Apple jam for the winter

Apple jam for the winter

Thick jam for the winter is the easiest and fastest way to cook apples. Apples are rich in pectins, and these are substances that, when the temperature rises and the action of organic acids, swell, turning into a gel-like mass - therefore apple jam from crushed apples can be cooked in 20 minutes.

In principle, such a dessert is more correctly called jam, because in jam fruits or berries remain intact, boiling in thick syrup, but in everyday life these terms are often mixed.

If you want to completely get rid of the taste of raw apples, you need to cook the jam longer to a rich amber color, while reducing the heat to a minimum and often stirring the mass.


  • kilogram of apples;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • a glass of water.

Apple jam: cooking recipe

Apple jam for the winter

1. To prepare delicious apple jam, we will prepare products - apples and sugar.

Apple jam for the winter

2. Selected apples gently peel, remove excess (legs, seeds) and cut into small pieces.

Apple jam for the winter

3. Place the apples in the blender bowl.

Apple jam for the winter

4. Chop into smaller pieces. If desired, you can bring the fruit to the state of gruel, then in the finished jam will not be slices of apples.

Apple jam for the winter

5. Put the apples in a small saucepan and pour sugar on top. The traditional ratio is one to one (a kilogram of fruit is a kilogram of sugar), but it must be adjusted depending on the type of fruit.

Apple jam for the winter

6. Fill the apples with a glass of water and set on a quiet fire.

Apple jam for the winter

7. Boil lids in water for 10 minutes.

Apple jam for the winter

8. Banks need to be well washed. You can sterilize them in different ways - steamed, in an oven or a double boiler.

Apple jam for the winter

9. Jam after boiling should be stirred frequently. It should be cooked for about 20 minutes until the apple slices are transparent.

Apple jam for the winter

10. The finished jam is placed in sterilized jars.

Apple jam for the winter

11. Close or roll the prepared lid. Useful apple jam ready!

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