Adjika spicy with apples - a delicious snack to any dish. Recipes and secrets of delicious spicy adjika with apples

Adjika spicy with apples - a delicious snack to any dish. Recipes and secrets of delicious spicy adjika with apples

Adjika is very popular in many countries, because its recipes are easy, do not require complicated manipulations and expensive products.

In addition, adjika is prepared in many different ways, and thanks to its savory taste and indescribable aroma, absolutely any dish can be transformed.

Adjika spicy with apples - general principles of cooking

Initially, adjika was prepared from the main three ingredients - pepper, garlic, herbs, but the more the recipe was distributed, the more changes were made to it. Now adjika is cooked both sweet and sour-sweet and savory, and, of course, spicy. Tomatoes, paprika, onions, carrots, zucchini, apples, herbs and greens, spices and many other ingredients are added to it.

For the preparation of acute adzhika with apples, you can also use any components. Adjika can be vegetable, herbal, red, green and whatever you want. Apples remain an indispensable ingredient, but here you can also show imagination and, using different varieties and degree of ripeness of the fruit, give adjika new unusual tastes: spicy sweetness, light sourness and others.

Everything in the composition, vegetables and fruits are cleaned, washed and crushed. After boiling, adding spices, sunflower oil, salt and sometimes vinegar. But there are also adzhika recipes without cooking: here all the vegetables and apples also undergo preliminary preparation, after they are mixed with other ingredients, for some time they are defended, mixed and rolled up.

1. Adjika spicy with apples: a simple recipe


• 1 kg 800 g of tomatoes;

• 900 g sweet bell pepper;

• 600 g of sweet and sour apples;

• two chilli pods;

• 150-200 g of garlic;

• salt and pepper;

• 210 ml of vegetable oil.

How to cook:

1. Wash apples and vegetables.

2. From the apple cut skin, remove the middle of the stem. 3. Tomatoes let go for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, rinsed. Gently prying the skin, rip it off.

4. We remove seeds from Bulgarian and hot peppers.

5. Peel the garlic.

6. We twist all prepared ingredients through the meat grinder, we shift in a big pan for cooking.

7. Add salt and ground pepper to taste, pour in vegetable oil.

8. Cook, stirring occasionally, for about 2.5 hours.

9. Ready sharp adjika roll up in a sterile container.

2. Adjika is spicy with apples, greens and carrots


• 1 kg of tomatoes;

• 320 g carrots;

• 550 g Bulgarian pepper;

• 3 pcs. hot pepper;

• two apples;

• a small head of garlic;

• over a large bundle of basil and cilantro;

• 50 g of granulated sugar;

• 2 tbsp. l table vinegar;

• 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;

• salt.

How to cook:

1. Apples, tomatoes, carrots, garlic, my peppers and cleanse the skin, seeds, peduncles.

2. Crush all adzhika components by passing through a meat grinder or blender. However, working with a blender should be careful and not very intensive, so as not to bring the ingredients to a puree state, still adzhika tastier if there are small pieces of vegetables, rather than when it turns out to be a homogeneous mass.

3. Put the mass in the pan, simmer for 35 minutes after boiling on a quiet fire.

4. At this time, rinse all the greens, remove large branches, chop the rest. Rub garlic on a fine grater or skip through a press.

5. After 35-40 minutes of soaking, add the greens, sugar and salt, and garlic to the adjika. Stir.

6. Pour in vegetable oil, simmer another about one hour.

7. In the finished adjika pour vinegar, mix and immediately roll it into jars.

3. Spicy adjika with apples and plums


• 500 g of green apples, such as “Granny Smith”;

• 2 kg of plums;

• 1 kg of 100 g of ripe tomatoes;

• 500 g onions;

• a pound of bell pepper;

• 350-400 g of garlic;

• bell pepper pod;

• salt;

• 125 g sugar.

How to cook: 1. In the washed plums, remove the stones, pour the fruit with a small amount of water and boil until softened about 10 minutes after boiling.

2. Shift slightly cooled plums on a sieve, fray to remove all the skin.

3. Peel the garlic and onion, remove the seeds and stems from the Bulgarian and hot peppers.

4. Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water, remove the skin from them.

5. We cut the core of the apples, cut off the skin.

6. We twist in the meat grinder the flesh of red tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers, onions, apples.

