How to sterilize jars

How to sterilize jars

Autumn is the time of active harvesting for the winter. Hostesses canned cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, make all kinds of snacks and salads.

But sometimes their work ends in failure. Canned food, so neatly packaged in banks, after a while deteriorate due to “bombarding”.

This is because the hostess, after carefully washing the vegetables, did not properly process all inventory, especially jars with lids. And on their surface could remain invisible to the naked eye particles of dirt or microorganisms that affect fermentation.

Therefore, the preparation of containers for canning should be approached with great responsibility. It is not enough just to wash the jars with water. They must be sterilized.

Sterilization can be performed by steam, by boiling, as well as by roasting cans in an oven and microwave.

Preparing cans for sterilization

  • Glass jars selected for canning must be free from defects and chips. Even a small notch on the neck of the jar can cause the lid to be tightly closed. As a result, air will get into the jar that will cause the product to ferment.
  • If threaded cans are used, it is advisable to prepare new covers for them, because the old ones may be bent, with rust and scratches.
  • Tin covers, which are rolled up using a special typewriter, should be with smooth edges, the rubber ring should fit snugly to the rim.
  • It is better to use soda or mustard powder to wash the cans. Detergents do well with dirt and grease, but poorly flushed jars can cause poor-quality canned products.
  • How to sterilize cans over steam

    Steam is convenient to handle two-liter or three-liter jars that do not fit in the pan or in the oven. For this purpose, you can use a regular kettle with a down handle or a wide saucepan.

    Method 1

    • Pour water into the kettle, put it on fire. When the water boils, remove the cap from the kettle.
    • Put the can in its place upside down. To prevent the pot from bursting with temperature drops, pre-rinse it with hot water.
    • Sterilize a liter jar for at least 10 minutes, and for a three-liter jar, increase the sterilization time to 25 minutes.
    • With the help of tacking, remove the jar and put it on a clean towel without turning it over. In this position, it must be before filling with vegetables.

    Method 2

    If there is no kettle, use a wide saucepan and oven rack.

    • Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil.
    • Put the grate on the pan, after washing it with soda.
    • Place the jars on the grille, neck down. Sterilize one-liter jars for 10 minutes, three-liter jars - 20 minutes.
    • Put the warmed jars upside down on a towel.

    Note. Well-washed lids can be put in the same pan and sterilized simultaneously with the cans.

    Method 3

    If you have a double boiler, you can use it.

    • Pour water into the steamer tank.
    • Install a bowl with holes. Put the jars in their mouths down.
    • Turn on the steam cooker. When the water boils, sterilize the jars for 15-20 minutes.
    • In an upside down position, transfer them with tacks on a table covered with a towel.

    Note: The lids can be sterilized together with cans, put them on the lower tier of the double boiler, or boiled in separate dishes.

    How to sterilize the jars in the pan

    • Prepare a large saucepan. Put the banks in her neck up. Pour water. It should completely cover the banks.
    • Put the pot on the fire. From the moment water boils, sterilize the jars for at least 10 minutes. Boil the lids in another bowl.

    How to sterilize the jars in the oven

    If you have prepared for canning a small volume, then this method of sterilization is the easiest.

    • Wash jars of soda thoroughly.
    • Install the grate in the cold oven. Place on it banks upside down.
    • Turn the oven on at 150 °. Sterilize jars for 20 minutes from the time when the temperature in the oven rises to the desired level.
    • Rearrange the heated jars on a towel spread out on the table.

    Note: Threaded caps should also be sterilized in the oven. Boil the lids with a rubber gasket in a saucepan with water, because in the oven rubber can lose strength.

    How to sterilize jars in the microwave

    Empty jars in the microwave can burst, so they are sterilized with water.

    • Pour 2–3 cm of water into clean jars. Put them in a microwave. At high power, warm up for 3-4 minutes.
    • Using tacks, remove the cans from the oven, pour out the water, turn the containers upside down and put them on a towel.

    Note. metal objects can not be placed in the microwave, so the covers are sterilized separately.


    After sterilizing the cans and lids, proceed to canning, strictly following the selected recipe. Only then your prepared for future production will endure long-term storage, without losing its magnificent taste.

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