes. So cook and try. Ingredients:

- two eggs

- a glass of fine sugar

- three art. lie honey

- tea lodges. soda

- 120 gr. butter

- 2.5-3 cups flour

For cream:

- 500 gr. fatty and thick sour cream (or heavy cream)

- 1 stack Sahara

- one lemon

- two kiwis

- two tangerines

- 120 gr. walnuts peeled

Cooking method:

1. Do the first thing cream. Whip sour cream or cream, five minutes later we begin to pour sugar and whisk again until it dissolves. The cream should be very thick. Add lemon zest and 1 table to it. a spoonful of his juice. A little more process with a mixer.

2. Making the dough. Beat the eggs, then add sugar in small portions, add honey and butter. Beat again until the crystals dissolve. We put the saucepan in a water bath, pour the mixture into it and heat it without boiling. Then add soda, remove the pan from the heat and beat the mixture directly in the hot. Give a little cool and pour a little flour, kneading a soft dough. We divide the dough into six parts, five of them are covered with a lid so that they remain warm. We roll the fifth part into a round layer and cut around the plate circumference. Bake it for several minutes until ready. At this time we roll out the second layer, with which we act in the same way, then - the third, the fourth, etc.

3. After all the baked cakes have been baked, we send the trimmings into the oven and bake them as well. They will be useful to us for a crumb. Give the cake to cool and begin to lay the cake layers:

- the first layer: coat the cake with sour cream and sprinkle with crushed nuts;

- the second layer: coat the cake with cream and put 1 kiwi evenly sliced;

- the third layer: we coat the cake and sprinkle with nuts;

- the fourth layer: lubricate the crust with cream and cover it with mandarin pounded in mashed potatoes;

- the fifth layer: cake, smeared with cream, sprinkle with nuts;

The sixth cake we grease with one sour cream. We process once again sideways. Sprinkle on top of the cake with chopped crumbs. We remove in the refrigerator. Before serving, decorate the cake with the remaining fruit.

Recipe 3: Ginger Cake with Milk Cream

Ryzhik cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook cake Ginger.

The secret of this cake lies in the cream. We will make it not from sour cream, but from milk, condensed milk and eggs. Try it, very tasty!


- butter 100 gr.

- three eggs

- 200 gr. fine sugar

- a pinch of salt

- a pinch of soda

- four cups flour

- any nuts (optional)

For cream:

- 600 gr. fat milk

- 3 tablespoons flour

- six eggs

- condensed milk bank (according to GOST)

- blueberry puree

Cooking method:

1. We get the dough. We soften butter with a fork, add honey to it. Put the mass in a water bath and bring the oil to a liquid state. After that, without removing from the bath, we add to the mixture eggs that are well-beaten with sugar (you need to whip thoroughly, otherwise the proteins will roll up), salt, soda with hydrated vinegar or lemon juice. All mix well. Remove from heat, cool and begin to pour flour in portions. Knead the dough, elastic and soft.

2. Cakes. Divide the dough into eight parts, heat the oven and bake the rolled dough pieces (round). Bake cakes need 5-7 minutes. Next, align them along the edge with a round plate. Trim not thrown.

3. Cooking cream. Milk is boiled. Beat the eggs with flour until smooth and thick. When the milk boils, pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly, the egg-flour mixture. Boil for another couple of minutes and remove from heat. After 20 minutes, mix the resulting cream with condensed milk. Custard for “Ryzhik” is ready.

4. Collect the cake while the cream and cakes are still warm. To do this, fold the cakes on top of each other, lubricating each from above and from the sides with milk cream. We coat the top of each cake with blueberry puree (except the top). After the cake is folded, process it with cream again. Sprinkle with nuts and crushed crumbs left over from the cake. Let's leave “Ryzhik” in a warm place for a couple of hours. And then - in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. Dessert is ready. Enjoy your tea!

Redfish Cake - useful tips from experienced chefs

- In order not to burn the cakes in the oven, do not put the baking sheet to the top, put it in the middle, and put a pan filled with water at the bottom. This little trick will not allow the test to burn;

- Baking powder for dough will give the best result, if you pre-mix it and sift together flour. By the way, do not forget that after a couple of hours, it loses its properties, so if you add it to the dough, then bake cakes as quickly as possible;

- The best way to turn baked dough into crumb for a cake is to fold it into a plastic bag, let the air out, tie it tightly and roll it out with a rolling pin;

- All ingredients for any cake should have approximately equal temperature, better than room temperature. So get them out of the fridge in advance and let the food warm up;

And the last tip: do not rush to clean the cake "Ryzhik" in the fridge immediately after cooking. Allow it to be warm first, so that it is better soaked, and after a couple of hours, send it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. Enjoy your meal!

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