Chicken breast in batter is a familiar product in a new outfit. What dough can be used for chicken breast in batter?

Chicken breast in batter is a familiar product in a new outfit. What dough can be used for chicken breast in batter?

Chicken breast in batter - the basic principles of cooking

Chicken breasts, cooked in batter, are especially tasty and juicy. Before cooking, the meat is usually discouraged, which makes it even more tender.

The meat is cut into thin strips, fought off, salted, seasoned with spices and wrapped in film. Chicken breasts are given time to soak in seasonings, and in the meantime they cook their batter.

Recipes for preparing a lot of batter. The recipe is based on eggs, salt, flour and spices. You can diversify it by adding sour cream, mayonnaise, grated cheese, herbs or herbs. Knead the dough to the consistency of pancakes and give it a rest for about five minutes.

Pieces of chicken breast are dipped completely into the dough and fried in a frying pan in any vegetable oil. You can additionally roll the breast in batter also in breading mixture. Meat is cooked quickly, just hold on the fire for about seven minutes on each side.

To cook chicken breast in the oven, you need to make the dough a little thicker so that it does not drip over the meat, but keeps its shape. In the oven, the meat is cooked for about 20 minutes.

Recipe 1. Chicken breast in batter


• chicken breast;

• dried celery root and a mixture of peppers;

• salt;

• egg;

• Wheat flour;

• vegetable oil.

Method of preparation

1. Chicken brisket into slices. Add spices to the meat, salt and lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil. Cover with cling film or foil, and leave for half an hour.

2. Prepare a batter. Beat the egg in a plate, salt and beat. Add a tablespoon of flour and mix everything so that no lumps form. The consistency of batter should be like that of thick sour cream.

3. Pieces of chicken breast dip in batter so that the dough covers them from all sides. Meat in batter put in a pan with hot vegetable oil. As soon as the fillet becomes white, turn it over and fry for another seven minutes. 4. Put the finished chicken breast on the leaves of green salad and serve with a side dish of boiled vegetables.

Recipe 2. Juicy chicken breast in batter


• half a kilo of chicken breast;

• two eggs;

• sour cream - 3 tbsp. l .;

• a pinch of salt;

• 80 g of flour;

• a few sprigs of parsley;

• salt;

• sunflower oil.

Method of preparation

1. We start to cook the batter. In a deep plate, break the eggs and beat a little. Add sour cream, salt and gradually add flour. Constantly knead with a spoon to avoid lumps. Put the finely chopped parsley and mix again. The batter should be of consistency, like dough for pancakes.

2. Wash the chicken breast and dip it with a napkin. Cut the meat into arbitrary slices. Pepper, salt and cover with foil and leave for half an hour.

3. Put the pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil and heat it well. Dip the pieces into a batter so that it completely covers the meat and fry on both sides for ten minutes. Serve finished breast with vegetable garnish.

Recipe 3. Chicken breast in batter “Guests on the threshold”


• two chicken breasts;

• three eggs;

• 50 ml of milk;

• 50 g of flour;

• salt, black pepper, nutmeg and sugar - on a pinch.

Method of preparation

1. Wash and dip chicken breast napkins. Cut them into strips. In a deep plate, break eggs, salt and pepper, add nutmeg and black pepper. All is well whipped with a fork or whisk. In the egg mixture, gradually introduce milk and flour, kneading with a spoon so that no lumps form. According to the consistency, the dough should be like thick sour cream.

2. Prepared pieces dip in the dough and put in hot olive oil and fry alternately on each side. Serve chicken breast with fresh vegetables or side dish.

Recipe 4. Delicious chicken breast in batter


• two egg yolks;

• 100 ml low-fat cream;

• two big chicken breasts;

• four slices of stale loaf; • sea salt and ground allspice;

• refined sunflower oil.

Method of preparation

1. Thoroughly wash and dry chicken breast with a napkin. Cut them into large enough pieces. Each piece slightly beat off with a hammer. Meat with salt, pepper cover with foil and send in the refrigerator.

2. Cut the dough into cubes and dry in the oven. Croutons crushed into small crumb.

3. Beat the eggs in a deep plate, salt a little and whisk with a whisk or fork, gradually pour in the cream and beat again. Remove the meat from the refrigerator, dip each piece in an egg batter, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a pre-heated pan until cooked. Put the finished chicken breasts on a plate and serve with a side dish of potatoes.

Recipe 5. Chicken breast in cheese batter


• chicken breast - 4 pcs .;

• two pieces of stale white loaf;

• two eggs;

• 50 g Parmesan;

• 50 g of flour;

• teaspoon of paprika;

• on the tip of ground cumin, salt and pepper;

• vegetable oil;

• 200 g green asparagus;

• green salad leaves.

Method of preparation

1. Cut the loaf into cubes and chop with a blender. Parmesan coarsely grate. Mix the bread crumbs and grated cheese, add the cumin and paprika and mix until smooth.

2. Break eggs into a deep plate, season with salt, pepper and beat with a fork.

3. Wash and dry chicken breasts. Dip a whole piece of meat in flour, dip it in an egg batter, and then in a mixture of cheese and crackers. Spread in hot vegetable oil and fry on low heat for four minutes on both sides. Put the cooked chicken breast in batter on the leaves of green salad. Serve with a side dish of asparagus.

