Entrecote in a pan - a restaurant dish in the home menu. Cooking entrecotes in a pan of beef, pork and lamb

Entrecote in a pan - a restaurant dish in the home menu. Cooking entrecotes in a pan of beef, pork and lamb

Entrecote is one of the dishes of French cuisine, firmly rooted in the domestic restaurant menu. When he first heard his name, many people imagine something exquisite, aristocratic. In a way, it is, but everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance.

An entrecote is a piece of carcass cut between the ridge and the ribs; sometimes it is left directly on the rib bone. The flesh in this place is tender and juicy, the dishes made from these mouth-watering slices are called entrecote.

Today we offer you to cook entrecote in a pan - tender fried or stewed meat in a sauce with an exquisite delicate taste, the perfect complement to any side dish. The dish is perfect for serving with fresh vegetables or salads from them.

Cooking technology of entrecote in a pan

• In a pan you can cook entrecote from any kind of meat. Traditionally this is beef, but in modern cooking pork and even lamb are used.

• Meat for an entrecote cooked in a pan should not be fresh - paired. To make the dish tender and juicy, the flesh must be aged after slaughter. Usually on the packaging of the product purchased at the supermarket, the date of slaughter is indicated, according to which one should be guided.

• A good entrecote is obtained from pieces no thicker than 2.5 cm, with meat on the bone or not, does not play a decisive role. But it is the bone that makes the taste of the dish richer. Cutting the meat into pieces, pay attention to the thickness of the fibers. It is desirable that they were not only dense, but also thin. This meat does not need to beat, but if its fibers are thick, still slightly beat off the pieces.

• To cook an entrecote, use a conventional heavy frying pan, ideally a cast iron or special grill pan. It is in this pot will be easier to control the cooking process. • In many ways, the success of the dish depends on the correct heating of the butter or grill pan. The temperature should be very high, the entrecote should sizzle when it comes into contact with the oil or the surface of the pan. Otherwise, the meat, not having time to fry from the inside, will burn out from the outside.

• It is necessary to start roasting the entrecote at the maximum temperature, and it is necessary to switch to a lower heat after the meat is browned sufficiently. For medium roasting, entrecote must be cooked on each side for 4 minutes. It takes three minutes to get meat with blood. For full frying, it is recommended to fry entrecote for three minutes at maximum heat, and bring to readiness for 6 minutes, at a fire just below average.

• Be sure to check the dryness of the meat and its temperature before frying. Wipe the entrecote dry with disposable towels, put out of the refrigerator two hours before cooking. This will ensure uniform roasting.

• Spices. Ground black pepper, and best of all personally ground or ground in a mortar - then without which it is impossible to do. Depending on the recipe, other spices and herbs may also be required, and wine to stew.

The classic recipe of entrecote on a grilled beef pan


• beef entrecote - 550 gr .;

• three spoons of high-quality olive oil;

• pepper ground.


1. Meat is washed and left for two hours to warm. As soon as it reaches room temperature, carefully wiping with a towel, remove all the moisture from the piece. We rub pepper and salt mix in pulp, we grease with vegetable oil.

2. On a strong fire, place the grill pan and heat it so that it becomes very hot, but does not smoke. Put the entrecote in the pan and fry on both sides for five minutes.

3. Ready, cooked according to the classic recipe, entrecote lay out on a dish and stand 10 minutes before serving, without covering.

Pork entrecote in a pan - “Warsaw-style”


• pork loin - half a kilo;

• a raw egg;

• three tablespoons of flour;

• refined oil;

• 100 gr. white bread sticks.


1. We wash the pork, disposable water from the meat with a disposable towel and cut into chunks, slightly wider than one and a half centimeters. Slightly repulsed.

2. Mix a little salt with ground pepper, rub the pieces of pulp with this mixture.

3. In one bowl pour the flour, in the other breadcrumbs, and in the third well beat the eggs. Ware for flour and crackers should be wide, so that a portion of the piece can easily fit into it.

4. We put a thick-walled frying pan on the middle fire and, pouring oil on it about half a finger, we warm it. You can add a little butter to the vegetable oil, then the crust on the entrecote will turn out to be more ruddy and tender.

5. Salted pieces of pork alternately roll in flour, then dip in beaten eggs, breaded in breadcrumbs. After breading, we immediately drop the chunks into hot fat and fry to a thick blush on both sides.

6. If the readiness of the meat was insufficient, put the entrecote on the brazier, on top of the sheet of foil. Cover with another sheet on top and place for half an hour in the oven, heated to 120 degrees.

Stuffed entrecote in a pan with sour cream wine sauce


• 100 grams of fresh bacon;

• kilo of beef;

• three eggs;

• half a cup of 20% sour cream;

• potatoes - three small tubers;

• fresh parsley and dill;

• nutmeg and ground black pepper;

For the sauce:

• three tablespoons of butter;

• bitter onion head;

• half a cup of white wine;

• a spoonful of flour;

• one glass of liquid sour cream.


