Pork pilaf: not kosher, not dietary, but amazingly tasty! Author's step-by-step photo recipe of fragrant pilaf with pork

Pork pilaf: not kosher, not dietary, but amazingly tasty! Author's step-by-step photo recipe of fragrant pilaf with pork

This plov is made from lamb, as the Uzbeks say. Everyone who adheres to proper nutrition and considers calories, prefer to swim with chicken. And those who like to eat tasty, can single-handedly qualify for delicious pilaf with pork.

You can cook pilaf in a slow cooker, on a stove in a saucepan. We will tell you how to cook a delicious pilaf in a pan, so that it turned out crumbly.


Rice - 2 cups;

Boneless pork - 400 g;

Carrots - 150 g;

Onions - 200g;

Refined sunflower oil - 8 tbsp. spoons;

Water - 2 tbsp .;

Seasoning for pilaf - 1-1.5 st. l .;

Salt - 1.5 tsp;

Garlic - 1 head.

Pork pilaf: not kosher, not dietary, but amazingly tasty! Author's step-by-step photo recipe of fragrant pilaf with pork


Pork cut into large pieces. If the pork is frozen, it is best to defrost it at room temperature.

Heat the pan well pour some vegetable oil. You can take lard or butter, but note that the calorie content will increase significantly. Fry the meat over high heat until it is browned on all sides. It is necessary that the meat is fried, not stewed. Therefore, the maximum fire, do not move away from the pan, to stir the pieces of meat so that they do not burn.

It is important that the meat is well fried, it should be dry (blotted with a paper towel) and completely thawed.

Pork pilaf: not kosher, not dietary, but amazingly tasty! Author's step-by-step photo recipe of fragrant pilaf with pork

Now take up the bow. The main thing in the pilaf is zirvak - meat, onions and carrots, which are fried. It is also not worth chopping with cutting. Therefore, chop the onion in rather large cubes. In the same pan, where the meat is fried, fry the onion. It is not passaged, and fry.

Pork pilaf: not kosher, not dietary, but amazingly tasty! Author's step-by-step photo recipe of fragrant pilaf with pork

It is best to cut the carrots for pilaf with not very large cubes. Rubbing carrots grated for this dish is considered not correct. Therefore, do not be lazy, and cut carrots. Add it to the pan with already fried onions.

Pork pilaf: not kosher, not dietary, but amazingly tasty! Author's step-by-step photo recipe of fragrant pilaf with pork

Choose a pan for pilaf with the thickest bottom possible. At the bottom of the pot lay out the meat and roasted vegetables. Salt, pepper, add seasoning for pilaf and mix zirvac well. Now pour dry rice on top. For pilaf, it is best to take good quality long grain rice. But from other varieties of rice, the pilaf will come out delicious. Just remember that round grain rice emits more gluten, so the pilaf may not turn out crumbly.

And now the main secret of crumbly pilaf. Without stirring the meat and rice, pour all the hot water. Moreover, the water should be higher than rice by two centimeters. Therefore, be guided by the amount of water in the recipe, but do not be afraid to correct. In the center we put the head of garlic. The aroma of pilau will be amazing.

Pork pilaf: not kosher, not dietary, but amazingly tasty! Author's step-by-step photo recipe of fragrant pilaf with pork

Put the pilaf on a strong fire and wait until the water boils. As soon as it begins to boil (and this should happen quickly, as we poured water on the body), cover the pan with a lid and make the most minimal fire. Cook pilaf until complete evaporation of water (30-40 minutes).

Remove the cooked pilaf from the stove and mix. We serve pilaf after a while, giving it a "rest". Pilaf cooked for such a recipe and the next day will not be one sticky lump.

Number of servings - 8 pcs .;

Cooking time - 1 hour;

Per 100g:

Kcal - 197.48

Proteins - 5.88

Fats - 9.98

Carbohydrates - 21.34

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