Recipe 6. A simple recipe for chicken breast in batter


• two big chicken breasts;

• three large eggs;

• 50 ml of chicken broth;

• ground allspice and sea salt;

• several green onions;

• pinch of baking powder;

• sunflower refined oil. Method of preparation

1. Rinse well and dry chicken breast with a napkin. Cut them into three large pieces. Beat the meat slightly with a hammer, salt and pepper, cover with cling film and send to the refrigerator.

2. Break eggs into a deep plate, lightly salt and beat with a fork. Add finely chopped green onion feathers and baking powder, pour in chicken broth and pour in the flour, stirring constantly, until the dough has the consistency of thick sour cream.

3. Put a deep frying pan on high heat, pour in vegetable oil and heat well. Take the meat out of the fridge, dip each piece into a batter and fry over low heat until it is browned on both sides. Chicken breast in batter served hot with a side dish of boiled vegetables.

Recipe 7. Fragrant Chicken Breast in Fat


• 500 g chicken breast;

• four Art. spoons of mayonnaise and flour;

• seasoning for chicken - 1 tsp;

• Provencal herbs - 1/2 tsp;

• a teaspoon of coarse salt;

• a mixture of peppers - 1/2 tsp .;

• turmeric - an incomplete teaspoon;

• half a lemon;

• vegetable oil.

Method of preparation

1. Wash chicken breasts, pat dry with napkins. Separate the bottom fillet and cut the top into three pieces. It should make eight identical pieces. Sprinkle meat with juice from half a lemon.

2. Mix flour with spices, salt, add mayonnaise and knead rather thick dough. Put the pieces of brisket in the dough and roll on all sides with a fork. Cover and leave the meat in the dough for at least two hours.

3. In a skillet with a thick bottom, heat the butter. Carefully lay out the pieces of chicken breast and fry over low heat for seven minutes on each side. Serve chicken with fresh vegetable salad.

Recipe 8. Chicken breast battered in cheese with pineapple


• four chicken breasts;

• a small jar of canned pineapples;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• a clove of garlic;

• egg;

• two spoons of sour cream;

• breadcrumbs; • salt and pepper.

Method of preparation

1. Wash chicken breasts and dry them with a napkin. Make cuts on the sides, should get "pockets", which will fit the filling. Breast the top and in the pockets rub with pepper and salt.

2. Peel and chop the garlic with the help of a garlic crush, mix it with sour cream. Spread the meat inside and out with this mixture.

3. Drain the brine from canned pineapples and chop them into small cubes. Grated cheese mixed with sour cream and pineapples. Stuff the pockets with stuffing and pinch the incision sites with toothpicks.

4. Beat the egg in a deep plate, salt and beat with a fork. Add sour cream and mix the batter well. Pour the breadcrumbs on the dish.

5. Dip the stuffed bacon in the egg batter, then roll in breadcrumbs. In hot oil, fry on both sides until golden brown, twist the fire, cover with lid, and bring the bacon to readiness.

Recipe 9. Chicken breast battered with onions and garlic


• chicken breast;

• onion;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 5 Art. l mayonnaise and flour;

• egg.

Method of preparation

1. Wash and dry chicken breast with a napkin. Cut them in small portions. Peel the onions and five cloves of garlic and chop into small cubes.

2. Put chopped onion and garlic in a bowl, add egg, mayonnaise, salt and pepper and mix everything well. In the resulting mixture, gradually introduce the flour and beat, so that there are no lumps.

3. Let the chicken breast pieces into the batter, mix well and leave the meat for an hour, so that it is saturated with spices, and acquire an exquisite taste. Put the pieces of brisket in the pan and fry in the heated oil, on gentle fire from two sides, for ten minutes each.

Recipe 10. Chicken breast in batter cooked in a slow cooker


• 600 g chicken breasts;

• two eggs;

• flour - 50 g;

• Art. a spoon of lemon juice;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• fresh greens;

• salt, vegetable oil and spices. Method of preparation

1. Rinse the chicken breasts, put on a paper towel, dry and cut into portions. Rub meat with spices and salt.

2. In a deep plate, mix the eggs, grated cheese, lemon juice and finely chopped greens. Beat the resulting mass with a fork, salt and gradually add flour and mix well.

3. In the batter, lower the pieces of brisket, mix and leave the meat to marinate for half an hour. Grease the bowl of the multicooker, switch on the “Baking” mode and set the time for half an hour. Put pieces of brisket in batter in hot oil and fry each side until golden brown.

Chicken breaded in batter - tricks and tips from chefs

  • Do not use frozen chicken breast for cooking; chilled or fresh meat is best for this.
  • To keep the batter fresh, you can add spices, fresh or dried herbs, chopped mushrooms, garlic, onions, or bell peppers. At the same time, the batter should be thick so that the dough could keep them inside during frying.
  • When cooking original dishes, you can add pumpkin or potato mash, ground nuts, red wine and various hard cheeses to the dough.
  • The cook is recommended to cook in advance and keep it in the fridge for at least an hour. The dough will become homogeneous and elastic, it will be better to stick to the meat and will not dry out when frying.
  • To check if the dough has acquired the desired consistency, dip a spoon in it, if the batter has covered it evenly and there are no gaps, then there is enough flour.
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