Pork entrecote in the oven and pan: the secrets of taste. Recipes for side dishes and sauces for pork entrecote in a frying pan

Pork entrecote in the oven and pan: the secrets of taste. Recipes for side dishes and sauces for pork entrecote in a frying pan

The French name for beef tenderloin or simply tenderloin is entrecote. For a simple housewife, inexperienced in the secrets of French cuisine, the name sounds almost intimidating, raising doubts in its most basic culinary abilities.

Meanwhile, people learned to fry meat on the same day that they made fire for the first fire. Therefore, rest assured - it’s not the name of the dish. Of course, some rules of well-done meat exist, and we'll talk about this separately.

Pork entrecote in a pan - basic technological principles

Meat is meat, its taste is good in itself, without any special culinary delights. To entrecote was quite roasted and juicy, you need to choose it correctly. The best parts are those that are called marbled beef, they have a small fat layer in the muscle tissue. Choose from the pork neck for the “medallions” - this is the same fried meat, but without the bone.

In principle, any type of meat, from the bold part of the carcass, is suitable for an entrecote. But beef is the kind of meat that the French called entrecote. To be more precise, this is the intercostal part of the ox carcass. Of course, it’s difficult to cope with such specifics, especially since one carcass of meat suitable for cooking meat in accordance with refined French requirements contains no more than two and a half kilograms of delicious beef tenderloin.

Therefore, we consider other suitable options, given that the end result is juicy, moderately roasted meat on the bone. However, without a bone - also possible.

Pork is good for entrecote so that even the leanest portions of pork carcass contain the right amount of fat to make entrecote juicy.

Important: any flesh for frying should be cut into fairly thick chunks, and always across the fibers. The thickness of the meat portion - 15 mm, no more and no less. However, you can cut into thicker, if you like fried meat "with blood." Here it is important that the piece is not burned outside during the frying process. In American cuisine, the degree of roast meat is a whole philosophy. Now we will focus on the classic, generally accepted version of frying an entrecote. When boning, cut the film off: it folds the flesh when frying, making it hard. If the pulp does not have a pronounced marble pattern on the slice (neck), then leave a little fat on the surface, or put a piece of fat in the pan, next to the meat or under it: fat adds juiciness. Without fat, muscle tissues, consisting mainly of protein, under the influence of temperature, quickly collapse, displacing the intercellular fluid, and the entrecote is dry and hard.

Do not beat entrecote - do not confuse it with chops, which are always beaten after beating. During this barbaric procedure, the juice from the muscle tissue will be excreted to the outside, it will surely evaporate during frying in the pan, and the entrecote will be spoiled. Naturalness is the main requirement for this dish.

As for the variety, it is achieved by various side dishes and sauces for meat, as well as by some methods of frying pork steak: in the oven, in a pan, on the grill.

Do not turn the meat over until a ruddy crust forms on one side. This requirement also needs to be fulfilled in order for the juice to remain inside the piece, and not to flow out during a chaotic toss. Roasting time - 3-4 minutes on each side at 180 ° C. The oven or frying pan must be preheated to the desired temperature, add a little fat to the frying pan.

Do not add butter at the beginning of frying - it will burn; first use vegetable or animal fat, and to add butter to the butter, put it at the last moment, turn off the heat, and cover the pan for five minutes.

Salt and spices should be sprinkled with meat just before frying. No pickles - these are other recipes for cooking meat. But to get the desired crusting crust, there are some tricks, which are described in more detail in the recipes below.

1. Pork entrecote in the oven - natural and tender taste with a classic sauce for pork


Pork ribs with pulp 4 pcs.

Dijon (!) Mustard 40 g


Fruit syrup or honey (to taste)


Smoked lard 100 g For the sauce:




Lemon juice


Natural yoghurt


Ground pepper


Wash the steaks and dry with a napkin. Lightly salt and pepper. From mustard and syrup prepare the mixture in equal proportions, grease the semi-finished products on both sides. It is necessary to use Dijon mustard, as it has a more delicate flavor.

Put pieces of bacon on a baking sheet, between portions of meat: during frying, the smoked flavor will be transferred to the dish. In a preheated oven, place the baking sheet on the top shelf. Bake the meat until light brown. Turn off the oven and let the entrecote rest for at least five minutes.