1. Wash the meat, dry it and cut it into chunks. Slightly repulse, paving the package, and put on the sides of each piece of fairly wide cuts. We do not cut to the opposite edge, we need a pocket for the filling. 2. Separately, boil peeled potatoes and eggs. After cooling, cut into small cubes. In the same way we grind fat, we connect all these components. Mix sour cream with nutmeg and finely chopped greens. Add dressing to chopped products, add slightly and mix well.

3. Put the prepared stuffing in the pocket of entrecote and tightly fasten the edges with wooden skewers.

4. We clean the onion, cut into half rings and fry in vegetable oil. Distribute the onion rings evenly across the bottom of the pan, spread the prepared entrecotes over them.

5. Fill all with wine and set on moderate fire. Stew meat under the lid until cooked.

6. In the sour cream, prepared for the sauce, add the flour and mix thoroughly, leaving no lumps.

7. Finished entrecotes are laid out on a la carte plates, and in the pan, after them, mixed with sour cream flour. Carefully stir, slightly warm the sauce and pour the meat to them.

Beef entrecote in a pan, with a spicy mushroom sauce


• beef entrecote portion - half a kilo;

• acute adzhika;

• refined oil.

For the sauce:

• three boiled and raw eggs;

• horseradish;

• vegetable oil 250 ml;

• 100 gr. pickled mushrooms;

• sugar;

• 250 gr. watery, 15%, sour cream;

• 3% table vinegar;

• two small pickles.


1. Chunks we cut the meat and gently, so as not to tear the fibers, repel through the bag. Rubbed chunks with a mixture of salt and pepper, put in the cold for half an hour. We reach, warm up at room temperature for an hour and rub the pieces with adzhika.

2. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil. It should be very hot, but not smoke. We put chunks of beef in hot fat. We cook two minutes with intensive heating, then slightly reduce the heat and fry for another seven minutes. Turning over, fry the other side. 3. Cooking sauce. This is best done while the meat “warms up”. Crumble the yolks of boiled eggs, add the raw yolks to them and rub them into a homogeneous mass. Stir in the vegetable oil gradually.

4. Finely cut the squirrels and mushrooms. Salted cucumbers and horseradish rubbed with a grater, cucumbers on the middle, and horseradish the smallest. We shift the crushed components into the yolk mass, add sour cream and mix well. By adding salt, vinegar and sugar, adjust the taste of the sauce.

5. Spread hot dishes on a dish and pour the sauce, its remains are served separately, pouring into the sauceboat.

Fragrant entrecote on a frying pan in red


• two thick pieces of pork pulp (loin);

• large onion;

• 100 ml of red wine, dry;

• Spoon fresh chopped parsley;

• 100 gr. creamy, only natural, butter.


1. Season the dried pork pieces with ground pepper, rubbing it in the pulp with salt. Put in melted, well-heated butter and fry on high heat. The duration of frying one side depends on how you want to get entrecote, and can last from three to 6 minutes. Finished meat turn into a plate and cover, so as not to cool.

2. In a frying pan on which the meat was fried, put a small piece of butter. Waiting until completely melted, lower the finely chopped onion and fry until light amber tint. Add red wine to the onions, cook for three minutes without reducing the heat. About a third of the sauce should evaporate.

3. Put the previously fried entrecotes in the pan and bring them to readiness under the lid, setting the heating to slightly less than average. At the end put fresh parsley, and immediately remove from heat.

A simple recipe for entrecote in a lamb pan


• lamb on bone - 800 gr .;

• four spoons of vegetable oil;

• pepper;

• ground cinnamon; • dried ground rosemary.


1. Wash the lamb and be sure to dry it. Then, chopping the bone, divide by portions, three centimeters thick, and slightly beat off from both sides. We do not remove the bone.

2. In a thick-walled pan, pour vegetable oil on the thickness of a finger and heat it on intensive heating until it starts to bubble. Then we lower heating to average, we spread the beaten entrecotes into the pan.

3. After frying the pulp for three minutes, we lower the fire a little more. Top of the pieces slightly add, season with pepper and rosemary, and then cinnamon.

4. Turning over and bringing the second side to readiness. In total, it takes 10 minutes to cook an entrecote medium roast.

Entrecote on the pan - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Turn the entrecote less often - the meat will fry evenly and its edges will not dry. If you fry it on the grill pan only two or three times, a beautiful lattice pattern is formed on the surface of the stew. To get a mesh “pattern” for a quarter of an hour, fry the entrecote in one position, and then turn it for another 50 seconds.

• Do not use sharp objects, turn the entrecote only with special culinary tongs - its ruddy crust will preserve integrity and the juice will not leak out.

• If for some reason the meat is not roasted, bring the dish to readiness in the oven, covered with foil or in the same pan, but under the lid.

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