What is the difference between zrazy in Warsaw and zraz in French?

What is the difference between zrazy in Warsaw and zraz in French?

Zrazy in French and Warsaw are often confused. It is these dish options that are similar in composition of ingredients. Is there any difference between them?

In the oven or on the stove?

Zrazy in Warsaw is always prepared with pre-frying and then stewing on the stove. The dish is obtained with a thick sauce. It is great for dry side dishes of cereals and pasta. It is desirable to make suppression in ware with thick walls and a good bottom. A very small fire is being made. Zrazy should reach absolute readiness, but not lose shape.

French zrazy is an oven baked dish. It does not require pre-frying. Although, there are recipes on the stove and on the stove, but they have nothing to do with the classic version. On the Internet you can even find options for meat pockets with a variety of fillings, which are also called French zrazami. This is mistake.

Meat or minced meat?

French and Warsaw Zrazes are not made from potatoes, always based on meat. But in one embodiment, minced meat is used. It's about the french dish. Moreover, in the original recipe, three types of meat are taken in certain proportions. That is why it is desirable to prepare the basis of their own.

What meat is used:

  • pork;
  • beef;
  • chicken.

Warsaw zrazy are prepared exclusively from a piece of meat, more often it is beef, but the dish with pork is also excellent. You need to choose a part from which you can cut the plate.

Filling for Spice

Zrazy without filling are not inside always put something. Filling can be chosen to your taste.

French classic recipes are prepared with boiled eggs.

They are mixed with fried or stewed onions. Sometimes cheese, garlic, all kinds of greens are added to the inside.

For spite in Warsaw, raw onions are used, which are chopped into small pieces.

Butter is added to it, crackers can be added, greens and various spices are welcome. There is no cheese in this dish.

Breading: whether or not

French zrazy baked in the oven with cheese. If the recipe contains flour, crackers, semolina, then this is another dish. Meat products do not collapse in anything. They are formed with wet hands, smooth, covered with mayonnaise and other products. Flour and breadcrumbs are also present in Zrazah in Warsaw. They are laid in the filling, the leftovers are used in the sauce, they give it a rich taste and density. Flour is needed only for the appearance of crusts during pre-frying. You can cook without it, just a ruddy crust will not. Crackers in the filling may be replaced with a grated hard roll, it is also not a mistake.

Zrazy under the cheese?

We found out that French zrazy are cooked without sauce and in the oven, but how to cover them? The classic version is cheese. It preserves juiciness and gives the meat dish a pretty crust. It is advisable to choose such varieties of cheese that melt well. But not very quickly fried.

Warsaw cheese does not need a crust.

They are usually sprinkled with herbs. For flavor, laurel, pepper, any other seasonings can be added to the sauce.

Also for juiciness on the French Zrazy spread tomato circles. They slice it thinly, then sprinkle it with cheese, sometimes they also smear it with mayonnaise or put a net out of it. Sour cream French rarely used. If the skin on tomatoes confuses, then it can be removed.

Classic Warsaw Zrazy

What is the difference between zrazy in Warsaw and zraz in French?

Zrazy in Warsaw is most often made from beef. Take the wind part, which will be cut into plates. As for the size, these zrazy are usually not very large, but everything depends on the initial shape of the piece. You can make miniature zrazy, serve two or even three things per serving.


  • 450 g of beef;
  • 100 g onions;
  • 30 g flour;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 0.5 tsp. salts;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l breadcrumbs;
  • 250-300 ml of water (broth).

Preparation Method

  1. Cut the beef across the fibers in flat pieces, about a centimeter thick. Take a hammer, beat it well, add salt and pepper.
  2. Peel the onions, chop them into small pieces. But do not use the grater, the pieces should be seen well.
  3. Add softened or grated butter to the onion and breadcrumbs; stir the filling; add herbs and spices.
  4. To lay out the stuffing into pieces of meat, not all the quantity should go. Wrap the tubes, pinch the edge with a toothpick.
  5. Roll meat zrazy in flour, fry in heated vegetable oil on both sides. Take out the toothpicks.
  6. As soon as a ruddy crust appears, pour the rest of the butter and onion fillings into the pan.
  7. Pour water or broth, salt. Cover zrazy and cook under the lid on a small fire for an hour. Onions should be dissolved in the sauce. Greens at will.

Classic French Zrazas

What is the difference between zrazy in Warsaw and zraz in French?

Here is a recipe for chopped meat, that is, minced meat. Choose a large tomato or use a couple of things. These zrazy large size, resemble cutlets.


  • 700 g of chicken;
  • 350 g pork;
  • 350 g of beef;
  • 100 ml of kefir;
  • 8 tsp. mayonnaise;
  • 1 large tomato;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • some oil;
  • salt, spices.

Preparation Method

  1. Twist chicken, pork and beef minced, add one raw egg. Three eggs cook hard boiled. Pour kefir in minced meat, salt, you can add any other spices. Stir well.
  2. Peel and chop boiled eggs. Bulbs cut into cubes and lightly fry in butter. Combine with eggs, season with spices. You can add greens to the filling.
  3. Divide the whole stuffing into eight parts. Flatten one lump in the palm of your hand, put the stuffing on the cake, form a large patty. Blind rest zrazy.
  4. Put all this on a baking sheet. Every time smear a teaspoon of mayonnaise.
  5. To cut a tomato, it should make eight slices. Spread in zrazam, sprinkle with cheese.
  6. Pour 5-7 tablespoons of water into a baking sheet, put the dish in the oven for 40 minutes, cook at 180 degrees.

French and Warsaw Zrazy are completely different meat dishes that are united only by a common name.

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