Pancakes with cheese, greens, ham, chicken on milk and kefir. Popular recipes for cooking pancakes with cheese

Pancakes with cheese, greens, ham, chicken on milk and kefir. Popular recipes for cooking pancakes with cheese

Stuffed pancakes are a complete, very tasty and beautiful dish. Usually pancakes are stuffed with minced meat or cottage cheese. But for a change, you can make pancakes stuffed with cheese, greens, ham and chicken.

These products are practically in any kitchen, there is nothing difficult in recipes. Serve such pancakes as you like: hot and warm, with sour cream and any sauce, as a snack or main course. It is very convenient to take pancakes with cheese and ham or chicken with you to work or to school in order to have a hearty and happy meal.

Pancakes with cheese - the general principles of cooking

To make delicious pancakes with cheese, you need a well-mixed and settled dough and a suitable pan. Every housewife makes dough for pancakes in their own way. But in any case, it is important that there be no lumps of flour in it. Before you add flour to the base, you must sift it.

Do not be surprised if the amount of flour for the dough will have to vary. The fact is that the size of eggs, the volume of glasses and even the gluten of flour can be different. For cooking delicious pancakes, you can use plain or baked milk, a mixture of milk and water, kefir.

As for the pan, then each hostess, as a rule, has a separate “pancake” pan. To ensure that pancakes are not burnt, it must be cast iron, non-stick or have a thick bottom.

Cheese for the filling can be used plates or cut into cubes. Moreover, you can cook cheese pancakes by adding this component directly to the dough.

Pancakes with good morning cheese

A great option for a weekend breakfast - pancakes with cheese from the finished cut. They are preparing literally in minutes. It is very convenient to cook such pancakes with cheese, if there are a lot of pancakes left, baked the day before. Pancake dough is prepared according to the traditional egg recipe.


• two glasses of any milk;

• two eggs;

• tablespoon of sugar;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of salt; • a glass of flour;

• two tablespoons of sunflower oil for dough;

• two hundred grams of thinly sliced ​​cheese;

• oil for the pan.

Cooking Method:

Smash eggs in a cup, add salt and sugar, grind.

Pour in warm milk (can be held at room temperature or slightly heated).

Gradually, in small portions, stir in the flour.

When all the lumps disperse, pour in the oil, move and leave the dough for half an hour.

Heat the pan, drip a little vegetable oil, spread the batter over the surface.

Fry pancakes on both sides, avoiding overcooking. Finished pancakes should turn out slightly rosy.

On each pancake put a cheese plate.

To form an envelope, wrapping the edges of the pancake inside.

Fry the envelopes in a well-heated oil-free frying pan for literally 1-2 minutes on both sides. The cheese inside will have time to melt.

Serve with tea or coffee.

Pancakes with cheese and greens “Lush”

Very interesting and easy to prepare version of pancakes with cheese and herbs. They turn out magnificent, thick. While the pancakes are hot, the cheese stretches a bit, and the dill gives the dough a very fresh tinge of flavor and aroma.


• two glasses of flour;

• half a liter of milk;

• two eggs;

• half a spoonful of salt;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• half a spoon of baking powder;

• 50 ml of sunflower oil;

• 150 grams of semi-hard cheese;

• a thin bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking Method:

A piece of cheese grate on a fine grater.

Pour the dill in with boiling water, dry and chop very finely.

Mix eggs with sugar and salt, rub well.

Gradually pour in the milk without stopping to beat the mixture.

Mix flour with baking powder and add portions to the milk-egg base.

Pour the cheese crumb, stir well.

Add dill, mix again.

Heat the pan well.

Grease the bottom of the hot pan with oil, pour in a little dough, distribute it over the entire area of ​​the pan.

To fry on both sides.

Serve the pancakes with sour cream while they are still hot.

Custard pancakes with cheese and greens “Krepysh”

The unusual recipe for boiled pancakes on kefir allows you to make wonderful perforated pancakes. They are ideal for stuffing, as the finished dough turns elastic. Taste of soda is not felt, and kefir perfectly replaces milk. This version of pancakes with cheese and greens involves the use of filling. Ingredients:

• 200 ml of boiling water;

• 400 ml low-fat kefir;

• 250 grams of flour;

• half a spoon of baking soda;

• one and a half tablespoons of white sugar;

• half a spoonful of salt;

• three spoons of vegetable oil;

• a bunch of fresh dill or half a bunch of dill and parsley;

• four tablespoons of sour cream;

• a little butter for frying;

• 150 grams of semi-hard cheese;

• 150 grams of Adygei cheese or fresh brynza.

