Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

It is planned to have another holiday feast, or simply decide to pamper the household with a tasty salad, but are they tired of Olivier, crab sticks and a favorite by many Greek? Then today's master class will be very helpful, because we devote it to the preparation of nourishing and delicious salad of chicken, mushrooms and corn. Let's not torment you with a long prelude, let's get down to business!

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.,
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • small carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • bulb onion - 1 pc.,
  • canned corn - 1 can,
  • mushrooms - 300 g,
  • salt - to taste,
  • black pepper - to taste,
  • vegetable oil - for roasting vegetables,
  • mayonnaise - for refueling.


Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

1. Prepare all the ingredients listed above that will be needed to create a salad.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

2. Boil chicken fillet until ready in salted water (you need to cook for half an hour from the moment of boiling).

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

3. While the chicken is boiling, we will do the cooking of the vegetable component of our salad. Clean the onions. Mine Finely crumbled.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

4. Clean the carrots. Rub on a fine grater.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

5. Cut the mushrooms into cubes.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

6. Boil the eggs hard. Finely crumbled (if desired, you can grate on a medium grater).

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

7. Heat vegetable oil in a pan. Fry the onion.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

8. Add carrots to onions. We continue to fry.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

9. At the end put the mushrooms. Stir. Fry until the liquid evaporates (as a rule, it takes about 7-10 minutes).

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

10. Boiled chicken fillet into cubes.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

11. Combine the chicken fillet with roasted vegetables. We salt, we pepper.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

12. From the jar of corn, drain the excess liquid, combine its contents with chicken and vegetables.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

13. Put chopped eggs.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

14. We fill with mayonnaise. Mix well.

Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Corn

15. Shift cooked yummy on salad bowls. Decorate with greenery if desired. Serve to the table.

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