Coffee Latte

Coffee Latte

Coffee latte is one of the three most popular worldwide coffee drinks. Its homeland is Italy - a country where almost all residents love strong aromatic coffee. Perhaps that is why the Italians first came to mind to dilute black coffee with milk, making it possible to use this drink by representatives of the younger generation of coffee lovers. In Italy itself, this variant did not take root, but it became widespread in other countries. The composition of coffee latte includes espresso and milk, this cocktail is covered with thick milk foam. This contrast combination is loved by many.

Cooking Features

If you have a cappuccino machine in your home, making latte will be easy for you: a smart machine will make espresso, milk the milk and fill the cup with a fragrant drink. However, it can be prepared completely independently by making black coffee in a coffee maker or a turk, and beating the milk into a foam using a blender or mixer. Knowing a few secrets comes in handy no matter what latte making method you choose.

  • Coffee needs to be prepared from natural beans, just ground into a fine powder. If you grind the grain in advance, some of the esters evaporate, and the drink will not be fragrant enough. A fragrant coffee is never obtained from an instant product, even if it is of the highest quality.
  • Coffee lovers are advised to use Robusta, not Arabica, for making lattes, since this variety is more robust. It is the contrast of bitter espresso and delicate foam that makes coffee latte unique and charming.
  • If you make coffee in Turk, do not let it boil, but you need to boil it 2-3 times. Ready coffee must be filtered - there should be no sediment.
  • Milk foam for latte does not require air, but rather dense. This is easier to get by whipping fatty milk. It is advisable to take fat milk for the “cap”, for the very same drink you can use a low-fat product.
  • Various patterns can be created on the thick froth using cinnamon or grated chocolate. This art is called latte art. If you do not have the experience of creating such patterns, you can simply sprinkle the drink with the named ingredients or do without the decoration - the latte coffee looks appetizing by itself.
  • You can add liqueur, syrup, or other ingredients to a latte to get new flavors. It is important that they are not too sour, otherwise the milk may clot.
  • Unlike cappuccino, with which latte is often confused, this drink contains twice as much milk and is poured into a glass first. The next layer is coffee. Top drink is decorated with milk foam. Lay layers should be carefully, pouring them on a spoon or knife so that they do not mix.

It is customary to serve latte coffee in transparent irish-glasses by placing them on a saucer covered with a napkin. This allows you to admire the contrasting layers. However, etiquette does not prohibit serving coffee latte and in the usual cup.

Classic Latte Coffee


  • water - 50 ml;
  • finely ground coffee - 12 g;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • sugar (optional) - to taste;
  • cinnamon (optional) - a pinch.

Preparation Method:

  • Heat the milk to 60-65 degrees. You can not boil it.
  • If there is a desire to make a sweet drink, add sugar to the milk and stir it, dissolving it completely.
  • Beat the milk into a thick foam.
  • Place two-thirds of the milk in a tall glass of heat-resistant glass.
  • Make a drink of water and coffee. Strain if necessary. Do not cool: the coffee must be hotter than milk, otherwise the layers will mix.
  • In a glass, lower the spoon and pour coffee over the milk over it.
  • Put the milk foam on top with a clean spoon.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon over the foam and serve the drink to the table.

If you do not have much experience in making coffee and fear that the layers will mix despite all your efforts, make the drink in an opaque cup - the barista’s flaws are almost imperceptible.

Coffee Latte with Syrup


  • espresso - 50 ml;
  • berry syrup - 50 ml;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • chocolate - 2-3 g.

Preparation Method:

  • Heat the milk to 60-70 degrees, not bringing it to a boil.
  • Pour off 25 ml of milk, add the same amount of syrup to it, whisk.
  • Whisk the remaining milk in a separate container.
  • Chop grated chocolate.
  • Make an espresso.
  • At the bottom of the irish glass, pour in first the pure syrup, then mixed with milk.
  • Gently place the frothy milk on top, leaving a little froth for decoration.
  • Place a spoon of coffee on the milky layer.
  • Lay out the “cap” of the remaining foam.

It remains to sprinkle the drink chocolate chips and serve to the table. The bright look and exquisite taste of this drink is unlikely anyone will be able to leave indifferent.

Coffee Latte with Liqueur


  • fine ground coffee - 20 g;
  • water - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • milk - 0, 25 ml;
  • liquor “Beyliz” - 20 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • cocoa powder - 2-3 g.

Preparation Method:

  • Heat the milk to 65 degrees and beat it into a thick foam.
  • Pour coffee, salt and sugar in Turk, pour it with clean water, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Stir, strain.
  • Add liqueur to coffee and mix.
  • Pour the mixture into a glass.
  • Place whipped milk on top.
  • Sprinkle with cocoa powder.

The drink prepared according to this recipe is enough for two servings.

Coffee latte with ice cream


  • black coffee - 50 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • ice cream - 30 g;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • vanilla syrup - 5 ml.

Preparation Method:

  • Black coffee mix with sugar, cool.
  • Pour syrup into milk, whip.
  • Pour milk into the glass, then coffee.
  • Put a scoop of ice cream on top.

This variant of latte coffee is pleasant to drink in hot weather, the drink resembles the taste of a milkshake, but has the invigorating power of caffeine.

Coffee latte is one of the most famous and loved by many coffee drinks. A unique flavor gives it a contrasting combination of strong espresso and whipped milk. An interesting taste of the drink becomes when adding syrup, liquor or ice cream.

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