Pumpkin with rice - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook a pumpkin with rice.

Pumpkin with rice - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook a pumpkin with rice.

Pumpkin with Rice - General Principles and Methods of Cooking

Pumpkin is perfectly absorbed by the body, so the dishes from it are suitable for children, and for medical nutrition. Anyone who cares about their health should definitely have pumpkin dishes in their diet, because it is a real storehouse of vitamins and a leader in iron content among vegetables. Although, lovers simply eat tasty food for them a lot of respect.

In turn, rice is also a cereal, which contains many useful substances and removes excess salt from the body, so eating rice cereals improves the condition of the joints. There are even several therapeutic diets based on rice porridge. And scientists have found that the development of intelligence in children, who often eat rice porridge, is more intense.

Need I say how healthy the dishes are, the main ingredients of which are pumpkin and rice? Moreover, the choice of such dishes is very wide. Here are recipes for healthy food lovers and children who like light and sweet rice and pumpkin porridge, and for gourmets who cannot imagine their diet without aromatic spices and more nutritious dishes.

Pumpkin with Rice - Food Preparation

The main products of this dish are rice and pumpkin. To prepare it, peel the pumpkin, cut it off carefully with a sharp knife, cut off the tail of a vegetable. Then we cut the pumpkin into 4 parts along, remove the seeds and scrape the internal cavity with the seeds. Preparation of rice is that we wash it, and then process it according to the recipe.

Pumpkin with Rice - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pumpkin with Rice

This dish can be called dietary. Pumpkin, milk and rice - these are its main components, which will give you energy for the whole day and at the same time will not harm your figure. And to prepare it as simply and quickly as possible.


500 gr. peeled pumpkin:

200 gr. milk;

7 tbsp. l rice;

to taste butter, sugar and salt.

Cooking Method:

1. Gently peeling the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut it into cubes, put in a saucepan and pour water. At the same time, there should be twice as much water as pumpkins. 2. Cover the pan with a lid, cook the pumpkin on low heat until ready, then put the washed rice into the pan and, adding the fire, cook the dish until the rice is cooked.

3. As soon as the rice is cooked, the water in the saucepan will be half boiled and will only cover the porridge, add milk to the pan, add sugar, salt and wait for the milk to boil. Then reduce the heat and boil the porridge for another 5 minutes with constant stirring (this time should be enough for the rice to boil soft). It is important to prevent porridge from burning.

4. Turn off the saucepan with the finished porridge, put in it a small piece of butter. You can eat this porridge hot or cold.

Recipe 2: Pumpkin with Rice and Apples and Prunes

Very tasty and easy dish. It is not known that it delights more - its taste or aroma. Pumpkin, apples, rice and prunes - such ingredients leave no doubt about the usefulness of such a recipe. So, you should definitely try to cook it to please both adult members of your family and kids.


2 cups of rice;

700 gr. pumpkins;

2 apples;

200 gr. raisins;

200 gr. pitted prunes;

100 gr. butter.

Cooking Method:

1. Peel the pumpkin and grains, then cut into small cubes. After peeling apples, cut them into pieces. We wash the raisins and soak them in hot water for half an hour. Then drain the water, gently squeeze it and mix with apples.

2. Melt the butter in a pot, put the prepared pumpkin there, then layers - washed rice, fruit, and again rice. Watering all the top with butter, pour porridge with lightly salted water to cover it completely, and put the pot in the oven for baking for about 40 minutes.

Recipe 3: Pumpkin with Rice, Tomatoes and Cheese

Not everyone loves diet cuisine. For gourmets who value more hearty and original dishes, a recipe with pumpkin and rice will be interesting, in which tomatoes, spices and cheese are also involved.


200 gr. rice;

1 onion

2 bell peppers;

1 tomato;

200 gr. pumpkins;

0.5 liters of broth or water;

50 gr. butter;

50 gr. grated cheese;

to taste the spices.

Cooking Method:

1. Peel the pumpkin and seeds and cut into large cubes. Chop onion finely, sweet pepper and tomato - in small cubes. 2. Melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the onion and pepper for about 5 minutes, then send them a pumpkin with pre-washed rice and mix well. If desired, you can add to this rice-vegetable mixture white dry wine in the amount of 5 tablespoons. l

3. Salt, add spices, then pouring water or broth in portions into the pan so that the vegetables and rice are covered all the time, simmer until the liquid is completely absorbed.

4. Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese. Served as a side dish for meat or fish.

Recipe 4: Pumpkin Baked with Rice

Very tasty sweet dish that can be served as a dessert. Since it contains nuts, eggs and sour cream, it is impossible to call it light. However, its wonderful taste and aroma deserve to be pampered with this useful sweetness.


300 gr. pumpkins;

100 gr. rice;

20 gr. walnuts;

2 eggs;

100 gr. sour cream;

1 tbsp. l honey;

0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut the peeled pumpkin into slices. Wash rice and boil until half cooked. Finely chop the nuts.

2. We lubricate the form with oil and spread rice into it, on top - pumpkin, which we sprinkle with chopped nuts.

3. Beat the eggs with sour cream, honey and cinnamon, pour the pumpkin with this mixture and put it in the oven for baking. When the dish is ready, cool it, cut into portions. Then, filling out the berries, served on the table.

Pumpkin with Rice - useful tips from experienced chefs

The taste of any pumpkin dish, including rice, is largely influenced not only by the culinary abilities of the hostess, but also by the variety of pumpkin used for cooking. It is believed that the most delicious dishes are obtained from the "nutmeg" pumpkin.

The variety of “hundred pound” pumpkins is good to use with rice for making hot, sweet desserts.

It is better to fill in dishes from pumpkin and rice with a small amount of butter.

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