7. Mix the resulting mass with plum puree.

8. Cook adjika two hours on a quiet fire, not forgetting to stir, so that it does not burn.

9. Add chopped garlic, sugar and salt, cook another 22 minutes.

10. We shift the ready adjika hot to the cans, roll it up.

4. Adjika spicy with apples and nuts without boiling


• kilogram of bell pepper;

• one green apple;

• head of large garlic;

• three pods of chili;

• 250 grams of peeled walnuts;

• 2 tbsp. l coriander;

• 1 tbsp. l hops suneli;

• two pinches of cinnamon, salt.

How to cook:

1. Pepper and apple peel and grind, mince two times.

2. Fry the nuts slightly in a hot, dry frying pan and grind in a mortar.

3. Pepper and garlic peel and chop in a blender.

4. Mix all the vegetables and walnuts, add salt, coriander and hop-suneli to the mass.

5. Let the mass stand for half an hour, mix well again, and lay out on dry, clean cans.

5. Green sharp adjika with apples without boiling


• 800 grams of bell pepper green;

• two pods of green hot pepper;

• celery bunch;

• two bunches of dill and cilantro;

• two green not sweet apples;

• 5-6 cloves of garlic;

• 4 tbsp. l oils grow th;

• 2 tbsp. l hops suneli;

• salt to taste;

• 30 g of sugar;

• 50 ml of vinegar 9%.

How to cook:

1. Wash celery, dill and cilantro. Drain and grind. 2. Remove apples from the core, remove all seeds from the peppers. Cut all not too big slices.

3. We shift the vegetables, peeled garlic, apples and greens into the blender bowl. Grind the mass until smooth.

4. Shift the resulting mass into a deep container, add salt to taste, add sugar and hop-suneli, pour in sunflower oil and vinegar.

5. Thoroughly mix the adjika, insist 10-15 minutes and mix again.

6. Fold the finished adjika into small sterile jars.

6. Adjika spicy with apples and green tomatoes


• 2 kg 800 g green tomatoes;

• 1 kg of red tomatoes;

• 200 g chili;

• 500 g of bell pepper (red or green);

• 3 pcs. carrots;

• 4 large sweet and sour apples;

• 240 g garlic;

• 1/2 cup of sunflower oil;

• fresh dill, parsley, basil;

• 30-40 g hops-suneli, salt.

How to cook:

1. We wash the green tomatoes, remove the skin from them, after we have kept the vegetables in boiling water for a couple of minutes, cut the stalks, cut them into slices.

2. Sprinkle tomatoes with a small amount of salt, put them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. So at green tomatoes bitterness inherent in them will leave.

3. All other vegetables and apples that are part of adjika are also peeled from the skin and seeds, and cut into pieces.

4. We pass through the grinder red and green tomatoes, pepper and bitter pepper, carrots, apples, garlic.

5. Add salt, hops-suneli, sunflower oil. Stir.

6. Cook the fragrant mass we got on low heat, stirring for about 1 hour 10 minutes.

7. Rinse the greens and chop them very finely. Add it 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking.

8. Spread sharp adjika on the banks, roll up.

Adjika spicy with apples - tricks and secrets of cooking

• Spicy adjika give garlic and chili pepper. And if garlic does not require special skills for cleaning and chopping, then you should work carefully with hot pepper pods in order not to accidentally get burns on your hands and mucous membranes. Rinse, clean and chop the chilli should be in gloves, while working with vegetables should not touch the eyes, nose, and other parts of the body too. Be careful with the airway: work in a well-ventilated area. After all the necessary procedures, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. • Adjika, cooked without cooking, is especially useful: it retains all the vitamins and trace elements of vegetables and herbs used. But in order to keep such a product for a long time, you should use more salt - it is an excellent preservative. Usually, such an adjika is not eaten in pure form, it is added during the preparation of various dishes, which means that you should be careful with the amount of salt when using the blank further.

• When cooking, do not close the pan with a lid, so moisture from vegetables and apples will evaporate faster, adjika will increase and it will turn out thick and saturated.

• Be sure to sterilize jars and lids before seaming. This simple procedure will contribute to long-term adzhika storage.

• If you use spices and herbs, be careful about their choice when purchasing. They should be fresh, not faded, have a pronounced not moldy aroma.

• Acute adjika, although incredibly tasty and has a large amount of vitamins, is not recommended for everyone to use this seasoning. It should be abandoned for those who suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the stomach, those who have digestive problems. Also, it can not be eaten by children and people in old age. And even a healthy person is better to use spicy adjika in its pure form, not on an empty stomach, and only as a supplement to the main dish.

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