Cream soup - proven recipes. How to properly and tasty cook soup with cream.

Cream soup - proven recipes. How to properly and tasty cook soup with cream.

Cream Soup - General Cooking Principles

Everyone knows that first courses are necessary for proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the usual soups, soup and borscht a little bit tired, you can pamper yourself and loved ones with a delicious delicate cream soup. You can cook such a dish all year round, because to make such a soup you need the most ordinary and affordable products. Cream soup can be cooked with potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots, avocados, mushrooms and other mushrooms, with broccoli, cauliflower and many other products. Vegetable or mushroom broths, meat broths and plain water can be used as a liquid base. Cream soup does not require a long heat treatment, so it cooks pretty quickly. The dish is especially important in situations where an unplanned feast is planned, and the guests who have arrived must be treated with something nourishing and tasty. Cream soups are perfectly combined with different sorts of cheeses, seafood, red fish and greens. It is usually served with hot croutons, grated cheese and chopped greens.

Cream Soup - Preparing Food and Dishes

Cooking may require a pan or deep saucepan, frying pan, deep bowl, knife, cutting board, grater and blender. Blender is most often needed, since most cream soups have a creamy and puree texture, and you can achieve this texture with this device. If there is no blender, you will have to arm yourself with a tolkushka, a whisk and an extra time margin. Cream soup is usually served in deep plates or small, but again deep, bowls.

Before preparing the soup you need to prepare the products: boil meat or vegetable broth in advance, wash and peel the vegetables, chop and fry (or boil the mushrooms), chop greens, etc.

Cream soup recipes:

Recipe 1: Cream Soup

This light, gentle soup with cream will especially please the ladies, as the dish can be made less or more high-calorie if you use cream of different fat content. Mushrooms give an appetizing flavor, and pepper and onions add zest.

Ingredients Required:

  • 400 g of fresh champignons;
  • Cream (10%) - 125-130 g;
  • Butter - 10 g;
  • 1 white onion;
  • Ground black pepper to taste;
  • Greens for decoration.

Preparation Method:

One third of the chopped champignons should be placed in boiling salted water and cook for about five minutes. All other mushrooms need to be folded in a deep bowl, add the chopped onion, boiled mushrooms and drain half a cup of mushroom broth. Further, all products need to be baked by blender. Put a piece of butter in a small saucepan and lay out the resulting mass. Boil the mixture for about ten minutes. Now it's time to pour in the cream, after which the soup should be brought to a boil. Then you need to pepper and spice up your favorite spices, you can add half-crushed garlic. Soup cover and let stand for about 10-15 minutes. Serve cream soup with sprigs of greens and hot croutons.

Recipe 2: Zucchini Cream Soup

Zucchini can be cooked not only delicious main dishes, but also the first. Try to make this wonderful cream soup with zucchini cream and treat them to guests and loved ones.

Ingredients Required:

  • Zucchini - 2 pcs .;
  • Butter - 30 ml (2 tbsp. L.);
  • 1 onion;
  • Half a cup of cream;
  • Curry;
  • Clove of garlic;
  • Half a liter of chicken broth.

Preparation Method:

First, you need to cook chicken broth from half breasts. Meat can be left for the second dish, and the broth must be filtered. Chop the zucchini, chop the onion and garlic. Melt the butter in a pan and simmer the chopped vegetables in it. Fry vegetables do not need - they should be just soft. Now the whole vegetable mixture should be chopped in a blender until smooth. Next, you need to gradually pour the chicken broth, then cream, without ceasing to whisk the mass. Next, you need to add curry seasoning and mix again. Pour the mixture into the pan, put on the fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Let the dish infuse for 3-4 minutes, after which it can be served on the table.

Recipe 3: Salmon Cream Soup

This gorgeous salmon entrée must be the highlight of a festive feast program or a large family dinner. The soup is cooked on cream, and in addition to fish, it also includes potatoes, tomatoes and leeks.

Ingredients Required:

  • 300 g salmon;
  • Potato - half a kilo;
  • Tomatoes - 300 g;
  • 200 g leeks;
  • 500 ml of cream (10%);
  • 150 g carrots;
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • A bunch of fresh greens.

