Classic pizza dough: not easy, but very simple! Cooking at home classic pizza dough: with yeast, kefir or sour cream

Classic pizza dough: not easy, but very simple! Cooking at home classic pizza dough: with yeast, kefir or sour cream

Which of us does not like delicious tender pizza?

There are so many varieties of it that everyone will surely find their favorite recipe.

There are two main types of this dish: Italian pizza with thin dough and American pizza with thick.

The ingredients are already selected depending on their own preferences, hence the number of options.

Toppings can be: cheese, salami, olives, mushrooms, chicken, seafood and more.

Pizza is a dish in which there can not be too many or too few ingredients.

It is easy to prepare according to individual desires, while remaining tasty, nourishing and incredibly fragrant.

Principles of making classic pizza dough

Of course, the main component of any pizza is dough. From it will depend on how the result this favorite dish of all young people will turn out. After all, the filling, as mentioned above, can be absolutely any, but in dough preparation it is important to strictly follow the recipe, and then everything will work out for sure!

To make a classic pizza dough, you need not only flour and other bulk ingredients, but also a rolling pin, as well as a thin, low baking mold.

Classic yeast-based pizza dough

No matter what kind of dough you want to make, always roll it out on a floured surface.


1) white flour - 550 g;

2) dry yeast - 2 tsp;

3) salt - 1 tsp;

4) olive oil - 3st.l.

5) drinking water - 250 ml.

Cooking Method:

First you need to mix white flour with dry yeast.

Then add the specified amount of olive oil and pure water.

Now you can knead the dough. Its consistency should be soft and stingy. It is also important to note that it should not break. If this happens, it means too much moisture.

Next, cover the dough with plastic wrap and put the “rest” for about one hour or even longer. After this time, the dough will rise and become “airy”.

When it takes time, remove the cling film and roll out the dough using a rolling pin. It should make an even circle about 4-5 mm thick with a diameter of 35 cm. According to the specified recipe, about 3 pizza bases are made.

If desired, the number of components can be reduced by half.

Classic milk-based pizza dough

This recipe for the classic pizza dough is no less popular. He loves home cooking.


1) 450 ml of sour milk;

2) two chicken eggs;

3) three glasses of white flour;

4) one teaspoon of soda;

5) two art. lie semolina;

6) one hour lodges. salt.

Cooking Method:

To the specified amount of milk you need to add one teaspoon of soda and mix.

Next, in a separate bowl, beat the eggs until a small skim is obtained.

After that, pour them into the flour and salt.

Mix all ingredients. The dough should be of medium thickness.

For further cooking, take a baking sheet and lubricate it with oil and sprinkle it with semolina.

Now you can add your favorite ingredients and cook pizza.

Classic pizza dough with spices

This recipe for the classic pizza dough is distinguished by its spiciness and certain piquancy. Due to the spices it will turn out with a brighter and more unusual taste.


1) three art. l flour;

2) two tsp. Sahara;

3) two tsp. yeast (dry);

4) one glass of water;

5) one tsp. salt.

6) three tablespoons of oil (olive);

7) a sprig of rosemary;

8) two tablespoons of grated Parmesan.

Cooking Method:

First you need to mix one glass of warm water with the specified amount of sugar. This can be done using a mixer.

Next, add dry yeast and leave in this form for about 5 - 7 minutes.

The next step is to mix the yeast with the liquid and leave until the bubbles appear.

At this stage, you can add flour, butter and a teaspoon of salt. All ingredients are also mixed with a mixer.

When the dough becomes sufficiently elastic consistency, you can add rosemary and parmesan to it.

The resulting dough should be rolled into a lump and left alone for 40 minutes. During this time, the classic pizza dough will be doubled.

The last step is to roll out the dough with a rolling pin and add the prepared ingredients: vegetables, sausage, etc.

Classic pizza dough on kefir

This recipe for the classic pizza dough is quite simple and quick to perform. It will take literally 10 - 15 minutes to cook, which every hostess will undoubtedly appreciate. Ingredients:

1) 400 g of white flour;

2) 300 ml of kefir;

3) two chicken eggs;

4) 50 g butter;

5) 15 g of salt;

6) 15 g of soda.

Cooking Method:

First, beat the chicken eggs. We salt.

In another bowl, we put soda to kefir, used as vinegar.

Now you can pour the beaten eggs into kefir and mix with your hands.

Next, we begin to slowly pour the flour into the mixture until a soft consistency.

The next step is to melt the butter and add it to the classic pizza dough.

It remains only to put the rest of the ingredients for pizza on the rolled dough and bake.

Classic pizza dough that crunches

Many of us, especially children, love pizza because of its crisp crust, so this recipe is suitable for connoisseurs of this classic pizza dough. It is not difficult to bring it to life, because all the ingredients are available and inexpensive.


1) two glasses of white flour;

2) two tbsp. olive oil;

3) two chicken eggs;

4) half a glass of milk;

5) a pinch of salt.

Cooking Method:

Heat the milk over low heat, do not bring to a boil.

Add eggs to it and mix.

The resulting liquid must be slowly poured into flour and salt.

Now you can make dough. It should get airy and soft.

Classic sour cream-based pizza dough

For those who want to use the fastest way to prepare a delicious classic pizza dough, the following recipe will do. To translate it will have to spend a maximum of 15 minutes.


1) 300 g of wheat flour;

2) 300 g low fat sour cream.

Cooking Method:

Sour cream mixed with flour and divided into several small pieces.

Pour over the dough and put ingredients prepared for pizza on it.

You should get about three medium-sized pizzas.

Classic thin pizza dough

True connoisseurs of Italian classic pizza dough will surely appreciate this recipe. It will appeal to both adults and children.


1) 2.5 cups of flour;

2) 15 g yeast;

3) 2 tsp. honey;

4) one tbsp. olive oil;

5) 250 ml of water;

6) a pinch of salt.

Cooking Method: First, heat the water to 70 degrees and add to the honey along with yeast.

Next, mix the flour and olive oil. We salt.

Add to the flour a mixture of honey and yeast and knead the dough. The process should take at least 10 minutes.

Now the dough must be removed for 45 minutes so that it rises.

After that, knead the dough again and make a thin circle out of it. Its diameter should be about 30 - 35 cm.

Classic Pizza Dough - Tricks and Tips

1) To make the dough better to rise and not to wind, cover it with a damp cloth or cling film.

2) To the remnants of the test quickly moved away from the bowl, it must be washed first with cold water and then hot.

3) Before you start kneading the dough, wipe your hands with olive oil so that the dough does not stick.

4) Any yeast dough should stand 40 to 60 minutes before going to the oven.

5) Also, the dough must be precipitated twice, and only then laid out in a baking dish

6) If the dough turned out too wet, then you need to put parchment paper on it and roll it right over it.

7) To make the classic pizza dough look even more appetizing, you can grease it with egg or butter.

8) The readiness of the test is determined by its crust. It should be easily separated from the dishes.

9) Olive oil is advisable to choose the first spin, since with it the dough will be smooth and elastic.

10) Before putting the dough on a baking dish, grease it with olive oil and sprinkle with flour.

To make delicious flavored pizza like in an Italian restaurant, you need to pay special attention to the preparation of the dough. It is necessary to strictly follow the recipe, and most importantly, always cook with love and good mood!

Bon appetit!

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