Combine spicy leafy greens with garlic, lemon juice and yogurt. Smash thoroughly until smooth using a blender. Add salt and pepper. We do not give any specific figures indicating the amount of ingredients for the sauce, because the spices and spices are a personal matter. But try not to overdo it: choose average values ​​if guests are invited to dinner, the tastes of which the owners of the house are not aware of.

2. Pork entrecote in a pan in red wine, with a side dish of baked vegetables

White wines are usually served with pork, but sometimes breaking the rules has a pleasant effect on the taste of the dish. Just choose a dry or semi-sweet wine, otherwise you will have to pick up a special sauce and side dish for the sweetish taste of roast pork.


Pork steak 2 pcs.



Onions, onions (small heads) 6-8 pieces


Olive oil 50 ml

Red grape wine 100 ml


Pears, sweet - by the number of servings (one by one)





Ginger (root)

Eggs 2 pcs.

Olive oil 75 ml

Lemon 1 pc.



Cut the cut into portions, palm-sized and 1.5-2 cm thick. In a frying pan, in the heated oil, put rosemary, fresh or dried, a pinch of ground cinnamon, a few peas of allspice for aroma. As soon as you feel the spicy smell, put the meat, pre-salt and pepper it on both sides. Fry on one side, flip, place small onions and pour in the wine. Wait until it is completely evaporated and a crust appears on the second side of the steaks. If you are using dry wine, then add a spoonful of sugar or honey to the pan with it to make the crust caramelized. Put the finished meat in the dish - let it relax. Proceed to a more difficult stage - the preparation of the sauce. In a pan, where the meat was cooked, fry the slices of peeled pears, adding cinnamon, if necessary, fresh, finely grated ginger, zest and lemon juice. Put the ready, soft pears in the bowl of the blender and chop. One whole slice can be left to decorate portions.

Beat the eggs at high speed with a mixer, gradually adding butter, pepper, mustard, honey and salt to them. Combine the egg mass with fruit puree. Get a medium puree-like consistency by steaming the sauce for a couple. Bring to taste. Serve chilled.

To this sauce with pork entrecote in a pan, serve as a side dish with french fries or boiled rice.

3. Pork entrecote in the oven with mushroom sauce and buckwheat porridge


“Medallions” (intercostal part, without bone) - 1 pc. per serving (150 g)



Pork fat smoked



For the sauce (per serving):

Sour cream (15%) 70 g

Dry porcini mushrooms 20 g

Onion 50g

Butter, melted 40 g





Ground bay leaf


Preheat the oven. Cover the baking sheet with foil. Prepare a second sheet to cover the meat. Put spicy herbs and bacon on the bottom. Spread the pieces of meat washed, dried and sprinkled with spices.

If you choose meat without stones, you can immediately cover it with sauce and bake. To entrecote on the bone it is more convenient to serve the sauce separately.

It is advisable to wet washed dried mushrooms in water or milk beforehand. Better wet them overnight. Milk should be chosen not pasteurized, whole, so that all milk bacteria are alive - they will help revive the mushroom smell.

After soaking, transfer the mushrooms to the pan, warm up the oil in advance, and pass, together with the chopped onion. Add some hot water to sour cream so that it does not coagulate in the pan, pour mushrooms into the mixture. To thicken the sauce, add flour. Stir the sauce with a whisk. Season to taste with spices, salt. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Pour the sauce into a blender and chop. Before serving, add chopped dill to the mushroom sauce on sour cream. On the side, cook buckwheat porridge.

4. Pork entrecote in a frying pan with orange pumpkin sauce and ricotta


Entrecote 4 pcs. 250 g

White wine, dry 100 ml

Flour, potato 30 g

Butter, cream 75 g







Oranges 0.6 kg

Pumpkin, nutmeg (pulp) 400 g

Cherry 8 pcs.

Cheese, brine (to taste)


Cook the prepared meat in a pan, from both sides for four minutes. Heat the pan well and pour in some oil. Everything is done as described above.

The decoration of the dish is a bright orange sauce, vegetables and pickled cheese. The meat is well suited to the delicate taste of ricotta.