Preparation Method:

Clean the carrots and grate them. Leek cut into small rings. Fish cut into small pieces, peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, after removing the skin (for this you need to make cross cuts and put the tomatoes in boiling water). Pour the vegetable oil into the pan and fry the onions and carrots right in this way. Then put sliced ​​tomatoes and fry all the vegetables together. Next in the pan you need to pour a liter of water and bring the soup to a boil. As soon as the water boils, you need to put the potatoes, add a little salt and cook everything for about 7-8 minutes. Next comes salmon, followed by cream. Boil cream soup until ready, the potatoes (about 5-7 minutes), then you need to try the dish and add some more salt if necessary. Serve the soup with chopped greens.

Recipe 4: Pumpkin Cream Soup

At first glance, this pumpkin cream soup seems very simple - it seems that one pumpkin, onion, chicken broth and cream are used. However, the result is a very rich and savory dish. This is achieved through seasoning and stewing vegetables in brandy.

Ingredients Required:

  • 1 kilogram of pumpkin;
  • Violet bow - 1 head;
  • Chicken broth - 1 liter;
  • Cream - 200 g;
  • Ground black pepper and salt to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • Pumpkin seeds - 50 g;
  • 20 g parsley;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • Brandy - 50 g;
  • Butter - 100 g.

Preparation Method:

Put the butter into a deep stewpan and fry the shredded onion and finely chopped garlic on it. First of all, you need to lay out the bow. Garlic should be roasted until the first flavor appears, then it will be bitter. Pumpkin pulp is cut into small cubes and spread into a saucepan. Fry the pumpkin with garlic and onion, stirring continuously. We check the pumpkin, if it becomes soft - we pour brandy and stew it all together until the alcohol is completely evaporated. Next, pour the broth into a saucepan, add salt, pepper and sugar. Cook all together for about 7 minutes. The resulting mass should be mixed with cream and chopped greens and thoroughly whisk everything with a blender. Serve pumpkin cream soup along with peeled pumpkin seeds roasted in a pan.

Recipe 5: Cucumber Cream Soup

This cream soup perfectly refreshes, nourishes and just gives a good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day. The basis of the dish consists of cucumbers, cream and yogurt, and mint and lemon zest give a rich, bright taste and aroma.

Ingredients Required:

  • 1 kilogram of cucumbers;
  • Unsweetened yogurt - 500 ml;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Mint - 50 g;
  • 1/4 liter of cream;
  • White wine vinegar - 45 ml;
  • Salt and ground black pepper.

Preparation Method:

Cucumbers are thoroughly washed, cleaned, finely cut and put in a deep bowl. We also add plain unsweetened yogurt, tattered mint leaves, white wine vinegar, chopped garlic and zest of one lemon. Now all the ingredients need to be pripurirovat immersion blender to a smooth mass of a pleasant greenish tint. Then slowly pour in the cream and carefully whisk everything with a whisk. Dish salt, pepper to taste and serve with mint leaves.

Cream Soup - secrets and tips from the best chefs

To please guests and loved ones with a deliciously delicious cream soup, use the tips from the best chefs and chefs:

- since cream is a perishable product (like all other dairy products), it is not recommended to keep cream soup for a long time. Therefore, count the number of foods and servings to eat the dish on the same day;

- try adding grated fine or slightly spicy cheese to the hot dish at the end of cooking - the soup will make it even tastier and more savory;

- if you want to cook a less-calorie meal, use 10% cream, but the fatter the product, the richer and more refined the soup will be;

- Milk and butter perfectly complement the cream. The main thing - you need to remember that all these products should be added at the very end of cooking;

- soup with cream after adding the cream itself must be gently heated over low heat, but not boiled for a long time, otherwise the dairy product will roll up and spoil the whole dish;

- creamy soups perfectly complements the mixture of butter and a small amount of flour;

- Cream soups are great for baby food, but in this case, you need to carefully select the ingredients and try to use at least spices, seasonings, mushrooms and other undesirable products for the child's body.

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