Curd Pizza Dough

Curd Pizza Dough

Not always there is an opportunity and desire to make a yeast billet for pizza, and not everyone can use it (especially for little restless ones). The flour mixture created on the basis of curd mass is an appetizing alternative to Italian baking. It consists of only a few components and is not inferior to the classic version of the test.

The time required to create this recipe is 12-15 minutes. After that, the billet must be cooled 25-28 minutes, and it is ready for formation. This blank can be stored in a cold place for 24-36 hours, the main thing is to wrap it carefully so that air does not flow to it. You can use any ingredients for the filling: cheese, greens, ham, salami, chicken, sauce and mushrooms.


Curd Pizza Dough
  • flour - 250 g;
  • curd mass - 100 g;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp;
  • baking powder - 1/2 tsp;
  • oil - 3-4 tbsp. l .;
  • 1 egg;
  • kefir - 50 ml.

How to make curd pizza dough

Curd Pizza Dough

1. Pour kefir into deep container (if you wish, replace it with sour milk product). Add the cottage cheese, mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Curd Pizza Dough

2. Pour the required amount of refined fat into the bowl, make the workpiece homogeneous with a cooking halo.

Curd Pizza Dough

3. Remove the egg from the thin shell, mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Curd Pizza Dough

4. Enter the required amount of sifted flour, baking powder and salt into the container.

Curd Pizza Dough

5. We try to bring the workpiece to homogeneity, cool for 27-30 minutes, use it at our discretion. We make delicious pizza for children's parties, for parties with friends and family gatherings. We please our loved ones only with useful and high-quality pastries, created with love.

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