Cucumber and tomato salad - vitamins all year round

Cucumber and tomato salad - vitamins all year round

The most popular and most delicious salad, according to many, is a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes! In addition to the fact that these vegetables are the most common, they will also be incredibly economical for your wallet, especially during the harvest season.

By combining them with the rest of the ingredients, you can achieve a real festive look of the dish that you plan to cook on weekdays. Extraordinary brilliance will give the salad a red or purple onion - it diversifies the color scheme of the dish and you can add the salad even to the festive menu!

And you can add olives and “Cheese” or “Fet” cheese to this salad - then you will get a real “Greek salad”. You can simply dilute the vegetable salad with capers and give it a touch of light piquancy. In general, act as you wish - just do not change the main products.

For 4 servings of fresh and juicy vegetable salad you will need:

- 2 large tomatoes;

- 3-4 cucumbers;

- 1 bunch of green lettuce;

- 1 red onion;

- 2-3 pinches of salt;

- 10 ml of vegetable oil.

Cucumber and tomato salad - vitamins all year round

First, we cut the previously washed green lettuce leaves into the salad. You can just pick them up, but try not to leave too large pieces.

Cucumber and tomato salad - vitamins all year round

Immediately after them we cut and washed cucumbers, cutting tails from both sides from each of them. During the picking season, cucumber tails become bitter, so grab a little more distance from the end.

Cucumber and tomato salad - vitamins all year round

Then comes the turn of tomatoes. They should also be washed in water and lightly dried with a towel. Then cut each tomato in half and, having cut the hearts out of them, cut it into slices. Add sliced ​​in a bowl to the remaining ingredients.

Cucumber and tomato salad - vitamins all year round

The final stage of cutting will be the chopping of red onions. If you do not have such a variety of onions in stock, then you can safely replace it with ordinary onions or green onions. Cut the peeled and washed onion in half, and then chop into half rings. Add to bowl. Add salt and pour in vegetable oil. Mix the forks with two forks so that each piece is soaked in vegetable oil. By the way, such a dish will become much more useful if you replace the vegetable oil with olive oil!

Cucumber and tomato salad - vitamins all year round

Put the vegetable salad in plates and start tasting! Good appetite!

Cucumber and tomato salad - vitamins all year round

After enjoying a juicy and tasty salad, you can calculate how much its preparation for 4 people will cost us:

- 2 tomatoes - 12.5 rubles;

- 3-4 cucumbers - 10 rubles .;

- 1 bunch of green lettuce - 5 rubles;

- 1 red onion - 2 rubles .;

- 10 ml of vegetable oil - 2 rubles.

Total for a colorful dish for four, you pay about 31.5 rubles, which means 1 serving will cost only 8 rubles. In addition to its budget, this dish will fill your body with useful vitamins and minerals, so - do not even hesitate and cook with us! Follow our recipes and significantly save your family budget!

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