Cooking Method:

In kefir add salt, soda, sugar, mix.

Pour the flour, mix again until smooth, breaking all the lumps.

Without stopping to interfere, pour in all boiling water.

It remains to add butter, mix, and the dough is ready.

Bake thin pancakes, pouring quite a bit of dough on the pan and stretching it across the bottom area. If pancakes stick, from time to time to grease the pan with oil.

Plain and young cheese grate large.

Chop the greens.

Mix the two types of cheese crumb with herbs and sour cream.

In the middle of the pancake put a spoonful of cheese filling, wrap in an envelope.

Dissolve the butter in a skillet and fry the envelopes with cheese filling on both sides.

You can submit with sour cream. Delicious.

Pancakes with cheese and ham, breaded

Crispy pancakes with cheese and ham - this is a great option for a hearty dinner or a convenient snack. As a breading can be used not only flour, but also crackers (optional).


• three eggs in the dough;

• one egg for breading;

• 260 grams of white flour;

• 200 ml of milk;

• 250 ml of water;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• two tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• 400 grams of any ham;

• 250 grams of any semi-hard cheese;

• flour or crackers for breading.

Cooking Method:

Prepare from eggs, water, milk, sugar, salt dough as described above.

Bake pancakes on a heated pan.

While the pancakes are cooling, make a delicious filling.

Cheese piece grate on a medium grater.

Ham cut into small cubes.

Cheese and ham mix.

Put a spoonful of filling in the middle of the pancake.

To form an envelope or roll. Beat the egg.

Breast each pancake first in an egg, then in flour or bread crumbs.

Fry on both sides until an appetizing crisp.

Pancakes with cheese and ham “Thin rolls”

Another unusual recipe for stuffed pancakes from a universal dough without eggs. Pancakes will be soft, stretch well, which is convenient for stuffing with sweet or salty fillings. Milk is used in a mixture with water, but the effect of rubber is not no: after frying, the dough becomes tender, elastic and very tasty.


• three glasses of white flour;

• two glasses of milk;

• two glasses of water;

• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• half a spoonful of salt;

• tablespoon of sugar;

• a pound of chicken ham;

• 250 grams of semi-hard cheese.

Cooking Method:

Water at room temperature, combine with flour, mix well.

Add salt and sugar, beat with a mixer or a hand whisk, until the grains are completely dissolved and the flour lumps disappear. The dough should resemble the thick sour cream.

Milk at room temperature to pour into a thick mass, stir. It turned out perfect, sparse and without lumps, dough.

Pour in the oil, mix again (do not mix with a mixer), and give gluten 15 minutes to show its baking qualities.

Cheese grate.

Ham cut into cubes or thin straws.

Move the cheese crumb with slices of ham.

On the center of the pancake spread the filling, form any desired shape.

Warm up in a microwave until cheese melts.

Serve with sauce or sour cream.

Pancakes with cheese and chicken with baked milk

Delicate aroma of baked milk will give pancakes with cheese and chicken a special charm. The recipe uses chicken fillet. This may be the breast or any other part of the bird. Instead of baked milk, you can take the usual.


• two glasses of white flour;

• five eggs;

• 800 ml of baked milk;

• half a kilo of semi-solid Dutch or Russian cheese;

• shelf of chicken fillet;

• one hundred grams of sour cream;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• oil for the pan;

• pepper to taste.

Cooking Method: Cut the meat from the stone, wash it under cold water, dry it with a paper towel.

Prepared chicken cut into small cubes.

Heat a frying pan, fry chicken pieces.

Salt the chicken, sprinkle with pepper, then pour the sour cream and extinguish to readiness. It is very important not to overdry meat: it should remain juicy and tender.

Make dough from milk, eggs, salt and flour.

Fry pancakes without drying them.

Grate the cheese and mix it with chicken pieces.

Form pancake envelopes with filling.

Each stuffed pancake with cheese and chicken fry in a griddle on both sides.

Pancakes with Cheese - Tricks and Tips

  • To save time, you can fry pancakes in two pans. It is very convenient when you need to make a lot of pancakes.
  • If you can’t get rid of the lumps, you just need to set the dough aside for five minutes alone. After such a holiday, it will be possible to break flour lumps without difficulty.
  • If the cheese is very salty, then the salt in the pancake dough should be put in half less or not at all. Otherwise it will turn out very salty.
  • Formed rolls or envelopes need not be fried immediately. You can put them in the fridge, and fry before serving. Moreover, pancakes can be prepared for free and frozen. The taste will not get worse.
  • You can add your favorite spices, mushrooms, tomatoes, pickles to the filling of cheese, ham, chicken.
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