Okroshka classic on kefir - an opportunity to refresh yourself on a hot day. The best recipes okroshka classical kefir

Okroshka classic on kefir - an opportunity to refresh yourself on a hot day. The best recipes okroshka classical kefir

How nice it is to enjoy a cool soup on a hot day. Okroshka for this fits perfectly.

The name “okroshka” comes from the word “chop”.

Sour-milk drinks make this soup not only filling, but healing and useful. Even if you put a lot of sausage or meat, this dish will still remain low-calorie, and a large amount of greens and vegetables will have a beneficial effect on the body.

Okroshka classic on kefir - basic principles of cooking

Cooking classic okroshka on kefir is quite simple. All the ingredients are finely crumbled, and then diluted with kefir. To do this, it is better to use low-fat kefir, as a fat fermented milk product can turn the soup into porridge. But if you are still fatty kefir, you can bring the soup to the desired consistency with the help of mineral water or whey.

For cooking okroshka use potatoes, cucumbers or radishes and a lot of greens. At the same time you can take any greens: fresh salad, parsley, dill, spinach, etc. This is the case when a large amount of greens will make okroshka only tastier.

Boil potatoes until cooked, and it is advisable to soak radishes and cucumbers for some time in water, especially for purchased vegetables.

For okroshka use lean ham, boiled sausage or meat. This may be boiled chicken, beef, rabbit, or turkey.

Crumbled vegetables are mixed with dressing and only after that pour kefir. Filling should be sour or sharp. For its preparation use sugar, lemon juice, mustard, pepper, horseradish or other ingredients.

Recipe 1. Okroshka classic on kefir


400 g veal;


two liters of kefir;

a large bunch of green onions; three potatoes;

ten radishes;

four eggs;

four cucumbers.

Method of preparation

1. Cut my veal under the tap, we clean the films and veins. Fill with boiling water and cook until soft. Then take out the meat on a plate and completely cool. Finely chop the meat or disassemble it into small pieces.

2. Boil the potatoes in uniforms to softness. Drain the broth, and cool the potatoes and peel. Boil eggs, then cool under running water and clean. Potatoes and eggs are chopped into small pieces.

3. Cucumbers, radishes and greens are washed under running water, dried and ground.

4. Pour kefir into the tureen or pan, spread the finely chopped eggs, vegetables, dill and meat into it.

5. A bunch of green onions are rinsed, dried and finely shred. Put it in a mortar, add salt and pound until the green onion starts to give out the juice. Shift the green onion with salt in a saucepan and mix. We send okroshka in the fridge for an hour.

Recipe 2. Okroshka classic on kefir with sausage


three fresh cucumbers;


on a bunch of dill and onion greens;

boiled water;

four boiled potatoes;

liter of kefir;

three boiled eggs;

50 ml of lemon juice or vinegar;

300 g cooked sausage.

Method of preparation

1. Start with green onions. Rinse the bundle, obsushivaem and cut into ringlets. Put it in a saucepan and rub it with a tolkushkoy with salt.

2. Soak cucumbers and radishes in cold water, then dry them and cut the vegetables into strips.

3. Remove the thin skin from the potatoes boiled in the uniform. Two potatoes finely crumbled, and one knead with a fork.

4. Boiled eggs clean and shred. In the same way we grind sausage. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan with mashed green onions.

5. Fill all with kefir. If okroshka turned out too thick, dilute it with mineral water or boiled water. We taste the soup. If necessary, add saliva and vinegar. Cool in the fridge for half an hour and serve.

Recipe 3. Okroshka classic on kefir with horseradish


ten radishes;

5 g of a mixture of “Italian herbs”;

bunch of green onions;

30 ml of 3% vinegar;

three fresh cucumbers;

3 g ground black pepper;

three boiled eggs;

5 g of salt;

a few sprigs of dill;

25 grams of sugar;

two cloves of garlic;

800 ml of kefir;

three leaves of lettuce;

30 grams of grated horseradish.

Method of preparation

1. Radish is well my, cut off the tails and the green part. Shred vegetable thin stripes. Cucumbers are ground similarly.

2. Green onions and dill are rinsed, dried and minced.

3. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool them under cold water and clean from the shell. Finely chop the eggs.

4. Clean the chives, put in a mortar and crush.

5. We transfer all ingredients to the pan, add crushed garlic, sugar, ground pepper, salt and pour vinegar. Here we put grated horseradish. All thoroughly mixed.

6. Combine kefir in a separate bowl with 400 ml of cold boiled water and mix well. Pour the contents of the pan with the mixture and leave in the fridge for at least an hour.

Recipe 4. Okroshka classic on kefir and kvass


two liters of nonfat kefir;

5 g of salt;

two liters of kvass;

bunch of dill;

100 ml sour cream;

a bunch of green onions;

150 g cooked sausage without lard;

six potatoes;

three fresh cucumbers;

three eggs.

Method of preparation

1. Thoroughly wash the potato tubers and boil the vegetable in uniform until soft. Then drain the water and cool the potatoes and peel.