Pumpkin cut into large cubes, cherry - halves. Fry the vegetables in the same pan, where the meat was fried, but add a few spice of herbs to the meat juice, a couple of spoons of sugar. Wait until the sugar is dissolved and mixed with the aroma of spices, but not darkened at the same time. Put the vegetables and add a little salt. Fry evenly from all sides, gently stirring them with a spatula. Put it on a plate.

Remove the zest from the oranges. Part of citrus carefully cleaned, removing membrane films, and squeeze out the rest - 100 -150 ml. Orange slices will be needed to decorate the dish and give a fresh, sweet-sour taste. Mix juice with wine and mix with starch. Again, in the same pan, melt the butter. Add crushed fresh ginger, one “star” badian (it has a very strong flavor!). Pour in a mixture of wine, juice and starch. Stir the sauce, and bring it to a boil, transfer it through a fine sieve to a saucepan. To balance the taste, do not forget to add salt, and to make it hot - ground chili.

Serve entrecote portions: put meat on each plate, next to fried vegetables and pieces of cheese. Moderately pour sauce, thin thread, to stimulate the appetite. Along with the dish, serve the sauce separately, in a sauce-pan.

5. Pork entrecote in the oven - hearty Sunday breakfast with baked potatoes and vegetables

Ingredients: Pork (tenderloin) 3 180 g portions

Potatoes peeled 450 g

Fat, pork or vegetable (for frying) - optional

Salt, spices

Mustard 50 g

Honey 30g

Water 70 ml

Sour cream or cream 100 ml

Chopped greens.

For the sauce:


Cloves, coriander, pepper (ground spices)

Tomato puree 200 g

Sugar and salt to taste


Marinated mushrooms, sliced ​​150 g

Korean carrots 200 g

Fresh cucumbers 300 g


On a baking sheet covered with foil, place the potatoes, cut into large bars, prepared meat. Spread the fat evenly between the ingredients. Add spices. Cover it all with a second sheet of foil, and bake at 180 ° C for half an hour. Prepare a mixture of water, honey and mustard to lubricate the surface of the meat.

Remove the oven pan for a minute. Remove the top sheet, increase the temperature in the oven to maximum values, and grease the meat with a mixture of mustard and honey. Add chopped greens to sour cream, cover the potatoes with it. Return the pan to the oven to browse.

In the tomato puree, add spices to taste, mix. The sauce is ready.

Serve the dish with a complicated side dish and hot sauce.

6. Pork entrecote in a frying pan with fresh apples and cucumbers under mayonnaise


Tenderloin (for chop) 400 g


Fat for frying

Garnish - in equal proportions:

Cucumbers, fresh

Apples sweet and sour, peeled

Lemon juice (for onions and apples)

Green onions

Mayonnaise - to taste


Meat fry in a pan, in the classic way. Allow to cool slightly on a plate and cut into strips.

The same straw cut cucumbers and peeled apples. Apples and chopped onions, hold a few minutes in lemon juice; juice can be diluted with water.

In portions (4 pieces), arrange roast meat, apples, cucumbers and onions in rows. Pour the mayonnaise and serve.

Cranberry, fresh parsley leaves, pickled peas are suitable for decorating dishes.

Pork entrecote in the oven - useful tips

  • The choice of sauce for roast pork depends largely on the side dish, because almost any taste suits meats separately: creamy with mushrooms or garlic, spicy greens, spicy or tender tomato. Pork can be served with horseradish, mustard, sweet and sour berry sauces - any “outfit” is suitable for pork entrecote.
  • It is appropriate to prepare a sauce based on the fat left after roasting meat. In this case, the meat juice and fat ideally bind the meat and garnish into a single composition.
  • Serve baked apples or pears in a glaze with sweet and sour fruit sauce, and rice as a side dish. Add entrecote with buckwheat porridge combine mushroom sauce. For vegetable salads do not need to prepare the sauce: they already have a rather juicy texture that improves the digestion of meat. If you chose garlic sauce, then serve garnish with potatoes or other baked vegetables.
  • Be sure to wipe the sauce after stewing, grind to a uniform consistency: it will have a more attractive appearance and not distract from the main dish to which it is served.
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