Chicken, pineapple and mushroom salads are the best recipes. How to properly and deliciously prepare a salad with chicken, pineapple and mushrooms

Chicken, pineapple and mushroom salads are the best recipes. How to properly and deliciously prepare a salad with chicken, pineapple and mushrooms

Salad is exactly that dish that can combine seemingly even the most incompatible ingredients. This can be seen when preparing ingredients for a salad with chicken, mushrooms and pineapples. Each of these products is characterized by its taste and culinary manifestations, the meat enriches the dish with vitamins, makes it nourishing, the mushrooms give characteristic flavor to the salad, and the pineapples give the dish flavor.

But these are only properties of a single product. I wonder what kind of cocktail of taste they can form all these ingredients together. True, chicken is often cooked with mushrooms, but the use of pineapple is quite a bold step. It is imperative to cook a salad of these products and make sure of the positive recommendations left by those who are already lucky enough to enjoy the taste of these dishes.

Chicken, Pineapple and Mushroom Salad - Food Preparation

Salad with chicken, pineapples and mushrooms is more suitable for celebrating significant dates. When cooking these foods, freedom of action is encouraged. For example, if the recipe indicates boiled chicken meat, it can be easily replaced with smoked breast. Mushrooms also do not need to use only pickled champignons, other species will be useful - honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, etc. As mentioned above, salad is the area where fantasy and the desire to pursue new flavors are welcomed.

We offer several interesting recipes for cooking salad with chicken, pineapples and mushrooms. Believe me, the result will leave you only positive feelings. Arrange a holiday of taste, aroma and culinary beauty!

Recipes for salad with chicken, mushrooms and pineapples

Recipe 1: Smoked Chicken Salad with Pineapple and Mushrooms

Smoked products can dramatically change the taste of any dish. Let's see this.

Ingredients Required:

• smoked chicken meat - 200 - 300 g;

• canned pineapples - 1 b .;

• mushrooms - 100 150 g;

• mayonnaise;

• pine nuts - 50 g;

• garlic - 2 tooth .;

• cheese - 200 g


Chicken breast is cut, it can be crushed to your taste - in cubes or straws. Drain liquid from pickled pineapples, cut fruit into cubes. As products are prepared, we add them to a deep salad bowl. Hard cheese is recommended to cut into cubes. Pickled pickled mushrooms, put in a salad bowl. Garlic pushes garlic. In the salad bowl lay out pine nuts, mayonnaise, salt. Mix the ingredients. You can decorate with basil leaves or any other greens.

Recipe 2: Salad with Chicken, Pineapple and Mushrooms

For the preparation of salad useful fresh mushrooms, champignons better. Thanks to walnuts, the salad gets a delicate flavor. Salad can be filled with mayonnaise, as well as low-fat classic yogurt.

Ingredients Required:

• fillet - 400 g;

• hard cheese - 200 g;

• onions - 1 pc .;

• pineapples - 1 b .;

• eggs - 4 pcs .;

• nuts - 150 g;

• mayonnaise.


We start the cooking process with meat, boil it for 20 minutes, add a little salt and pepper into the water, and cook hard boiled eggs. While our chicken meat is boiled, let's proceed to further culinary concerns. Crush onions, mushrooms cut into plates. Add a couple of drops of vegetable oil to the pan and fry the mushrooms well here, until softened. Next, onions are added here and roasted for about 3 more minutes. Remove from heat. Next, the eggs are cleaned from the shell, cut into squares. Grate hard cheese, or you can cut them into small cubes, like boiled meat. Walnuts better twist a couple of minutes in the microwave, and then chop well. All the ingredients are ready, you can proceed to the design of the salad. Salad is better to lay on 1 large flat dish, which will occupy a central place on the festive table.

1 layer - half sliced ​​chicken fillet;

2 - the thinnest layer of mayonnaise, more emphasis is placed on the last layer of mayonnaise;

3 - decorate the salad with half a walnut;

4 - the turn of eggs has come, we also use only half of the products;

5 - again the thinnest layer of mayonnaise;

6 - half of fried mushrooms with onions;

7 - half grated cheese;

8 - pineapples.

Further in the same order we repeat all the listed layers. The dish can be sprinkled with walnuts on top. Unlimited tasty and unusual salad is ready!

Recipe 3: Warm Salad with Chicken, Pineapples and Mushrooms

Presented salad just will not go unnoticed on your holiday table. Such bold use of ingredients is suitable for those who want to surprise their guests with an unusual, but very exquisite salad.

Ingredients Required:

• Canned pineapple - 1 b .;

• fillet - 300 g;

• egg - 4 pcs .;

• mushrooms - 200 g;

• olive oil - 2 tbsp;

• mayonnaise - 50 g;

• pepper and salt.


First prepare the products. To do this, boil the fillet, eggs and cook hard-boiled.

1. For the salad, you should choose fresh champignon mushrooms of medium size. We divide them into 4 parts.

2. We clean the finished eggs from the shell and cut them into cubes.

3. Ready boiled fillet can be cut into strips or cubes.

4. Pineapples are better to cut into large cubes.

5. Sliced ​​mushrooms lightly fried in olive oil.

Mix the ingredients, chicken, pineapples, eggs, here also add fried mushrooms. Salad dressed with 2 spoons of mayonnaise and immediately put on the table.

Recipe 4: Salad with Chicken, Pineapple, Mushrooms and Pomegranate

During the holidays, every hostess is in search of something unusual. Pay attention to this salad. The combination of pineapple and cabbage gives the dish juiciness, and pomegranate adds piquancy. Salad is not only delicious, but also healthy. Ingredients Required:

• pineapple - 1 b .;

• fillet - 200 g;

• mushrooms - 200 g;

• onions - 1 head;

• mayonnaise;

• Peking cabbage - 200 g;

• vegetable oil;

• egg - 2 pcs .;

• salt and other spices.


1. For a salad, you can take smoked meat, which is cut into cubes.

2. Fry the chopped mushrooms and onions in vegetable oil.

3. Pineapple cut into cubes.

4. Hard boiled eggs can also be cut into cubes, you can and straws.

5. Cabbage is cut into large pieces.

Layered salad: the first layer is the meat, then the pineapple is laid out, then comes the Beijing cabbage, fried mushrooms, eggs and carefully mask everything with mayonnaise.

Solidly decorate the salad with pomegranate seeds. Tasty and healthy!

Salad with chicken, pineapple and mushrooms - secrets and tips from the best chefs

Pineapple, mushrooms and chicken - a set of products, the combination of which allows for an interesting taste. Full freedom of action is welcomed: pineapple - fresh or canned, mushrooms - any kind, chicken meat - boiled or smoked. Experiment and cook with the soul!

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