2. Boil eggs, cool and peel off the eggshell.

3. Cut the sausage into small pieces. Rinse green onions and dill and dry. Finely shred.

4. Wash the cucumbers, wipe them with a napkin and cut off the ends. Cucumbers, potatoes and eggs finely chop and put in a bowl, where you will cook okroshka. Salt and mix. Add chilled sour cream and fill all with cold kefir. 5. Stir okroshka, if it turned out thick, dilute it with boiled water or whey. Cool ready meal in the fridge.

Recipe 5. Okroshka classic on kefir with mustard


four potatoes;


two large cucumbers;


four eggs;

spring onions;

eight radishes;

fresh parsley;

300 g cooked sausage.

Method of preparation

1. Potato tubers thoroughly wash and boil in uniform to softness. Drain broth, cool the vegetable and remove the thin peel from the tubers. Boil the eggs, then pour the hot water and send the eggs under a stream of cold water.

2. Soak cucumbers and radishes for a while in cold water. Greens onions and parsley rinsed and obsushivaem.

3. Potatoes, eggs, radishes, cucumbers and greens of onions and parsley finely chop. Grind the sausage in the same way.

4. We transfer all ingredients to the pan, where we will cook okroshka, salt and mix. Tightly tamped. Send the pan to the fridge. Then lay out the workpiece in a deep plate, pour kefir, add a spoon of mustard, mix and serve to the table.

Recipe 6. Okroshka classic on kefir with smoked sausage


half a liter of kefir;

black pepper;

three boiled potatoes;

iodized salt;

three fresh cucumbers;

half a liter of mineral sparkling water;

200 g smoked sausage;

a bunch of parsley and dill;

four eggs;

bunch of green onions.

Method of preparation

1. Put eggs into a saucepan, pour with cold water and boil over medium heat for about ten minutes. Then pour the water, and pour the eggs with cold water.

2. Remove thin skin from boiled potatoes and chop the vegetable into small cubes.

3. Greens onions and parsley rinsed, dried and finely crumbled. Fresh my cucumbers and cut into cubes. One egg is left for decoration, and the rest is ground into small pieces. Smoked sausage chop diced. 4. We shift all the crushed ingredients in a bowl, salt, pepper and mix.

5. In a separate container, mix mineral water with kefir. The resulting mixture pour chopped ingredients, mix and send in the fridge for an hour. Pour on plates, decorate with greens and boiled egg.

Recipe 7. Okroshka classic on kefir with black olives


seven radishes;

50 ml of boiled water;

fresh cucumber;

50 ml of cucumber brine;


half a liter of kefir;

15 olives;

black pepper;

a bunch of green onions;

iodized salt;

small onion;

100 g boiled sausage;

two eggs;

celery stalk;

two potatoes;

two carrots.

Method of preparation

1. Wash the radish, cut the tails and chop it into thin slices.

2. Peel fresh cucumber and finely chop it up.

3. Slice olives into rings.

4. Green and bulb onion finely crumble.

5. Celery stalk wash and cut into thin slices.

6. Peel and chop the boiled eggs.

7. Chop the boiled sausage in small cubes.

8. Boil the potatoes and carrots in a uniform, cool and peel. Chop the vegetables finely.

9. Also chop and pickled cucumber.

10. Combine all chopped vegetables in a tureen, salt and pepper.

11. Kefir mix with cucumber pickle and cold water. Pour the chopped ingredients with the mixture, mix and try on the salt. If that's enough, put the tureen in the fridge. An hour later serve to the table.

Recipe 8. Okroshka classic on kefir “Garlic”


half a liter of kefir;

two sprigs of parsley;

200 g paprika;

a pinch of black pepper;

100 grams of tomatoes;

two pinches of salt;

100 g cucumbers;

juice of half a lemon;

two eggs;

three cloves of garlic;

three leaves of lettuce;

80 g of mayonnaise.

Method of preparation

1. Bulgarian pepper wash and clean the seeds. Wash and dry the tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce leaves. All vegetables and salad chop finely. 2. Peel garlic cloves and squeeze through a garlic press into a small bowl. Add mayonnaise, salt, lemon juice and black pepper to garlic. Mix everything well.

3. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool them, peel and chop them into slices. Leave a few slices for decoration, and crumble the rest.

4. In the tureen combine all the vegetables with eggs. Add the dressing and mix thoroughly.

5. Fill the contents of the tureen with cold kefir. Stir well and cool. Pour into plates, garnish with egg slices and finely chopped greens.

Okroshka classic on kefir - tips and tricks

It is desirable to crumble all the ingredients of the okroshka as small as possible so that it turns out to have a uniform consistency.

Do not use fatty meat or cooked sausage with bacon for cooking okroshka.

Before you add the greens in okroshka, it is desirable to grind it with salt.

If you are a fan of spicy food, add shredded horseradish or mustard to okroshka.

Potatoes for okroshka can be boiled already peeled, then fatty kefir can be diluted with potato broth.

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